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Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Summarize the plots of the story that you have learned.


Rising action

Falling action


1. Who is the author of the story?
a. Allan Bail
b. Andy Baille
c. Allan Baille
d. Alan Baili

2. What is the name of the main character?

a. Lin Wedling
b. Lyn Web
c. Lynne Webbing
d. Lynne Webbings

3. Name the competition that she entered.

a. Short story
b. Poetry
c. Short passage
d. Story telling

4. What is the name of her competitor?

a. Lyn Webbings
b. Mr Velos
c. Geoff Bodlin
d. Geoff Bolder

5. What is Lynn’s story about?

a. A sheepdog in the field
b. A sheepdog in a flood
c. A sheepdog on his house
d. A sheepdog lost in the rain

6. Where did Lynn abandon her story after the competition?

a. In the school
b. In the cupboard
c. In a drawer
d. Under a desk

7. How did Lynn find out about Geoff’s cheating?

a. After reading her own story
b. After reading Wandy Bradburie’s story
c. After reading in the library
d. After reading Bradburie’s story

8. Below are what Lynne thought of doing after reading Bradburie’s stories except
a. Write him an anonymous letter
b. Write to Mr Velos
c. Ask Marge to tell Mr Velos
d. Tell Mr Velos

9. Geoff wants to be a _________

a. Writer
b. Scriptwriter
c. Playwriter
d. Barrister

10. What was Matheson’s reaction when Geoff did not want to become an/a author/writer
a. Okay
b. Angry
c. Surprise
d. Supportive

11. How do you think Lynne feels when she is later announced as the winner because of her
‘original story’?
a. Happy because that is what she hopes for
b. Not happy because she still wants to Geoff to be disqualified
c. Frustrated because she thinks her story is more interesting
d. Not so happy because she doubts that her story is truly original

12. Keeping anger is not good because of these reasons except…

a. It helps you to feel better
b. It results in becoming revengeful
c. It builds jealousy towards others
d. It makes you anxious all the time and doubtful about others

13. Lynne’s relationship with Geoff goes back to normal after…

a. She congratulates him.
b. She tells herself that second place is not so bad.
c. Geoff tells his theory of how the winner was picked.
d. Geoff tells her a joke about Mr. Velos’ mahogany table.

14. What is the prize for the winner of the competition?

a. A medal
b. A storybook
c. A cert
d. An award

15. What was her first reaction after reading it?

a. The tips of her ears got swollen.
b. The tips of her ears prickled with anger.
c. The tips of her ears prickled with redness.
d. The tips of her ears felt numb.

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