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Request to modify proposed settlement And include all Tax Years 2008-2012 UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF COURT OF TAX APPEALS & 8TH DISTRICT COURT GEARY COUNTY, K. S. A. 77-520 BEFORE THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS STATE OF KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF PROTEST OF ST. PAUL HOSPITALITY, INC, FOR THE YEAR | Docket No. 2012-193PR 2012-194PR 2012-258PR | Parcel ID Number 031-103-08-0-20-01-007-00-0

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 in Geary County, Kansas | MR. DUSHYANT D. BANKER CEO /OWNER AND IN THE MATTER OF PROTEST | Docket No. 2012-195PR 2012-196PR 2012-259PR |2012-260PR OF ST. PAUL HOSPITALITY, INC, FOR THE YEAR | Parcel ID Number 031-103-08-0-20-01-008-00-0

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 in Geary County, Kansas | MR. DUSHYANT D. BANKER CEO/OWNER TO: Victor Davis Jr. Director: Legal Counsel. St. Paul Hospitality, Inc. LLOYD R. GRAHAM Assistant County Attorney SHIRLEY EHRLICH (Geary County) TANYA ERICKSON (Sister) KENNETH MORTENSEN Banker MUKESH SHAH CPA BOB TAGGART TAGGART & ASSOCIATES } Date: May 18, 2012 6:39 AM Legal Department

All dockets number presented for proper routing of this document.


October 21, 2012

Lloyd R Graham Assistant District Attorney 801 North Washington Street, Suite A Junction City KS 66441-2590 Dear Mr. Honorable Sir: Graham:

I do agree with you, in our initial meeting, you came out very rude, and in extreme, anger so I am granting your request that correspond is the only best way to go, to avoid any insult and mistreatment from you. Mr. Steven Opat did gracefully apologize on your behalf so I am forgiving you. It is past gone, buried down under, and forgiven so please do not mention it anymore. I am very sensitive, and conscious not to hurt your feelings. You are a good and reputable Attorney, so you must be familiar with The Murphys Law, when thing goes bad it get worst. Your proposed settlement was on my table duly accepted, signed and ready to be, mailed to you on time; I put it next to The Wall Street Journal on my table. My grandson who is 2 year old, is getting potty trained, my wife asked me for paper, I told her to take from my table, (The Wall Street Journal) she does not read or write English, she misunderstood and use your offer. I cleaned it with Kitty litter and spray Febreze Spring and Renewal to eliminate odors, and took it to my Legal Counsel and Director of St. Paul Hospitality, Inc. Mr. Victor Davis Jr. he pinch his nose and said it stink, I was confused as it was smelling good to me and looks like a very good and acceptable offer duly signed by me ready to mail. He said we faxed Mr. Lloyd R. Graham Assistant District Attorney of Geary County month wise Transient Guest # 047-0044-G000 properly done by Mrs. Linda Stumbaugh Public Service Administrator II of Kansas Department of Revenue. On October 9, 2012 she went over and above her duty and did this paperwork in expedite manner at short notice. What a good public servant who wants to do the right thing and help me win.
Tax Account for the year 2008 through 2012

Mr. Victor Davis Jr. my Director and Legal Counsel: Said Mr. Graham is pulling a fast one on you he gobbled 2008 2009 2010 and only gave you correct classification on 2011 and 2012 which is improper, Why did you sign it.? I said I am very sorry, I am not familiar with the calculation of property Tax, and proper $ amount of what is due, so, I did trust him as a good gentleman; I did not believe for a second that Mr. Graham will do this fast one on me.

As a Honorable Assistant District Attorney Mr. Lloyd Graham, I thought you would follow the Kansas Property Tax Law and all the rules & regulations, and put aside your personal feelings for me. I was so wrong. Now only way is either you fix it or Honorable Judge of Kansas Court of Tax Appeal will fix it on the day of November 5, 2012.


In good faith, in my personal belief in justice, I would like you to take the opportunity to fix it first, and show you are a just Attorney, before we go to the Kansas Court of Tax Appeals. If you do, you will have my vote as you are Gentleman and an honorable Assistant District Attorney, who can put aside his personal prejudice and feeling and act in proper and just manner to uphold Law of the Land. Otherwise your distorted image in my mind will remain firm in its place that you are extremely prejudice and unable to put your personal feelings aside, and act in the favor of justice, in professional manner, unable to conduct business as a Member of a honorable Law profession. I understand that it is not easy. I will have to request Mr. Steven Opet to review your work for possible misconduct. I thank Mr. Victor Davis Jr. for his counsel, now I understand your offer stink even after Febreze spray, can you please revised your offer to include, correct $ amount for each year, 2008 through 2012 so we can move forward with your offer which I do believe is in right direction, it show you are acting in good faith, but half heartedly. If you are agreeable to this new corrected and just, settlement offer please send me a revised copy, and we can file it with the Court of Tax Appeals. Good news is my Grandson has gone back to his parents to Kansas City, MO. There is no chance your offer will be soiled again; I command your courage to do the right thing by correcting the wrong classification of prior assessment and treating it as Residential. I am ready to sign your offer and put it all behind us. I always try to see the good in you; I hope you come through this time. Thank you for your kind and generous offer; I am pleased we are moving in right direction. Let us go

of Judge and tell him we are happy and good mutual friends for golden future in Geary County.


Dushyant D. Banker


St. Paul Hospitality, Inc. CEO Docking State Office Building 915 S W Harrison STE 451 Topeka KS 66612-1501 MR. DUSHYANT D. BANKER CEO/OWNER } Date: October 18, 2012 6:39 AM Legal Department

I certify that I personally served upon___________________________a copy of the proposed settlement, the original of which is attached to this affidavit. Day of 12th day of October 2012 at _______AM/PM

Signature_______________________________ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORTN TO before me this _____________day of ______________ Notary Public____________________________ My Commission expires: _______________________________________

I further certify that on October 22, 2012 3:23 PM Monday I will sent my opposition appropriate answer to, the motion to all party by fax and by personal delivery

BEFORE THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS STATE OF KANSAS first thing on Monday October 22, 2012 personally hand deliver to

Mr. Lloyd R. Graham # 10949

801 N. Washington Street Suite A Junction City Kansas 66441 Attorney for Plaintiff, Geary County Certified mail by The United States Post Office. First class postage prepaid and the original and the three (3) copies to the GEARY COUNTY APPRISAL OFFICE Tanya Erickson 200 E 8th Street Junction City KS 66441 GEARY COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE Mr. Steve Opat 801 N WAHSINGTON STE A JC KS 66441 THE KANSAS COURT OF TAX APPEAL Honor 915 SW HARRISON SUITE 451 TOPEKA KS 66612-1505 Geary County Treasurer Office Kathy Tremont 200 E 8th Street Junction City KS 66441 DUSHYANT D. BANKER CEO St Paul Hospitality, Inc. Victor Davis Jr. Director St Paul Hospitality, Inc. Board Member. Ken Mortensen: Banker- First National Bank & Trust Director St. Paul Hospitality, Inc. and Board Member Mukesh Shah CPA Finance Director and Board Member MR. LLOYD R. GRAHAM # 10949 Honorable Assistant District Attorney:

End of Document: October 21, 2012

Agenda for our November 5, 2012 Meeting Review and determined on Tax Exempt Status of Land and Office: Trivedi Veteran Memorial Park in the St. Paul Hospitality, Inc. Review and correcting classification to include Apartment Rent for people Who are staying for over 28 days? Review value of the property considering professional Appraisal done by Taggart and Associate to determine value of the property.


Review of consideration of possible clerical error of wrong classification of Property Appraisal valuation for the year 2005-2012 due to that Tax was levied in wrong valuation and was over tax to refund all penalty and interest our position is if it was done right we would paid all Tax on time. We have protest Tax in the Apprisal Office in the past they insist on wrong assessment of value and levied tax wrongly in 2006 and 2007 and award all penalty and Interest back to St Paul Hospitality, Inc.

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