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ADVANCED bt.allow same ip -> true bt.enable tracker -> true connect to services -> false bt.

send have to seed -> false dht.rate -> 2 gui.bypass search redirect -> true gui.delete to trash -> false ipfilter.enable -> false net.max halfopen -> 150 net.outgoing port -> 50 net.wsaevents -> 150 peer.disconnect inactive interval -> 900 queue. dont count slow ul -> false queue. dont count slow dl -> false rss.update interval -> 20 CONNECTION port 45682 (no randomization) firewall exception -> enabled UPNP and NAT PMP -> enabled proxy -> none BANDWIDTH upload rate limit -> 30 alternate upload -> disabled download rate limit -> 40 max no. connection -> 80 max no. connected peers per torrent -> 35 upload slot -> 5 additional upload slot -> enabled BITTORRENT DHT network -> enabled DHT for new torrents -> disabled local peer discovery -> enabled ask tracker for scrape info -> enabled enable peer exchange -> enabled limit local peer bandwidth -> disabled protocol encrypt -> enabled and allow legacy connection QUEUEING active torrent -> 10 active download -> 10

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