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The Sports Biography By Jeff Miller

Student walks through the media center doors. He is upset and is carrying a football. Student 1: (Upset) I cant believe Im missing recess because I didnt read some dumb book! Im going to play sports; I dont need to read books! Its such a waste of time. Student 1 sits down angrily at a media center table and lays his head on his hands. He sees a book on the table and begins to play with the cover. Student begins to read the book and becomes engrossed. Student 2 walks into the media center. Student 2: Recess is over; you can come back to class. Student 1: (excited) Did you know that Michael Vicks father was a painter just like my dad? And he also has three other siblings, just like me! Student 2: (bored) Yeah, whatever. Student 2 leaves the media center and student 1 continues to read the book.

The Reluctant Musician by Janet Leahr

Scene1 Establishing shot, Long shot of the school practice room door A medium shot of student 1 practicing piano in the schools practice room. Student 2 (enters the room and compliments student 1) Youre sounding pretty good these days. Student 1 Thanks, Ive been doing a lot of practicing. Student 2 (comments on the school reading contest) Looks like our class is pretty close to wining the iRead reading contest, if Mrs. Stevens class doesnt beat us out for the grand prize. Student 1 ( is not interested says they must practice) Yeah, I dont have time for that stuff. I need to spend my time practicing Student 2 (tells about the prizes for the #1 class) First place is a pizza party in the media center during 3rd period! Student 1 (gets interested) Pizza, I love Pizza! Maybe I can do a little reading. Student 2 I was heading to the media center to get a new book. Wanna come? Student 1 Yeah, ok.

Scene 2 A follow shot from behind the students showing them walking to the media Student 1 and 2 exit to go to the media center A long shot showing the media center and students 1 and 2 entering the media center, being greeted by the media specialist. Media Specialist (A medium shot of students talking with media specialist) Hi guys. looking for anything special today? Student 2 Well I know what I want but __________ here doesnt know what to get. He/She doesnt like to read much. Media Specialist Ok, well, what are you interested in? Student 1 and Student 2 (look at each other and smile, then answer together) Music! Media Specialist Great. Lets look in the non- fiction 700s for some books about music. Then we can check the biographies. Student 1 (reluctantly chooses a book from the stack) Well...I guess Ill take this one. This guy likes to play piano. Man, Ill do almost anything for pizza. Students leave the media center carrying the books theyve checked out. Scene 3 Student 1 is back in the practice room Student 1 (decides to read instead of practice High Angle shot of student 1 at the piano contemplating practicing. Student 1 talks to self out loud trying to decide what to do) I really need to get back to my practicing. But this book looks pretty interesting. ______ said that we only have to read 1/2 hour each night. Ill just read for 30 minutes, and then back to my practicing. Student 1 picks up book and starts to read out loud It is a sultry summer evening just at the turn of the century in Sedalia, Missouri, a town almost 200 miles west of St. Louis. Scott Joplin (Medium shot of Scott Joplin playing piano while student 1 is reading a narration. Scott Joplin looks directly into the camera.) Reading can be fun when you find something your interested in. There are lots of other books in the media center about music and musicians. Ive made quite a few friends in your media center, Check out a book about my friend Mozart, and tell him Scot Joplin sent you.

Scene 4 Student 2 (knocking on practice room door then, an extreme close up of the clock showing 4:30 I thought you were going to finish practicing. Student 1 I was, but this book was so good I couldnt put it down. I read for (looking at his/her watch) a whole hour! Student 2 An hour! That just what we needed to win the reading contest! (Students high five each other) (Scene fades to black)

Script- Fancy Nancy and the Fashionista: By: Cassidy Vance

Student 1(S1): (plays with her hair, looks in the mirror, puts on lip gloss) Student 2 (S2): What are you doing? You supposed to be looking for a book to read during independent reading time! Do you not like to read? S1: I dont have time for reading! Im too busy looking fashionable and making my hair look fancy! S2: Well, I know just the book for you! Have you ever heard of the Fancy Nancy books? S1: Fancy who? Ive never heard of her! S2: You are going to love her and her books! Ill go find you one, wait right here. (All of a sudden, out pops Fancy Nancy) Fancy Nancy (FN): Bon Jour, Bon Jour, Bon Jour, my darling! My name is Fancy Nancy, and who are you? S1: You are Fancy Nancy? Im Gabby, and what does Bon Jour mean? FN: Bon Jour is a French word and it is a fancy word for hello. Everything in French sounds fancy, like thank you in French is Merci! I must say that I love your fancy lip gloss, but why arent you reading? S1: Reading is boring and Ive never found a book I like. FN: Aw, well that makes me feel melancholy, which is a fancy word for sad. My darling, reading allows you to become brilliant, exquisite, magnificent, and extraordinary. Reading teaches you new fancy words that will make you sound like the fanciest person in the room. Here, take a look at my book. I also many more books here in the library about all of my fancy adventures and tips on how to be even more fancy. Ta ta and never lose your fanciness! S1: (sits and reads for a minute and starts to enjoy it) S2: Hey sorry that took a few minutes, but here are some of the Fancy Nancy books. Hey, how did you get that book?

S1: Merci, which is French for thank you, and thats my little secret. You were right, I love her! Did you know that fuchsia is a fancy way of saying purple? S2: That is fabulous! Lets take all of these Fancy Nancy books back to class and learn as much as we can about how to be fancy! (Girls pick up books and go back to class)

Am I different? By Lynn Holland

Scene 1 Young student sitting in a chair in the media center looking sad. Scene 2 Media Specialist walks in and sees the young person looking sad. MS walks over and asks, Why do you look so sad? Young person: Well, sometimes I feel like I look or seem different from everyone else in my class. MS: Sometimes people can feel like that. Young person: Do you ever feel like ? MS: Well yes, I guess I have. But do you know what I do when I want to solve a problem? Young person: No, what do you do? MS: - I look for a book? Scene 3 Young Student: Where will I find one? MS: Well, I just set aside some books for Ms. Jones. She wants to teach a lesson on diversity. Why dont you look thorough these books, and see if something appeals to you. Young person looks through books. Scene 4 Young person looking at a variety of books. Looks at one in particular. Goes to reading area and reads the book student reading book pan out and fade to black Scene 5 MS: walk up to where the student has been reading and says, wow, you have been reading for a while. Tell me about what you have read. young person: I really like this book Hairs @ Pelitos, by Sandra Cisneros. MS:- Why do you like it? young person: Well it talks about how people are all different. Even people in the same family are different, but they still care about and love each other.

MS: - So did the book help you to see that being different is not something to be sad about? Young person: - Yes it did. End Scene Show student and MS walking back over to the selection of books. MS: - I am so glad that you were able to identify with that book, and it was able to help you look at the situation form another perspective. There are several more books here, would you like to read another one? young person: Yes, that would be great.

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