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When Camps Collide

This season on "The Walking Dead," the two camps have been gradually on a collision course, and now I think that it will happen tonight as Rick and the others learn that Maggie and Glenn have been kidnapped and form plans to get them back. It's safe to say that the two sides will not get along real well, especially now that two of their own have been taken hostage. It will be interesting to see the events unfold as the Rick and the Governor interact with each other. Communities haven't collided this hard since "Lost" was on the air, but back then it was the people on the beach versus "The Others" and the mysterious Dharma corporation. Fortunately for those characters, they did end up getting mixing pretty well, and as it turns out they were in purgatory, or heaven, or Mars the whole time. I don't think that Rick will agree with the Governor's leadership style, and it seems pretty clear the Governor doesn't like to share his territory with anybody else. Another interesting thing will be seeing Michonne team up with "Team Rick." She has been to Woodbury so she will give them a boost in terms of inside information about the town. The other thing I would like to see is how the characters in the prison will react to the idea that there is a safe place like Woodbury. Unless the Governor shows his true colors, they might even consider switching camps. Woodbury is, after all, much like the super-safe place that Rick heard about via the phone during the last episode.

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