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Questionnaire of Marketing Analysis project

1. What are the marketing objectives of your company? 2. What marketing or promotion have you done uptil now for your product? 3. When we talk about positioning, what do you think the customer has in mind when he/she buys your product? 4. Are your products easily available on everywhere? 5. What are star, cow, question mark and dog in your product portfolio? (BCG) 6. SWOT analysis (we have to talk about product life cycle) 7. Corporate strategy (brand history of the company, if bought then when?) 8. Who is your target market for your specific brand? 9. How/have you positioned your brand/product in the mind of target market? 10. Promotion mix (advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relation, direct marketing) 11. Placement (distribution channel availability in the market) 12. PLC analysis, Product stage. 13. What buying behavior does your customer have? (complex buying behavior, dissonance reducing buying, habitual buying behavior, variety seeking buying behavior) Competitive Strategies 14. What competitive strategies are used for marketing of your brand (over all cost leadership, differentiation focus, operational excellence, customer intimacy, product leadership 15. Which stag of adoption process are your consumers at? ( awareness, evaluation, trial, adoption) 16. Competitive positioning brand (market leader, market challenger, followers, nichers) 17. How your brand is socially responsible and ethically?

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