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MIGRAINE and Acupuncture The disharmony of the Liver system is the most common reason causing migraine headache.

According to the Zang-Fu theory, the Liver is the organ system that regulates the flow of Qi as well as stores the soul (related to mental activity). The smooth flow of Qi regulates emotional activities as well as ensures that the overall body activity operates normally. The disharmony of the Liver system, most commonly deficiency of Yin energy or excess of Yang energy, causes irregular Qi flow and Blood stasis, and accumulates Heat inside the body. Both the Qi stagnation and the Heat accumulation may result in migraine headache. The Liver type of migraine shows moderate to severe intensity, sometimes with pulsating quality and aggravation by walking stairs or physical exercise. This type of migraine is commonly in conjunction with emotional strain or stress, feeling of oppression in the chest and hypochondrium, depression or anxiety, reddened tongue with thin coating, and taut pulse. Deficiency of the Kidneys is another common reason to cause migraine, especially for those patients with a long history of headache. According to the theory of the Five Elements (Phases), Water (Kidney) energy produces Wood (Liver) energy. The Kidney deficiency, caused by prolonged illness, may result in the Liver Yin deficiency and trigger headache. The Kidney deficient type of migraine shows mild to moderate intensity and is commonly in conjunction with weakness of lower back, low energy, lassitude, pale tongue, deep and weak pulse. Clinically there is a third type of migraine, which is the combination of the Liver type and the Kidney type of headache. The Liver Qi stagnation and Kidney deficiency may co-exist in the same patient.

Acupuncture therapy uses very thin needles to stimulate acupuncture points on the skin. For migraine headache the following acupuncture points are commonly used: Hegu (LI 4), Taichong (Lv 3), Zulinqi (GB 41), and Fengshi (GB 31)

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