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Cut out object cards

a pen

a ruler

a piece of paper

a highlighter pen

a pencil sharpener

some paper

a pencil

a rubber

a dictionary

a red pen

some tippex

a grammar book

a students book

a stapler

your phone

a notebook

a hole punch

your new car

a file

some glue

your bag

a tape

some sellotape

your mobile phone

The objective of the game is to collect as many groups of objects as possible. Here are the groups:

a pen a highlighter pen a pencil a red pen a students book a notebook a file a tape RULES
" " " " " " " " " "

a ruler a pencil sharpener a rubber some tippex a stapler a hole punch some glue some sellotape

a piece of paper some paper a dictionary a grammar book your phone your new car your bag your mobile phone

Mix up the object cards. Give each person one card in turn. Each player looks to see if he / she can make a group. If you can make a group, put the group down on the table. The youngest player starts. The first player chooses one of the players and chooses one of the objects he / she needs and asks for it If the other player has the object card, he / she gives it them. The first player can now ask another question. If the other player doesnt have the object card, the turn passes to the next person. You can only ask for an object if you have one of that group. The winner is the person with the most groups.


Can I borrow ...................? # % Yes, sure. Here you are. ' Thank you. Have another go!

$ & Sorry, I need it myself. ' Thats OK. The next persons turn

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