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Rumex acetosa
round 200 odd species consisting of annuals, biennials and perennials make up this genus. Although ,once a popular herb in England until the eighteenth century, Sorrel is still a popular herb with the french. In fact the term french sorrel often becomes confused with the smaller growing, Rumex scutatus also known as buckler-leaf sor rel. Sorrel was once prized by sailors to help combat scurvy. DESCRIPTION Rumex acetosa, large leaf sorrel, is a perennial with large green, spear shaped leaves. It has reddish-green spikes of flowers borne in summer. These should be removed to keep the plant in leaf production. PARTS USED Leaves PROPERTIES An acidic, lemony flavored herb. Rich in vitamins A, B1, C and potassium.


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Puree leaves to add to Mayonnaise. Medicinal The vitamin C in the leaves was once used to help combat scurvy. Economic Juice can be used to remove some stains such as rust, ink and mould from linen, silver and wood

HERB HERBERT P/L PO Box 24 Monbulk Victoria 3793 AUSTRALIA E-mail:

CULTIVATION Rich, well-drained soil in partial shade. Water well to keep the leaves juicy. Divide and replant clumps every 5 years. HARVEST Pick leaves of sor rel as needed and before the plant begins to flower.
Height 50cm-1.2m (20-48in) x Spread 25-45cm(10-18in)

USES OF THE HERB Culinary Young leaves can be eaten raw in salads, added to sauces or egg dishes. A lemony soup can be made using fresh leaves.


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