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INFORMATION: How to use talking headers- moodle Sample talking headers- moodle.

You should probably use this to help with the process of this paper. Take subject and break it into chunks- the chunks of information are the headers and that will organize the paper. Descriptive phrases to tell the reader as well as organize and help with the messiness of this paper. Double spaced, size 12 font It wouldnt be a bad idea if you explain your prior knowledge on this paper before you actually write about what you learned just so theres a basis of information and then there is a lot of information that you found. UPLOAD DRAFT BY TUESDAY ON GOOGLE DOCS INVITE WHOLE GROUP AND PROF. TO COMMENT ON THE PAPER. GET TO WORK. ACTUALLY READ AND COMMENT THIS TIME!!

My messy thought process for this paper Going in blind Where do I even start? I have no idea. This topic is sounding like a bad idea, until I hit the jackpot Buddhism Reincarnation Dalai Lama The history of the Dalai Lama- a relatively new term, the first two actually werent called Dalai Lamas but instead given the name after their passing. What about an insiders view in a monastery? What is it like? Dalai Lama and Reincarnation Whats the process? Smoke meditation oracle lake , asking the child how old they are, scars and signs, objects, dreams, instructions, blah blah blah What does it take to be the Next Dalai Lama- no this isnt a popular show where you go online and vote for your favorite candidate. Ha. Current events with the Dalai Lama and the Chinese Government What are my thoughts on this sticky situation on reincarnation with the Chinese government? What has this all come to? What have I concluded with this? What is the meaning of peace? Will we ever achieve it? Is it just a concept that it not tangible but use to give ourselves a feeling of security and a way to escape the pressures of everday?

Dalai Lama Zero Draft

Okay, so bear with me on this journey. I should probably tell you exactly how I came to write about this very interesting and unusual topic. My first thought for this paper had nothing to do on the Dalai Lama. I initially wanted to write about the Mandala Sand art done by monks in Monasteries. Then while trying to brainstorm on how I was going to write about sand art and make it interesting my mind started to wander like if often does. I started thinking about how I want to travel to the Himalayan Mountains and take a tour up to see the monasteries and how awesomely beautiful that would be. In addition, seeing that I like to explore things that are miles and miles away from the thinking box, my mind took the idea and practically ran away with the thought of monasteries and monks. Then BAM, Wha-La! I thought of the Dalai Lama, because he lives in a monastery because hes the highest of Monks in the Buddhist religion and culture. Now, that Im running with this idea of the Dalai Lama, I cant help but to think about reincarnation and how the Dalai Lama is continually reincarnated after the physical body of the Dalai Lama passes on. Luck would have it; this is how my topic came to be. How exactly do monks find the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama once he has passed away? Are you still hanging on with me? Yes? Good! Well, here we go! Now, I should probably explain a few things, I have a feeling that you may not know a lot about the Dalai Lama, because quite frankly when I sat down to research I had no idea of where to start because I knew absolutely nothing about the Dalai Lama. To start the Dalai Lama is the highest Monk in the Tibetan Buddhist religion. He also, up until recently, was the head of the Tibetan Government, but now the Chinese government has taken control and the Dalai Lama has been forced into exile. Before he was exiled, the Dalai Lama was just as any other ruler, president, dictator etc. but since he is continually reborn to achieve his goal of peace and better the world through his teachings, the same soul is in power. SO what is reincarnation? In my journey of research, I found a good amount of information on reincarnation. Reincarnation is the continuous cycle of being reborn to finish or continue with your previous lifes work until you complete it. Therefore, until you reach the goal you set out for you will be reborn repeatedly. What is the process of finding the reincarnated soul of the Dalai Lama? This to be honest was one of the hardest things to find while searching. I kept coming up with reincarnation information but

nothing specific on how monks find the reincarnation. It wasnt until I found a web page run through the BBC and a journal entry from the Anthropology Journal, Ethnos, when I actually found the information I was looking for. First, when the Dalai Lamas physical body dies and his soul moves on, Monks will look for a child born within a few years of the death of the Dalai Lama. However, before this happens, the Dalai Lama will usually lay out instructions on how to find the reincarnation that will help the monks on their journey. Buddhist monks will use techniques like smoke, meditation, and going to watch Oracle Lake which is a lake specifically used by the monks and the Dalai Lama. Through smoke the Monks will use the ashes of the cremated Dalai Lama and release them over Oracle Lake and watch to see which way the ashes are released into and from there that is the direction of where the child will be found. If the monks decide to you meditation they will meditate until the receive a message or dream that will tell them where to find the reincarnated Dalai Lama.

From here I have no idea what to write about

Now what does this all mean? I have found a lot of information, but what conclusions have I come to throughout this interesting and slightly messy exploration? I have to say I wanted to find out how the Dalai Lama was chosen but now Ive come to a completely different conclusion. If the Dalai Lama is in the continuous cycle of reincarnation to continue his lifes work and goal of peace, will we ever have peace. If you think about it, the Dalai Lama will continue to be reincarnated until we have peace and so far, he keeps coming back. Does that mean we will never have peace? Is peace just a word that we use to describe a state of perfection that is totally outlandish and uncapturable?

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