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Process: Author: Updated: Status:

Sales Order Processing Gary Feldman 10/13/2009 In Progress

Sales Order Processing Contents

Sales Order Processing ..........................................................................................1 Process Flow ..........................................................................................................1 Sales Order Header & Footer Definitions ...............................................................3 Create Sales Order .................................................................................................6 Create Sales Order from Quote ............................................................................13 Sales Order Processing Functions .......................................................................19

Process Flow
The sales process involves the quotation, order, delivery note, and A/R invoice documents. Quotes, sales orders and delivery notes are all optional processes in Business One; however each function plays an important part in the cycle.

From Business Dev

To Procure to Pay

Yes Sales Order

No Yes Inventory Avail?

Approved? Quotations allow you to forecast Processing future sales based upon the historical success of your sales cycle. No Sales Orders create demand on your inventory for procurement planning purposes and are used to schedule your delivery process. Approval Procedures Delivery notes allow you to segregate business processes and record the delivery of the goods prior to invoicing. They allow you to consolidate orders into single deliveries or multiple deliveries into single invoices.


Pick & Pack

The sales order is a commitment from a customer or lead to buy a product or service. The document serves as a foundation for planning production or purchase orders. As shown in the following graphic, when you create an order the Available quantity is reduced and the Committed quantity is increased by the sales order quantity.



To Banking

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Sales Order Processing

Document Flow in Sales




A/R Invoice





General Ledger
When you create a document, you can always refer to one or more documents that you created earlier (except for quotations). A sales order will remain open until you have transferred all the items to a follow-on document (Delivery or Invoice), or until you manually close or reverse them. The following graphic shows the various sales documents and their properties.
Quotation 1.) Sales Document must be Created in the System 2.) Change/Reverse 3.) Sales Document for Correction 4.) Reference When Added 5.) Quantities Posted in Inventory Management 6.) Values Posted in General Ledger Quotation X X Returns Order Quotation X
(Goods Issue)



A/R Invoice

A/R Credit Memo Delivery Order Quotation X

(If No Reference to Delivery)


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Sales Order Processing

Sales Order Header & Footer Definitions

1. Sales A/R -> Sales Order The following information defines the fields in the main sales order screen.

Header Information On the header area of the sales orders the customer and delivery date are required input fields. Other values will either default (BP Currency, Contact, Posting Date and Document Date etc.) or are not required (Customer Reference Number). Field Definition Notes Customer TheBusinessPartnerCodeisthe uniquekeyfieldthatrepresentsa Customer. Name Thecustomername CustomerRef.No. Acustomerreferencenumberis Optional oftenusedforthecustomerPO numberorotheridentifiersupplied bythecustomer.

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Sales Order Processing

Field No. 2. S t e p Status 2

Definition Thedocumentnumberisdefaulted baseduponthenumberingseries.

Notes Numberingseriesareusedto segregateordersbydivisionlocationor otherbusinesspurpose.Manual numberscanalsobeused.


Thesalesorderstatuscanbeas follows: OpenYoucandrawthe documentcompletelyor partiallytoadocumentofa higherlevel. OpenPrintedYou printedthedocumentand leftitopen. CancelledYoucancelled thedocumentmanually. ClosedYouclosedthe documentmanuallyorSAP BusinessOneclosedit automaticallywhenyou drewittoanother document. DraftThedocumentisa draft. UnapprovedYoucannot drawthesalesordertoa higherleveldocument Thedateinwhichthedocument showsaspostedtotheGL.


Specifythedateonwhichyou deliverthegoodsandcreatethe deliverydocument.

Thedefaultvalueisthedateonwhich thesalesorderiscreated.Ifyou changethisdate,thecontinuityofthe numbersanddatesonadocumentis interrupted. WhenyouenterormodifytheDelivery DateintheGeneralareaofthe window,thedateiscopiedtothe DeliveryDateforalltherowsonthe Contentstab,includingnewand existingitems.Confirmthesystem messagetocopytheDeliveryDateto therowlevel



Thedocumentdateofthesales order,whichisusedfortax purposes. Specifiesthecurrencyforthe amountsinthesalesorder.

Ifthecustomercurrencyequalsthe localcurrency,theoptionsareLocal CurrencyandSystemCurrency.Ifthe customercurrencyisaforeign currency,theoptionsincludeBP Currency

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Sales Order Processing

Footer Area Field SalesEmployee Owner

Definition Thesalesemployeewhoinitiated thesalesorder Thecodeoftheemployeewhoowns thesalesorder Afreetextfieldwhereyoucanenter additionalinformationregardingthe salesorder. Totalamountofthesalesorder beforetheorderdiscountis calculated. Inthefieldontheleft,enterthe percentageofdiscount.Thefieldon therightdisplaystheamountofthe discount. Displaysthetotalfreightforthe salesorder Taxamountforthesalesorder calculatedaccordingtoyourtax definitions. Totalamountofthesalesorder includingtaxanddiscounts.


TotalBefore Discount


Freight Tax

Notes DefaultsfromtheSalesEmployee specifiedontheBusinessPartner Usedindataownership authorizationsfordocumentbased security. Ifcopiedfromaquotation,the quotationnumberwillbereferencedin thisfield.Youalsocaneditthefield contentafterthedocumentisadded. Ifthediscounthasbeendefinedinthe itemorservicerow,theamount displayedinthisfieldtakesthat discountintoaccount Whenyouupdateonefield,theother fieldisupdatedrespectively,soyou canentereitheranamountora percentage. Seedetailsbelow.


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Proce ess:

Sales Order Proces ssing

Crea ate Sa ales Order

You can cr reate a Sales Order docum ment in two dif fferent ways Entering da directly int the sales o ata to order screen Copy the S Sales Order fro a Quote u om using the button

This proce edure is for dir rect entry of the Sales Order without a q quote. lete the Head Section of the Sales Or der f rder Compl

Yo can enter e ou either the cus stomer code o name or use the or de efault list of Bu usiness Partn ners.

ton p butt to bring up the

You ca highlight a customer by scrolling or by typing in the find field. N an y e Note that the find field is going to look base upon the c d g ed column that is currently being used for the sorting. This is designated by the up arrow s he in th blue circle above. You ca double click on any colu an umn header to change the sort to that fie o eld. he l primary contac into the Co ct ontact field. Y can choos any You se Th system will default the p Cu ustomer conta in the Bus act siness Partner master file. En a customer reference if one exists nter Th Posting Da and Docum he ate ment Date will default from the system d m date. En the customer requeste Delivery Da nter ed ate

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Proce ess:

Sales Order Proces ssing

i nto nt the der: Enter information in the Conten Section of t Sales Ord Use th tab to spec items or s his cify services to be sold. e

Sales Orde can be on of the follow ers ne wing options: Ite to create a purchasing document fo items defined in the Inve em g or entory module e. Se ervice to create a purchas sing documen for a service, such as a o nt one-time cons sultation, tha has not bee defined as an Item in SAP Business One. at en s Including both items a services i the same s g and in sales document is not poss sible. However you can def r, fine the respe ective services as items in SAP Busines One. ss You then can enter the related item and services in one doc n ms cument along with their respectiv prices and quantities. It is possible to run the usua sales analy and ve o al ysis reports o these servi on ices. The cont tents tab cont tains a larger number of fie elds than thos depicted in the se n screen a above. The co ontents will al change ba lso ased upon wh hether the inv voice is Item or S Service Type.

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Sales Order Processing

Item Contents Field ItemNo. Quantity

Definition Quantitythatthecustomerwantsto orderbasedontheitemssalesunit ofmeasure,asdefinedontheSales DatatabintheItemMasterData window

Notes Thesystemwilldefault1whenthe itemisentered. ThefunctionofUnitofMeasureis differentinthecoredistributionand advancedwarehousingversionsof Business1Online.SeeUnitof Measureinthetrainingmanual.

UnitPrice Discount Tax Total


Itempricefromthedefaultpricelist, beforeadiscount. Lineitemdiscountscanbeincluded hereas% Defaulttaxcodelinkedtotheitem; editable,ifrequired. Displaysthetotalamountoftherow intherelevantcurrency.Theamount iscalculatedasfollows:Total=Unit PricexQuantityxDiscount Thewarehousewherethegoodsare tobeshippedfrom.

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Sales Order Processing

Service Contents Field Description G/LAccount

Definition Freeformtextdescriptionofthe service/charge. Specifytherevenueorcredit accounttobechargedwhenthis orderisinvoiced.


PressTABtodisplaytheListofG/L Accountsandchooseone.Thelist displaysgeneralledgeraccountsofthe sales,expenditures,andotheraccount types

TaxCode Total(LC)

Specifythetaxcodefortheservice. Theamounttobechargedforthe service.

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Sales Order Processing

Enter appropriate information in the Logistics Tab

Field ShipTo

Definition Thecustomersshiptoaddressas definedinthebusinesspartner masterdata.Ifrequired,changethe address. Thecustomerbilltoaddressdefined inthebusinesspartnermasterdata; change,ifrequired


Notes Tochangeanaddresscomponent,click theaddressfield.Thesystemupdates theaddressonlyforthismarketing document;itdoesnotaffectthe businesspartnermasterdata Tochangeanaddresscomponent,click theaddressfield.Thesystemupdates theaddressonlyforthismarketing document;itdoesnotaffectthe businesspartnermasterdata




Approved AllowPartial Delivery Pick&Pack Remarks

Default shippingtypefromtheBP Masterwillbedisplayed;change,if required. Whenselected,thischeckboxwill activatethefollowingoptionswhen youprinttheSalesOrder OrderOnly PickListOnly OrderandPickList Selectthisoptiontocreatepurchase ordersfortheitemsthatappearin thesalesorderautomatically.This opensthePurchaseOrder Confirmationwindowonceyouadd thesalesorder. Enablescopyingthesalesordertoa higherlevelsalesdocument Allowspartialdeliveryofthesales order. Thecontentsofthisfieldwillappear inthepickandpackdocuments.

Ifyoudonotselectthebox,onlythe salesorderwillprintwhenprintingthe document.

SeePurchaseOrderConfirmation Windowinthetrainingmanual

Ifyouselectthecheckbox,youcan partiallycopythesalesordertoa higherlevelsalesdocument.

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Sales Order Processing

Field BPChannelName

BPChannel Contact

Definition Notes Ifyouarecreatingthisdocumentfor anindirectsaleachievedthrough anotherbusinesspartner,specifythe codeofthatbusinesspartner Thesystemwilldisplaythedefault contactpersonoftheBPChannel,as definedinthebusinesspartner masterdata;change,ifrequired

Review and edit information in Accounting Tab as required.

Field JournalRemark




Definition Bydefault,displaysSales Order XXX,whereXXX isthecustomer code. Bydefaultdisplaysthepayment termsforthecustomerasdefinedin thebusinesspartnermasterdata.If required,specifydifferentpayment terms Specifythepaymentmethodforthe customerasdefinedinthebusiness partnermasterdata. AprojectmaybelinkedtoaBusiness Partnerorassignedtotheparticular salesorder. Specifythelastdateonwhichthe customeracceptsthegoods.The defaultvalueis30daysafterthe DeliveryDate Specifytheexpecteddateonwhich thegoodswillbedeliveredtothe customer.Thedefaultvalueisthe DeliveryDate

Notes Thiswillonlybegeneratedafter saving.Asnojournalentryiscreated Paymenttermsarealsotiedtodefault pricelistsinBusinessOne.See separatetrainingonPriceLists

InB1Onlinethisdefaultshouldbe IncomingCheck. Bydefaultdisplaystheprojectname linkedtothecustomerinthebusiness partnermasterdata.Ifrequired, specifyadifferentprojectname



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Sales Order Processing

When the contents, logistics and accounting tabs are complete you can review the footer information on the order.

Review the sales totals for accuracy. At this point you can add additional remarks if desired in the Remarks box and press to record the order in the system

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Sales Order Processing

Create Sales Order from Quote

There are two ways to create a sales order from a quote: Push the order from the quote to the sales order Draw or Pull the order to the sales order from a quote



1. To Push the sales order from a quotation, open the quotation you want to convert from Sales A/R -> Sales Quotation

2. Select Order form the button. 3. The Sales Order will automatically appear with all the information from the quotation.

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Sales Order Processing

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Sales Order Processing



1. Open a Sales Order Form from Sales A/R -> Sales Order




2. Select the Customer for who the order is being placed. 3. Select the Copy From Button and choose Sales Quotations 4. A listing of Sales Quotations will appear for that Customer Highlight one or more of the quotations you would like to copy to the sales order

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Proce ess:

Sales Order Proces ssing

5. The Draw Documen Wizard will lead you thro nt ough the proc cess of creatin the order f ng from the quotat tion(s). It prov vides differen options for c nt customization and for alter n ring data base on the ed target document yo are creating and the sou ou g urce documen you are using. For exam nt mple, you can ch hoose which e exchange rate to apply or w e whether to als draw freigh charges an so ht nd withho olding tax valu from a base document to the target document ues t

The fir option is only applicable if you use m rst e multiple curren ncies. You al have the o lso option to Draw All Data (inc w cluding freigh and tax) or Customize th copy. ht he Make your selection and select the y ns button

Custo omize is most frequently us when you want to select some of the lines on sed u e the qu uotation but not all of the lin and/or he you have m nes en multiple quota ations being copied. See example belo ow If you customize an interim scree will come u as shown below: c n en up

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Sales Order Processing

You may select the lines individually or in bulk with normal SAP selection methods. Note that multiple copies of Item A00003 were selected. When you select the button the sales order will be created in Add Mode,

6. When you have multiple lines with the same item you have the choice of summarization.

Sales orders can be summarized as follows: No Summary the default value for this field. By Documents summarizes rows with the same base documents (Quote) into one row that displays the base document number and reference. If an item appears in the table more than once and has the same price and description each time, it will be summarized to one row. This option is available only for documents of the type Item and when you copy rows from base documents. By Items summarizes several item rows with the same item into one row. However, this is possible only when these item rows have the same parameters (for example, price, description, and warehouse). This option is available only for documents of the type Item If you choose to summarize the display of the screen and the print options will change:

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Sales Order Processing

With no summary the order displays in the default view and each line of the order will print on the order.

When Summarized the appearance of the screen changes to denote the summarization and individual lines cannot be edited as each line maintains its original attributes. The sales order will also print in a summarized fashion.

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Sales Order Processing

Your SAP Business One system has several functions to enhance the sales process as shown below.

Sales Order Processing Functions

Quotation 1.) Credit Limit Check 2.) Gross Profit and Last Prices Report 3.) Link to Transaction Journal 4.) Serial Number and Batch Management 5.) Activities 6.) Create Document Drafts X (X) X X Order X X Delivery X X (X) X X

A/R Invoice X X X X X

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