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Lift vs.


Lift/drag have a postive linear correltaion with wing area (and with air density) because they are on opposite sides of the lift/drag equation, and neither have an exponent. When area/density is zero, our lift is also zero, so our grpah starts at the origin. This is different from the Angle of Attack vs. Lift/Drag graph because even at a 0 angle of attack, we have some lift since we have some velocity. Altitude did NOT have a linear erealationship with lift/drag, where air denisty does because air density and alititude do not have a linear relationship with each other.

Lift and Drag vs. Angle of Attack Lift increases with angle of attack up to a certain point, and then it decreases. For this airfoil, the lift started to decrease at 15. This makes sense because that is the average point at which most planes start to stall. Stall occurs when the air separates from the wing. Drag has a similar relationship with angle of attack except it increases with negative angles of attack up to a certain point.

Coefficients vs. Lift Cl and lift have a direct relationship of each other since they are on opposite sides of the lift equation. The Drag and cd are the same way.

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