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Jessica Williams-Wilborn English 1102 Ms.Ingram September 18, 2012 Gary , Ramedafedi. "The Relationship between Suicide Risk.

" Jan 1998: 57-60. Print. <>.

The relationship between suicide Risk and sexual Orientation was an interesting article that consisted of useful information. This article talked about the study that was performed on the relationship between sexual orientation and suicidal risk in a population sample of adolescents. A survey was sent out to grades 7 to 12 in a public school. Some authors have said that gay youth are two to three more times to commit suicide. The results showed a strong correlation between suicide risks in bisexual or homosexual males. However there was not a strong enough correlation between heterosexual and homosexual females to say that sexual orientation played a role in suicide. In general , teenage and young adult (13 through 24 years of age) females attempt suicide two to nine times more frequently than males , but young males are approximately six times more likely than females to complete suicide(Gary 59.)For decades investigators have been trying to figure out the increased suicide rates in young adults. However there is no population based evidence that sexual orientation and suicide risk are linked together. Randall L, Sell. "Sexual Orientation Data Collection and." Abstract. 91. (2001): 876-882. Print. <>.

Sexual Orientation Data Collection and progress toward Healthy people 2010 is an article based on the health of LGB (Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. This article also focuses on the health concerns of lesbians, gay and bisexual people since there has been a lack of scientific on information about their health. Healthy people 2010 have objectives spanning around ten focus areas of LGB which include their access to care, family programming, HIV, immunization and infectious disease, mental health and mental disorders, and substance abuse. Health People 2010 is a positive program that will change the lives of LGB Americans. Healthy people are trying to gain more data about the health of LGB. There when the help LGB with obtaining better health care they will also be surveying them on different sexual

orientation questions. Healthy people 2012 do however have experience in doing surveys such as these. "Sexual orientation and homosexuality." Home | Help | Log InMORE APA WEB SITES n.pag. Web. 20 Sep 2012. <;. This Website talks about a Variety of different topics concerning sexual orientation. In the being it explains what sexual orientation is an understanding manner. Sexual Orientation is solely defined in terms of your relationship with others. Next it goes on the help people identify if you are gay, lesbian or bisexuals if you are not truly sure what you are interested in. Leading up to why people may have a certain orientation. Explaining that there is really no consensus among scientist about the exact reasons why people may be gay, lesbian or bisexual. Discrimination and prejudice plays a major role in your sexual orientation. People usually have negative attitudes toward people who are gay, bisexual or lesbian. Being gay, lesbian or bisexual is not a mental disorder. Scientist have found no relation between being gay and mental. In addition the article continues to go on about when is the right time to come out about your sexuality, the nature of same sex relationships etc. this article was beyond beneficial and interesting.

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