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The SAPSF Newsletter...

Volume 1 Issue 2 December 2012

A Warm Welcome from the Editor

for 2012/2013 and the beginning of being a Pharmacy Intern! I would like to congratulate all my fellow final years on completing their Bachelor in Pharmacy and in the process, in writing the last sentence in their book of being a student for those still at varsity, I would like to share the following words Dont blend, dont water it down, dont try to make it logical; dont edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. On a lighter note, I invite all of you to open an account on Scribd and Issuu and follow SAPSF or SAPSF Publications. These online libraries offer endless information and may even help you more than Google someday! The official SAPSF Magazine, The Antidote, is being published soon you are in for a treat!! We have worked very hard and I am sure that you will fall in love with it! Enjoy the bright summer pastels of the newsletter and keep safe while travelling, Seasons Greetings and yours forever in Pharmacy, Cindy SAPSF Editor 2012/2013

3 4 5 7 10 12 13 1. News from Presco 2. Vice President calls for Change 3. Madam General Secretary and Madam President join forces at ICPA Conference 4. Student Exchange News 5. Public Initiative: Red Test 6. Post Graduate News 7. News from Branches


News from Presco

It feels like just yesterday when we were all gathered at the University of the Witwatersrand for the 59th annual SAPSF conference. It will not be too long till we meet again at the North Western University in Potchefstroom for the next annual conference. I am extremely enthusiastic about this next meeting, not only because we will get a chance to relieve our post conference withdrawal stress but because of the milestone that the federation is reaching as it shall be our 60 th anniversary. Please make sure that you all keep in touch, interns included and join us for the commemorations in Potchefstroom. Keep an eye on our website, Facebook page, Twitter page and find out more from your branch chairs for the details about the 60 th Annual SAPSF conference.

Fadzai Munedzimwe SAPSF President 2012/2013

Still on the note of conferences, the South African Pharmacy Council will be hosting the first ever National Pharmacy Conference from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2013 at Sun City. The objective of this conference is to mould the pharmacy profession into a force that will unite behind a shared vision to contribute more significantly to a stronger South African healthcare system as we move to Pharmacy 2030. As Pharmacy students, we have a crucial role to play in the profession. This conference is an opportunity for us to join other professionals, learn from them as well as to form networks in order to become a part of the united force that will move Pharmacy forward. I urge you all to attend this conference, and be actively involved! The 2nd IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium shall be held in Tanzania from the 1 st to the 10th of July and this is an additional opportunity for you to get involved and connect with fellow African pharmaceutical students. The 59th IPSF world congress will take place in the Netherlands from the 30th of July to the 9th of August. If you are interested in more details on these international opportunities do not hesitate to contact myself, or any one of the PresCo members. Let us get involved at a national and international level, as we pharm the future of our profession beyond the counter to where we would like to see it. Yours in Pharmacy, Fadzai Munedzimwe.


Vice President calls for Change

I am John - I am a health promoter, an HIV ambassador and I have been living with this virus for more than fifteen years. I am Deneo, a breast cancer survivor, when I found out I had cancer I thought it was the end of my world until I learnt more about this condition I thought Diabetes was a disease for the rich. Three years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. I then started reading more and finding out one can live long with this condition was a load off my shoulders So we all surely have had this kind of stories more than once in our life time. The seminars, conferences, lectures and sermons always include these kinds of topics. People with conditions similar to the above are always good narrators and experts in these kinds of chronic conditions. These people know even better than physicians, pharmacist, nurses, specialists etc.

When will we hear more of HIV negative, diabetes free, cancer free ambassadors?
When will our nation stop being victim of circumstances first to know more about diseases, deadly conditions, life style modification etc.? It is said that our country is more of a treating than preventing country. What happened to prevention is better than cure? On worlds AIDS day I decided to preach the gospel of changes and the response I got made me conclude there is still a lot of awareness to be done in our communities. No matter how little the change can be it will make a huge difference. Be that change and help someone to help hundreds others. Lutendo. Lutendo

Lutendo Makgopa SAPSF Vice President 2012/2013


Madam General Secretary and Madam President join forces at ICPA Conference
ICPA CONFERENCE REPORT 14-16th SEPTEMBER 2012 The Inaugural ICPA Convention and Trade Exposition 2012! The first that ICPA has ever done and it was a success the first time around. It started on the 14 th September with the cocktail evening at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg. The 15th September 07h00 is when the real work began starting with registration. Opening and welcome speech by ICPA Chairperson, Sham Moodley. He mentioned a very vital point that pharmacists are being underutilised in terms of service and one of the ways to improve the health care system is to expand on pharmacists and maximise our potential. Next speaker Dr Anban Pillay, DDG of National Department of Health spoke of NHI and the relevance to Pharmacy. He mentioned that the objective of

Keneilwe Rabaji SAPSF General Secretary 2012/2013

of NHI is to provide cover to more South Africans and reduce the cost and fees that are paid out of our pockets. Most importantly to have a balance between primary care and tertiary care. Currently the Department of Health (DOH) is conducting a pilot study in the 9 provinces in order to test innovations necessary for NHI success and ways to improve general management of facilities contracting centralized and regional procurement of particular product funded by NHI. The main point that he raised was that we as pharmacists must take action if we see injustice in our delivery service sector because the patient is the one who is most affected and not be afraid to raise it to the next level and not leave it to the doctors to be the only ones saying something. There needs to be a paradigm shift in the role of the pharmacist how is it that we put the patient at the centre and that we provide basic health care and not just a place where people collect medicine. For further information on NHI International speakers were Lauro Moretto Exec Vice President SINDUSFARMA (President: National Academy of Pharmacy Brazil) and Ashok Soni (Vice Chair English Pharmacy Board of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (UK)) .They provided us with tools in terms of their supply chain and what is done in the primary health care structure of the respective countries, most importantly how we can learn from each other. Ashok Soni mentioned that we should be pharmacists with a special interest and not just a pharmacist focusing on what a pharmacist does. We have the opportunity to make an intervention that will make a difference in the patients life. After tea break was Lulu Kruger, Associated Director KPMG spoke to us about cost VS Economic benefits of Implementing NHI. Topic was Funding NHI: A spoon full of sugar .The critical factor about implementation of NHI is to increase productivity for the economy and make sure its introduced the right PAGE 5 way.


In the afternoon were presentations on Business tools for Pharmacy. Speakers inorder: Bernhardt van Der Merwe (Smolla group), Richard Gill and Gary Hendrickse (Sherpa Business Communications). Following the hot topic medical schemes Reimbursement. Speakers in order: Mark Payne (Medscheme) and Ms Inez Naidu (Discovery health 2013). In the evening was the lovely Gala dinner to celebrate the Inaugural Conference and success of the first day of conference, with Solly Suleman opening the Gala evening at the ICPA Conference and Justin Cohen, the motivational speaker for the evening. The next day of the conference began with a breakfast symposium and saw the launch of the ICPA diabetes campaign which will involve screening patients for diabetes and the ICPA committed itself to screening 100 000 patients before November which is the Diabetes month. This was followed by the ICPA AGM and a presentation by Prof Nadine Butler. Professor Nadine Butler (University of the Western Cape) presented on Using Treatment Algorithms in Pharmacist Initiated Therapy. In her presentation, she defined an algorithm as a process or set of rules to be followed in problem solving operations. She went through the phases and importance of developing algorithms stating that some of the benefits of using algorithms are that they facilitate decision making and also allow pharmacists to individualise patient therapy. Algorithms may be very useful if applied in conditions such as GORD, headache and possibly rhinitis. After the tea break, there was a presentation on adherence management through the Simplify my Meds programme. This is a coordinated prescription refill program which is aimed at improving adherence as well as simplifying the process of renewing prescriptions for pharmacist. He went through the steps of the programme and highlighted that the potential benefits of using the programme would be that it would allow the pharmacist to control the queue in the pharmacy, start each month with an almost guaranteed revenue from patients that come to collect their chronic medications, order medicines more efficiently, potentially reduce costs whilst maximising on profits.


Mmakgabo Chokwezz SAPSF Student Exchange Officer 2012/2013

Student Exchange News


On 24 August 2012, University of the Western Cape Association for Pharmacy Students (UWCAPS) welcomed Anja Stulz, a German exchange student to Cape Town, South Africa. Her Cape Town visit, which extended from 24 August -22 September 2012, was a great initiative and opportunity to interact with an international pharmacy student and recognise her perspective on the world of pharmacy. The aim of the exchange programme was to enrich the students learning experience in pharmacy by exposing her to the multifaceted realm of pharmacy and mutually benefit the development of the UWCAPS Student Exchange Programme. Upon receiving notification that the exchange student would be arriving at our UWCAPS branch, I took the liberty of advertising via social media as well as the faculty for accommodation to host the visitor. Prior to Anja's arrival a huge issue of accommodation set doubts about whether or not our branch was able to accommodate the exchange student as fellow UWC pharmacy students were not able assist in this regard. My new role as UWCAPS Local Student Exchange Officer, officially handed over to me in July, posed challenging as this had been my first major project of hosting an exchange student and completing the task seemed impossible. After no response received from students regarding accommodation, UWC Student Accommodation Administration was approached to arrange housing for the students visit. The Theology Guesthouse, a well known accommodation site for many dignitaries and guests to the University of the Western Cape was booked for Anja. Her stay include self-catering facilities and the availability and accessibility to the main campus at all times of which was convenient for the student to attend the campus activities.

Week 1
On the day of her arrival, Friday 24 August 2012 at Cape Town International Airport, Anja was greeted by Frank Zindo, a 4th year Pharmacy student who resides on the campus of the university. He had ensured Anja settled in at the arranged accommodation, grabbed a bite to eat and even accompanied her to do her grocery shopping for her stay.


On Monday 28 August 2012, the first day at the School of Pharmacy, Anja was officially welcomed by the Director of the Pharmacy School, Professor Sarel Malan. He commended SAPSF for the great initiative in allowing UWCAPS to host an exchange student for the duration of time. His enthusiasm about the development of UWCAPS Student Exchange Programme was encouraging as this was a fairly new introduction to the pharmacy school. The introduction of Anja to the staff at the Pharmacy School and allowed all administration to be completed to allow the student to participate in activities and gain access to the facilities on the campus such as the computer laboratories and library. During Anja's first week of being at UWC, 26 August30 August she had participated in the Service Learning in Primary Healthcare (SLIP) for 4th year students, she had experienced the community of Mitchells Plain Clinic. Her two consecutive days (Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th) at the clinic had opened her eyes to the role of pharmacists in the community as she had not experienced the buzz of a local clinic before, not even in Germany. Her exposure to the Cape Flats was indeed a culture shock from life in her native land. On Thursday 29 August 2012, Anja was invited to the Library Auditorium to witness the 3rd Years SLIP Demonstrations. A day on the UWC School of Pharmacy calendar when all 3rd year student present to their fellow students, staff, and Primary Healthcare facility managers their community projects which was carried out. The demonstration took most of the day and was well-received by the German exchange student as this was something not done during her Pharmacy course at Freiburg University.

Week 2
On the first Saturday of the short university holidays, Julia Losper, a UWCAPS member and Head of Charity Foundation, invited Anja along with her friends to the 'Old Biscuit Mill', an organic market in Woodstock near the CBD as well as a visit to the famous Victoria & Alfred Waterfront where Anja had a taste of the Cape Town life. Her second weekend in Cape Town was dampened by the rainy weather and thus was not been able to do more sightseeing of the city. Due to the distance of the universit weekend visits to the university hindered many plans to do social activities together with Anja. On Monday 2 September 2012, during the holiday break allowed Anja to interact with UWC 4th year Pharmacy students on campus to observe the progress of their Research Projects. Anja shadowed Theodette Golden, ex- Local Student Exchange Officer, and her group in their Pharmacy Practice Research Project. Her presence in the discussions and meetings was well received by the fellow students and the encouraged the making of new UWC friends. The remainder of the week allowed Anja to explore more of the city with acquaintances at the Theology guesthouse. Her trips around the city on the topless red bus and seeing the penguins on Boulders Beach in Simonstown had been one of the highlights of her trip to Cape Town. Due to academic commitments none of these fun activities were participated by members of UWCAPS. The location of the university was in close proximity to a busy taxi rank and train station and thus the student was free to explore those routes at her own risk.


The timing of Anja's arrival was not ideal as the first week of her arrival coincided with the September holidays which was for one week, Friday 30 August and beginning campus 10 September 2012, in which the majority of the students took advantage of to study for their upcoming tests and due dates of assignments.

at the gesture of her birthday cake and her gift received from UWCAPS. Her birthday had marked the last week of her UWC visit for which she would be leaving the campus to tour the greater South Africa with her sister, due to arrive 22 August. The days following her birthday were filled with great memories and her farewell at UWC Pharmacy School was emotional as she had developed great ties with UWC and Cape Town. UWCAPS presented Anja with a Farewell goodie bag which contained Proudly South African biltong, biscuits and chocolate as well as UWCAPS merchandise. On behalf of UWCAPS, it was a great opportunity and privilege to host Anja Stulz as I believe UWCAPS has gained as much an appreciation for the Student Exchange Programmes as Anja has for UWC School of Pharmacy. UWCAPS has developed to a more recognised student body with the hosting of the foreign student and the aims to engage in a new perspective of the world of pharmacy, to enrich her learning and benefit the development of the UWCAPS Student Exchange Programme were indeed met. Going forward, I would like to encourage SAPSF to kindly be cognisant of the timing and dates of the arrival of the exchange student as academic commitments continually overshadowed the availability of the students to host the visitor. As this was my first project as Local Exchange Student Officer I have definitely acquired great knowledge and experience in the ability to liaise and organise a programme for the exchange student and was grateful to be a part of this initiative. Yours in Pharmacy Lindy Hesqua UWCAPS

Week 3
The opening of the university for the fourth and final term, saw the return of all students to the campus and the commencement of lectures. During this time period the campus was plagued by midterm tests. Anja accompanied me to the 3rd year lectures which were very informative as they had focussed more on the practical side of pharmacy in relation to her pharmaceutical chemistry background. She had commented on the lecturing style of the lectures whom she found to be very accommodating and helpful. Her attendance to all the practicals during the week, allowed her to participate and refresh her experience in the preparation of suppository making, making powders and granules for tablets as well as doing a full ear, nose and throat examination which was an entirely new experience. These practicals were educational and fun and provided Anja with a greater appreciation for the profession. Cake sales and boerewors were on sale a fundraiser in aid of the Annual 4th year Pharmacy Ball and this was supported by Anja along with many students who thoroughly enjoyed the local South African boerwors rolls and indulged in delicious cupcakes. This was one way of in which fellow UWC students socialised with the foreign student on campus and learnt more about each other's cultures.

Final Week
On 18 September 2012, Anja celebrated her 24th birthday at UWC for which she was really surprised


Public Initiative: The Red Test

Smiling and posing for pictures have become one of the SAPSFers specialities to promote health projects. The national oral healthcare project was a great success. The success in such projects lies in that they are easy to implement and easily controlled. I therefore urge students to continue their participation in the projects and most importantly get other non-pharmacy students involved too. On that note I encourage 1st to 3rd year students to take part in the HIV/AIDS pharmacy focused Quiz that was launched on the 1st of December,World AIDS Day. The competition was uploaded on all Facebook groups and will be extended to the 30th of December 2012 and there is an amazing gift voucher to be won by the winning student. The unfortunate element to Phumeza Aviwe Mlonzi the projects launched is that they lack community involvement. We SAPSF Public Initiative Officer therefore look forward to projects that will require students to go into 2012/2013 communities and get their hands dirty. We appreciate branches that have made great efforts to successfully organise eventful and enjoyable pharmacy weeks and the reports of such have been lovely to read. The prospect of new projects is exciting and hopeful for full participation as we will kick off the year by celebrating Health lifestyle awareness. As the new year approaches I wish you all the best. Love Health, Love SAPSF Yours in Pharmacy Phumeza Aviwe Mlonzi SAPSF PIO 2012-2013

Editors note Please feel free to e-mail SAPSF if you have any questions regarding the HIV/AIDS Day Campaign. If you dont ask, you will never know; If you dont try, you will never win! South Africa is one of the countries with the highest HIV infection rate, which means that we have the responsibility to know EVERYTHING about this disease we have so much to share with other countries! But first things first be the change!



Post Graduate News

APSSA Conference hosted by Rhodes University The annual conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa (APSSA) was held at Rhodes University on the 13th to 15th September 2012. The Young Scientist presentations were also presented during this event. This was the 33rd annual conference of the APSSA, an organisation established in 1979 to advance pharmaceutical sciences and education in South Africa. The theme of this years conference was From innovation to commercialisation-Advancing Practice and the idea behind this theme is that innovation must be implemented in the broad sense to improve quality of health care in our country and not just be laboratory work that have no impact. Key speaker like Prof. Richard Haynes, Dr. Bhupesh Samant, Dr. David NDa and Dr. Tim Rennie presented on topics like Malaria, Pharmacy Education, Trypanosomiasis, Biosimilars and HIV counselling. The winner of the Young Scientist competition was Wayne Mentz form North-West University with his presentation on Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors for the treatment of Parkinsons disease. Runners up were Karin Roos (North West University) and Razia Gaida (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University). The venue for the converence was the magnificent Settlers monument with an amazing view of Grahamstown. Rhodes University entertained us in abundance with many sophisticated social events. This is definitely a week that we will not forget very soon and I thank the City of Grahamstown and Rhodes university for entertaining us in such an enjoyable way!

Janke Kleynhans Post Graduate M.Sc Pharmaceutical Chemisty


News from the Branches

News from RUPSA
September Events The committee of 2012/2013 took over from the Annual General Meeting that was held on the 28th of September 2012. Events for the month of October With the new committee recently elected into office, the planned event organised by RUPSA was the Semester Exam Treats which was planned to be held on 26th October 2012. There were no further activities due to upcoming examinations and the completion of an academic year. Plans for February 2013. The tentative plans for the following year include signing up new members for the society, organising ice-breakers between 1st year BPharm students and the seniors in the faculty, organising community engagement amongst other events. A more detailed report will follow in due course.

News from PASV

September Events NWU had their testweek was from the 8 September till 17 September, which delayed pharmacy week to start on the 17th of September. On day one students took children from their community outreach project learn and play nursery, to the local SPCA to play with the dogs. On the 18th they had a campaign to give out bread and flour to the community by driving around in Potch, handing out bread and flour to the people in the streets. The day was ended with a talk about M-degrees, PSSA and PPS. On Wednesday it was the informal social event. The theme was Smokers Lounge. It was a big success with over 300 people attending. iHeart campaign was held in the morning where cupcakes and teddybears were handed out. On the last day rugby was played against the tokkelokke - theology students - Pharmacy beat them 67-7. September ended with even more scheduled tests.


News from the Branches

October Events On 11 October we had Barefoot Day, where students spend a day without shoes to raise awareness about the large number of street children. PASV placed a donation box in the Pharmacy Building. On the 12th of October we hosted our Final Years Ball. Read below. Examinations started on the 26th October, which marked the end of PASV Events for 2012. PASV Final Year Ball This year Madam GS and I attended our Final Years Ball as final years and not as executive members. Despite the unexpected thunderstorm causing unwanted hairstyling difficulties and high heels sinking into the drenched grass, the weather did everything but dampen our moods when we arrived at Feather Hill Estate to a breathtakingly stunning sunset! Quintin Labuschagne did more than an excellent job with his Tango themed wonderland. The hall was decorated in red and black, complimenting the glamorous atmosphere perfectly. Final years and their dates were treated to Tango and Latin dancing lessons presented by a professional ballroom dancer. Numerous sponsors and lecturers joined us for a three course meal and a fun filled line-up, including Mardi Potgieter as the Master of Ceremonies. Whether you were sitting at the table endulging in the delicious food, discussing the beautiful gowns, or laughing at everyone doing Gangnam Style in high heels or tuxedos, everyone could agree that this was a magical evening. I wish I could share all of the photographs to strengthen my case! Cindy Hayward


News from the Branches

News from PEPSA
October has been a very busy month for PEPSA. On the 8th of October Sanlam handed over the 4th year hoodies. They also made a presentation to the 4th years. It was a big day and 4th years were very happy to receive the free hoodies from Sanlam. PEPSA also got involved in helping the pharmacy department host the Pharmacy day, where our new department was launched. It was a very big day as a lot of schools, students and parents came to see and listen to presentations. A lot of pharmaceutical companies were involved in terms of sponsoring and presentations. Late in the evening it was a special event were speeches were made, also a platform for socialising was also created. Many important guests came to the event including the dean of pharmacy from Rhodes University. In all the Pharmacy day was a big success. As a chairperson I also attended 2 NMMU award events (NMMU Achievers and merit awards) to represent PEPSA. PEPSA won together with other societies best charity outreach programme. It was a good event and PEPSA was proud to win something. We ended up postponing our charity hand over, SAPSF I want to be pharmacist campaign and health awareness for next year. Big event that kept people talking was our final event as PEPSA 2012 Pharmacy ball themed 007 Casino Royale. Organizing this event was very stressful, but we managed to be successful at the end. The ball took place at Elizabeth place on the 20th of October 2012. Though the weather was very bad people still managed to come through to the event and Im proud to say that it was full. We had our sponsor representatives from Medi- rite, Sanlam and Clicks attending the ball. We also had 8 staff members who attended the ball. We had 4 speakers. First speaker from main sponsor was Varity Smith (Clicks), guest speaker was Mr Raydon juta, and Lecturer speaker was Mrs Fogarty and student representative Mr Pavan. Event was full of motivational advices and funny moments. Some 4th years were presented with fun awards. As PEPSA we also prepared a small gift for each 4th year. The gift was a coffee mug written NMMU BPharm class of 2012. The ball was a big success and everyone who went there enjoyed themselves. We will be releasing our second PEP T@LK magazine in November. Then we look forward to the final exams and closing the year. From PEPSA we are grateful to be part of SAPSF and wish you all the best. Yours in pharmacy Sinoyolo Sifo PEPSA Chairperson 2012-2013


News from the Branches

News from ULAPS
SPORTS DAY On the 25th of August 2012 we had a Pharmacy sports day at our campus grounds,where 1st levels to final levels competed against each other in football, netball and volleyball. There was an after party at Matsiri park,we had lots of fun. PHARMACY WEEK(3-7 SEPTEMBER 2012) 3rd-Launch pharmacy week at Gate 2 4th-Stalls to beset up all around campus to let people know about proper use of medication under the theme"Know your medicine". 5th-visit Kganya and Makanye Clinics to teach/remind patients with chronic conditions to know their medication and the proper use 6th- I heart campaign,go out to Magaung hospice(a home of sick people abandoned by families) and an orphanage called Reakgona children centre to donate food parcels and clothes,and donate teddy bears at the orphanage as well. 7th-Clinical skills competition,whichever group that wins gets R2000 QUARTELY REPORT GENERAL MEETING -12 Oct 2012 Here the ULAPS executive is going to report on what we were up to,how we did it and how much we spent during ULAPS events most importantly the balance of our account. BREAST CANCER AWARENESS DAY-12 Oct 2012 Since October is National breast cancer awareness month,we all (ULAPS members) going to wear pink ribbons,t-shirt or anything e pink just to create awareness about the disease on campus and encourage fellow students to go for mammograms.

Tertia Seboko


News from the Branches

News from TUTULAPS
On the 1st of September, Tutulaps in partnership with Tshwane municipality had a pharmcary week launch event at Atteridgeville attlyn mall,where we had other companies at the launch such as Cipla, Dischem, VCT, Beyer and Net care they ofeered a variety of services such as free HIV testing and counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose readings. We had guest speakers and representatives from University of Limpopo and TUT Pharmacy Departments as well as PSSA, students took part in health education to the community. First day of Pharmacy week on the 3rd:First years visited the Dr. George Mukhari Hospital where they helped with packing the stock and they had a motivational talk from one the sisters in charge and the Chief Pharmacist. Tuesday: We had all pharmacy students taking part in donations, raising money for the orphanages and hospices. Wednesday: Students took an initiative to go visit a township high school, BotseBotse High School where the students talked about applying for varsity especially the B.Pharm course, adapting to varsity and preparation for the final exams. Thursday: B.Pharm students and pharmacist interns visited an orphanage around Tshwane, using the money raised from the donations to buy gifts and food stuff for the kids. We rewarded the students by taking them to a PSL soccer game between Sundowns F.C vs Maritzburg United at atteridgeville, unfortunately the sundowns students supporters were heartbroken by the final match score. Upcoming Events: 2nd annual Tutulaps amazing race to happen after experiential learning Financial Education session with the final years Tutulaps End of year BASH!! During the month of October Pharmacy Students of each level of the B.Pharm degree took part in experiential learning. Experiential learning is an integral component of the B.Pharm curriculum that equips the students with the necessary skills to fulfil the duties that will be expected of them when they commence in the field of Pharmacy as proficient pharmacists. The setting of the module as a whole has been successfully structured in order to provide the students with sufficient time to gain the skills different sectors of Pharmacy.


Since students were placed in different sectors and different places i.e: 1st years went to primary health care facility, 2nd years in industry, 3rd years were the retail sector and final years were allocated at hospitals, TUTULAPS was unable to do anything for the month of October so no activities took place during this month. During the month of October Pharmacy Students of each level of the B.Pharm degree took part in experiential learning. Experiential learning is an integral component of the B.Pharm curriculum that equips the students with the necessary skills to fulfil the duties that will be expected of them when they commence in the field of Pharmacy as proficient pharmacists. The setting of the module as a whole has been successfully structured in order to provide the students with sufficient time to gain the skills different sectors of Pharmacy. Since students were placed in different sectors and different places i.e: 1st years went to primary health care facility, 2nd years in industry, 3rd years were the retail sector and final years were allocated at hospitals, TUTULAPS was unable to do anything for the month of October so no activities took place during this month.


News from the Branches

News from UKNAPS
The main focus of September 2012 were planning and preparation for the UKNAPS Pharmacy week. Pharmacy week has been moved to MidOctober. We specifically chose this part of the month due to the fact that all DP tests for all levels would have been completed by then and these will a perfect end to the semester prior to exams. DAY ONE: Icebreaker events, meet your fellow Pharmers. * Address by HOS, UKNAPS representative and a talk about SAPSF Launching THE PHARMACY TIMES (UKNAPS first newsletter) * Kicking off charity collections (SAPSF EVENT #1: I <3 CAMPAIGN) DAY TWO: *Diabetes awareness talk (SAPSF EVENT #2: I CHOOSE TO LIVE) * Teddy bear raffle * Planting of a tree on UKZN (SAPSF EVENT #3: GOING GREEN) DAY THREE: *Off campus event, visiting an orphanage in the area to spread some UKNAPS love and donate the goodies we had collected in the previous two days The UKNAPS Newsletter The Pharmacy times has completed!!! Mr MCO had completed the project in time for pharmacy week events which were scheduled for early September. The newsletter was not launched as yet due to Members who attended the event were divided into Groups which gave themselves a name after a specific drug (prizes were given for the best name and knowing what the unpleasant weather (and subsequent postponing of events. Madame GS and I were given a sneak peek into the pharmacy times and were both blown away by the final masterpiece. Mr MCO and his team have done an amazing job on the newsletter and I am sure that you will also be just as impressed. All in all, I am highly delighted with the new UKNAPS ExCo and I feel that we are moving forward in a big way. My hope is that things will continue to progress in this manner for both UKNAPS and SAPSF. Great thanks to you, Madame GS, for all of your assistance and hard work. October 2012 was a great month for UKNAPS. The main focuses of this month were the following Pharmacy Week 2012 Launch of the UKNAPS Newsletter, "Pharmacy Times" UKZN Exam prep Pharmacy week 2012 Durban has been experiencing unfavorable weather for the past few months. The four-seasons-in-one-day became a daily occurrence and the rain became a limiting factor in our plans. This did not stop the UKNAPS crew! We made alternate arrangements and settled for an indoor event which went on rather well. the drug does) talks were given to the groups about SAPSF, UKNAPS, Diabetes and Green Pharming.


News from the Branches

After all talks and presentations were completed, the groups all took part in multiple games and activities to test their knowledge of the above mentioned topics and to determine if the presentations were a success! All the groups performed really well in the activities! Points were allocated for each correct answer and it was decided that the group with the highest score will be deemed the winners and have the privilege of signing "The Coat of Honour" which will be passed down from year to year, forming part of a new tradition in UKNAPS pharmacy week. Launch of the "Pharmacy Times" UKNAPS Newsletter, of the Pharmacy Times are on the way. Part 2 will be launched early 2013. UKZN Exam prep Whilst UKZN got ready for exams by finalising lectures, releasing DP's etc., UKNAPS was thinking of innovative ways to help our members with exams. In 2011, UKNAPS MCO, Shaveer Inderjith, took it upon himself to create an online information drive where his second year class could obtain past papers, lecture slides, notes and other useful information to help them in final examinations for all of their modules. This worked really well with the UKZN 2nd year Pharmacy class of 2011 having the highest pass rate to date! The same method was adopted this year. The second year class rep built on what was left to her class, the third year class rep created a similar site for his class and the final year rep also practiced the same. After speaking to some of the students from various levels, I've gathered that they really appreciated the initiatives made by their reps and will be much better prepared for exams. UKZN examinations started at the end of October and concluded on 17th November. Shaveer Inderjith (Mr) UKNAPS President 2012/2013

The highly anticipated "Pharmacy Times" was finally released during the UKNAPS Pharmacy week 2012. Readers were highly impressed with Mr MCO, Shelden Kistnasamy's hard work on the newsletter. The newsletter is full of exciting information about the history of pharmacy, current standing of pharmacy and fun activities to keep the reader intrigued! The newsletter was received very positively by the crowds. Unfortunately only digital copies of the document were available due to the lack of printing sponsors. Plans for a second edition

UKNAPS Pharmers Ball 2012

44 modules and 544 credits later marked the time to bid farewell to our final year B.Pharmacy students, equipped with their Bachelor of Pharmacy qualification! The prestigious final year ball, as it has become famously known as, was held on Sunday, 18 November 2012, at the scenic sharks board convention centre, situated in Umhlanga, North of Durban, please note that there were no visible sharks roaming around...


News from the Branches

Dressed to impressed, the soon to be pharmacist interns, were treated to a night filled with awesome entertainment, great food boasting a delicious 3 course meal, and fabulous pharmer company.As customary, speeches were on the itinerary, fortunately with the night still young, speeches were kept to a minimum, by the Head of school, Dr P Govender and pharmaceutical care lecturer, Mrs V Bangalee, followed by a representing and farewell speech by UKNAPS president, Shaveer Inderjith. In keeping with tradition, the 4th years were treated to a final lecture, some say in remembrance of their 4 year lifestyle, (others say it was because the food was delayed, our secret off course!) Mr Lushen Moodley a systemic pathology lecturer, provided the history of Aspen, as well as opportunities afforded by the company to our soon to be working interns. The Formalities of the night concluded with "special" awards presented as follows: Most talkative award - Leshania Naicker (yep, that same Miss Naicker who won the award for best of contribution at a SAPSF conference) Class bunker - Yushen Naidoo (who also made history and bunked the ball as well!) The funniest person - Mnqobi Door Myango (4th year Class rep and comedian, never a dull moment with ) Always late - Muzaffer Saib ( Mr Saib arrived literally moments before the announcing of his name!) With words of wisdom and encouragement, hearty congratulations and best wishes for the years ahead, the night ended with our talented pharmacists of the future, embark on the dance floor, and boy did some of them give Rihanna a run for her Myprodol!! Lerisha Maharaj


News from the Branches

News from UWCAPS
Before one hits the year end, reflection is key of the steps taken from the halfway mark. In light of the events that made a great mark in all the pharmacy students at UWC, we are all glad that we can smile and wave at 2012 with ease and comfort after a whirlpool of a semester. UWCAPS and al pharmacy students engaged and participated in a number of activities that will settled in well, should 2013 not come.
Abednigo Nkosi UWCAPS President

We had the a great privilege of being active in pharmacy week (during the first week of September) by having an awareness campaign around campus on healthy alternatives from the orthodox energy drinks, and potentially health hazard activities we engage in as students. In our spirit of being global citizens, we had the honour of hosting Anja Stultz, an exchange student from Germany. Thanks to Lindy Hesqua and the rest of the pharmacy students, she had full experience of what it meant to be South African pharmacy Student, and more so a Capetonian. To further show service to our surrounding community, the UWCAPS-charity committee/foundation adopted the Kensington Old-Age Home, which within midSeptember we managed to have a cupcake sale which raised R600 in total towards the homes basic needs, and we are currently in progress towards obtaining a full time sponsor for the home. A few members of UWCAPS had the benefit of spending a beautiful Friday afternoon with the elderly folk at the home, which was a pivotal act that went hand in hand with the money we had just donated. And in continuing with the spirit of health awareness, we had a Breast-Cancer Awareness week, where we sold ribbons in our department and wore them throughout the entire week. In honour of the class of 2012, the ball committee worked tirelessly to produce a a spectacular ball, under the theme: Coco Chanel. The ball was put to justice by the words of Theodette Golden: We girls were thinking up ideas on how to enhance our natural classy and fabulous vibes and the guys, well, the guys retreated to their special place, Clueless-land. Words like timeless, iconic and elegant were not computing in some male minds, but they totally got simple. Nevertheless, we all showed up on the 6th October at the Crystal towers Hotel, Century City, looking trs magnifique All in all, it was a great night. We ate, we laughed, we danced and created one more memory to reminisce about in ten years time. Let me leave you with this quote by Gabrielle Coco Bonheur Chanel, Success is often achieved by those who dont know failure is inevitable. And that how the cookie crumbled at the halfway road for UWCAPS and its people.


News from the Branches

News from WPSC
On the 26th of September WPSC held our very first annual SAPSF day at Wits Medical school. Students showed their support for SAPSF by wearing the official SAPSF colors or the SAPSF t-shirt that was given out at the 59th annual SAPSF conference that was held at wits this year. Pharmacy students were given a short talk about SAPSF and its aims and initiatives of the federation such as the "I want to be a pharmacist" campaign, the annual conferences held each year at the different universities offering pharmacy and of course the Antidote newsletter and what features it has. The aim of SAPSF day was to promote the federation and raise awareness of the federation as many students were not familiar with SAPSF, WPSC members have also felt that students should know more about the federation as it serves as a network between pharmacy students of different universities and also open doors for pharmacy students to see what is beyond university and get equipped with what is happening in the world of pharmacy in South Africa. In a nutshell, SAPSF day was a success and there was positive feedback from the students.

On the 28th of September WPSC held their annual pharmacy braai at Wits main campus. All pharmacy students were invited and were asked to dress according to the theme which was "pharmers" the feedback was positive and students enjoyed the day Kashmira Mitha


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