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Katrina Clausen Approaches to Literary Studies To Be or Not to Be Assignment To Diet or Not to Diet To diet, or not to diet?

That is the questionShould I prepare myself for the unveiling of lesser clothes, or Surrender to the temptations that tickle my taste buds? Winter has been sent to rest As spring begins to show her face Summer will be leaking out slowly, Whether this hidden body is ready to be exposed The torturing image of bikinis captivate my mind As I stare into the darkness of chocolate cake Along with all his other bittersweet accomplices Should I live in this present moment of indulgence, or Begin my journey of counting calories With eyes fixated on a bikini-ready body sitting on the beach Perseverance over these fattening desires will surely lead to results But who can say no to lifes simple pleasures Which leads right back to the question once again, To diet, or not to diet?
Comment [KC1]: This assignment would definitely tie in with NCTE Standard 3.4 know different composing processes. I am demonstrating my creative writing ability while following the strict format of a soliloquy written in verse. MY soliloquy, to diet or not to diet, I am presenting a rhetorical situation to my audience yet I am discussing it with myself in my own thoughts. In the end, the rhetorical questions are never really answered but the purpose is to provide a comical piece to the audience My practice with different types of writing would allow me to teach students to make appropriate selections from different forms of written discourse for a variety of audiences. This piece reflects a humorous voice expressing sarcasm and exaggeration.

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