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School ABC is located in suburban Colorado. We are in our fourth year of existence.

There are roughly 784 students in grades 9-12. Our population would be considered middle to lower middle class. We have approximately 23% of our students on free or reduced lunch. The majority of our students (approximately 90%) have access to computers and technology at home. My role at School ABC is as a math and technology teacher. I have also been utilized as a tech support person in our building. Our district is large and encompasses many schools and towns. The district has its own Technology Services Department and all of the funding comes from them. The first benchmark in the Maturity Model is the Administrative Filter. Being a relatively new school, we have quite a bit of new technology. We have three Mac Labs, two PC labs, one rolling Mac Laptop Cart, all rooms have some sort of Smart Room capability whether it be a slate or the board itself, two sets of clickers and all have document cameras. In my opinion, given this abundance of technology, we are not utilizing it to its capability. There is no expectation of use from the administration. Policy - Behavioral: Rating - Emergent. Technology use is considered, but without formal and consistent training most teachers in our building dont use it. Training for the use of technology was provided initially, but it is not ongoing. Rating - Emergent. There is no formal policy for use of technology in our building. Rating - Islands. There was a formal planning in place with the inception of our school as part of the district plans. The district has reviewed the plan periodically, but really no discussion with staff has occurred to help devise this plan. Rating - Integrated. The district itself has a formal plan, but there is no conversation with the school (teachers) themselves. Rating - Islands. There is certainly a budget for technology, but as mentioned before it is determined by the district what actually gets purchased. Rating - Integrated. I honestly I am not familiar with the long term technology plans (budgeting) for our building. I was unable to find out this information in time for this paper, but will continue to do research to find the answer. Rating - Integrated. Our gradebook is now fully online. Email is utilized frequently. Teachers are not required to have a website, so paper systems are still in use. Rating - Intelligent. It is available to all staff members.

Policy - Resources: Planning - Behavioral:

Planning - Resources:

Budget - Behavioral:

Budget - Resources:

Admin Info - Behavioral:

Admin Info - Resources:

The second filter in the Maturity Model is the Curricular Filter. Technology is used sporadically throughout our building. I do believe that staff does want to utilize technology to make coursework more inviting and engaging, but it gets overwhelming with our workload. I am

planning on holding a workshop during the first week of summer to offer courses in different areas (Smart Board use, Clicker use, using Zotero, etc.). Technology is used minimally be teachers and students to enhance their curriculum. Electronic - Behavioral: Rating - Islands. I believe teachers use electronic resources periodically. It is not an everyday event by any means. Rating - Intelligent. All students have access to electronic resources. Rating - Islands. There are some teachers that use technology as part of their assessment of their work, but I would definitely say it is not the majority. Rating - Integrated. I feel we have to search for assessment tools ourselves. There is not a place to go that has innovative tools already in place for us. Rating - Islands. Our curriculum has videos, tutorials, etc. available to us, but I think it gets underutilized. Rating - Integrated. It is available for most subject matter. Rating - Islands. In our school, many teachers use technology for a special project or assignment, but it is not used everyday for the most part. Rating - Intelligent. It is available to all staff members. Rating - Islands. In our school, many students use technology for a special project or assignment, but it is not used everyday for the most part. Rating - Intelligent. It is available to all students.

Electronic - Resources: Assessment - Behavioral:

Assessment - Resources:

Curriculum - Behavioral: Curriculum- Resources: Teacher - Behavioral:

Teacher - Resources: Student - Behavioral:

Student- Resources:

The second filter in the Maturity Model is the Support Filter. Our district is very supportive of technology use in the classroom. However, there is not a lot of expectation for the use of technology within our schools. We do have building tech reps that are the liason between the district and the schools, but without the expectation of use coming from the administrators, I dont believe the plan of having technology used fully will come to fruition. Stakeholder - Behavioral: Rating - Emergent. There are very few teachers or groups within the school involved within the technology planning process. Rating - Emergent. See above. Rating - Emergent. Very little involvement of school administration. Rating - Islands. When we first opened, I was allocated more time to help support teachers with technology, but that no longer exists. Rating - Islands. Some teachers are involved in technology training. I did not have a good response in the

Stakeholder - Resources: Admin - Behavioral: Admin- Resources:

Training- Behavioral:

Training - Resources:

Tech Support - Behavioral:

Tech Support - Resources:

number of teachers willing to get free training for the workshop. Mostly, that is due to time I believe. Rating - Islands. The training mostly comes from me and occasionally some other full-time teachers. There is district training available. Rating - Islands. In our school, there are a few of us that provide tech support. I think teachers are aware of how busy we are, so they dont utilize as much as they would like because of that. Rating - Islands. See above.

The third benchmark in the Maturity Model is the Connectivity Filter. We have wireless connectivity throughout our building. For the most part it is stable. We have access to shared servers to share information between teachers and students and teachers.

LAN - Behavioral:

Rating - Islands. Students and staff use the distict network to share information and for students to turn in information. LAN - Resources: Rating - Integrated. There are issues with downloading information (many filters and things blocked). It is quite a laborious process to be able to use something that is blocked. For example, I wanted students to be able use Voicethread in class to collaborate. We were unable to do it within school due to a blocked download. WAN - Behavioral: Rating - Islands. See above. WAN - Resources: Rating - Integrated. See above. Internet Access- Behavioral: Rating - Islands. The internet is used frequently within our schools but I do not believe it is fully integrated within the curriculum/ Internet- Resources: Rating - Intelligent. It is available for all. Communication - Behavioral: Rating - Islands. Email is used for communication. Communication - Resources: Rating - Intelligent. It is available to all staff members and students. The last benchmark in the Maturity Model is the Innovation Filter. On the whole, I feel our staff is average at best in being innovative with the use of technology. As is typical, many will be interested in developing their repertoire, but are not really willing to practice. It is definitely hard to find the time. New Tech -- Behavioral: Rating - Islands. As I mentioned above, I do think that teachers want to try new things but find it difficult to find the time. Rating - Islands. Same as above.

New Tech -- Resources:

Comp Tech -- Behavioral: Comp Tech -- Resource:

Rating - Integrated. We have a pretty good package available to us as I described in my introduction. Rating - Integrated.

As you can see above, my school has ranked much higher in the resource categories than the behavioral categories. Overall, I would rate my school as Islands. Essentially that is telling myself and my school that we have all of the pieces in place, we just have to learn how to use them well. I found this evaluation to be extremely interesting and it has motivated me to find new ways to really help teachers embrace an innovative way of teaching with technology. We do have a relatively new technology committee that was developed. My hope is to show this group my assessment and to move forward!! Thank you for reading.

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