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Archaeological excavation indicates that the Indus valley civilization could have flourished in about 300 B.C.

much before the existence of other civilizations. Discovery of seals from Ur, Sumeru and other areas of Mesopatamia civilization indicates that Harappan people had trade relation with the Mesopatamian people. This suggests that the civilization flourished from about 3000 BC to 1500 BC. Anthropological investigation and examination of the human remains shows that four racial types existed in this civilization. They were the proto - Australiod, Mediterranean, Alpine and the Mongoloid. Archaeological excavation reveal the existence of various racial types. Of all these the existence of the Dravidian race holds its relevance owing to its wide spread acceptance. Scholars are differed in their opinion about the race of Indus people. Some say it is of the Aryans while others opine that it is of the Dravidians. From this analysis on Indus Valley Civilization, scholars believes that it is the Dravidians who were the original inhabitants of Indus valley civilization.

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