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(Patron deities of my ancestors) Brighid and Jesus

(art by Jessica Galbreth) Brighid ~ goddess of protection and creative inspiration; goddess of healing and craftsmanship; goddess of wisdom, cunning, and poetry; goddess of nature; strong and wise; can be called on to help you endure hardship; goddess of enchantment and knowledge; helps in psychic matters; goddess of love, witchcraft, fire, and medicine. Music is sacred to her. The willow is sacred to her. Patron of the sacred bards. Can overcome all obstacles. She has great strength. Her festival is La Fheila Bride (Law EYE-luh VREE-ja) also called Candlemas or Imbolg (Imbolc), celebrated on 1 February. Her name means fiery arrow. She can aid you in virtually any endeavor. The Good Shepherdess. The Lady of the Shores. She represents the potential of all women. (Triple Goddess, normally seen as maiden ~ Celtic)

(art found on internet no credit given) Jesus ~ God of compassion, love, forgiveness, and tolerance. Loves children. Healer. Sacrificed savior who conquered death. Any who comes to him, he will not turn away. Promises rebirth. Dynamic. Gentle teacher. Worker of miracles. Speaks out against organized religion and against rigid structures as a path to the divine. He said, I am with you and will be with you always. Represents the triple god. Father, son, and spirit are one. Does not require sacrifice. Asks rather for a willing heart and a humble spirit. God of the underdog, of the downtrodden. God of the common man. Lord of the dance. Strong and wise. Protector of the weak. Bridge from the human to the divine. His symbols are the cross, the dove, and the lamb. Descended to the underworld and came out victorious. Holds the keys of death. God of light and life. Helps bring about positive changes in our lives. His only motivation is love. Relieves suffering. Accessible to everyone. Encourages service to all fellow beings. Controls the elements. The comforter. (triple god ~ Christian)

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