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Kelantan, 23th March The Residences Association office of Taman Lavender Heights organised a Clean The Neighbourhood programme.

. The purpose of this programme is to clean the neighbourhood to prevent aedes desease from spreading. The desease can cause the resident die as the saying goes , prevention is better than cure. We gathered on 8.00 a.m at Balai Raya. The instructions were give by the a ssociations president. The equipment such as wheelbarrow, a hoe, and anything els e were provided by the committe of the neighbourhood. We were divided into a few groups. Each one of the groups was ordered to clean the different place of the neighbourhood. One of the groups had to clean the playground. They collected the rubbish and destroyed the breeding place of m osquitoes. They were also cleaned the drain to make sure that it is not clogged. Another group checked the roads and cleared the rubbish. Some of the unw anted items were discharged while some of the other items were recycled to colle ct some fund for the association. The men were asked to repair the equipments fo r renovations. The group of housewives and children were asked to clear the house compo unds. They cleaned the drains, to make sure that it is not clogged. They also cl eared the place that would be the breeding place of mosquitoes. They were helped by other men to cleared things from their houses. At 12.00 p.m, we stopped for luch. All the participants were provided by some foods and drinks for luch. The luch were sponsored by the associations comm ittee and the committee were also gave the participants some souveniors as a tha nked to them.

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