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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful

Lajna Taleem Lesson Plan Outline

Month: Jan-2012 Lesson: 1

Learning Objectives: To know complete names of all Khulfa-e-Ahmadiyyat and the dates of their Khilafat. To understand how Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) contributed to the rights of Muslims under the rule of British in India. Time 10 mins 5 mins 20 mins Activity Names of all Khulfa-eAhmadiyyat in order with the correct dates of their Khilafat Dates of first and second World Wars. Highlight main events:
Hudhur invited to Delhi to meet the Governor General and the Secretary of state to present his views Royal Commission appointed under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon The purpose of the Commission review of the working of the Diarchy Non co-operation of Indian National Congress Hudhur strongly in favour of co-operation Formation of Nehru Committee and Hudhurs concerns st nd 1 &2 round Table conferences Publication of The solution of the Political problems of India M. A Jinnah returns to politics Hudhur travels to Delhi Hudhurs concerns for the Malkans

Comments Mention relationship to the Promised Messiah (as) Names of allies


Taleem syllabus Pages: 27-32 Taleem syllabus

Pg 28 1 paragraph

Pg 28 2



Pg 29 1st paragraph

Pg 29 2

nd rd


Pg 30 3 paragraph Pg 31 last paragraph & pg 32 last paragraph

5 mins

How the Ahmadiyya Community under the guidance of Hadhrat (ra) Khalifatul Masih II saved the Muslims of India from being exploited and helped in the formation of Pakistan

HOMEWORK: Read pages 33 to 1st paragraph of pg 42 Jan 2012 Lesson Plan 1

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