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Installing Software in Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Linux Relies on Debian Format packages The New Method: Ubuntu Software Center - works but you have to install one package at a time also not all packages are available through the Ubuntu Software Center The Older Method: Synaptic Package Manager - works extremely well. All available packages in the repositories are accessible via this method. Works hand in hand with Aptitude. Can install multiple packages at the same time as well as fix broken packages. Aptitude and Apt-get - works extremely well. Runs in Terminal (no GUI), is streamlined and fast. Can install multiple packages at the same time. Can fix broken packages too. All available packages in the repositories are accessible. The Oldest Method: Compiling From Source - Truly probably the oldest method and most likely the most difficult of the group to install software but also the most versatile. To Compile from Source, one must install all of the dependencies ( libraries and software required to build and run the program), have the Source package ( often in the .tgz or .tar format. May also be in .gzip or .gz), and have the time to put

into it. The benefit of Compiling from Source is that the program is installed and configured to work specifically with the users computer. Another benefit of Compiling from Source is that the user has access to almost any program that has the source code available as opposed to the previously mentioned methods which rely on Debian format packages. The user can often also build Debian format packages from the compiled program for use on other systems. In all instances, Ubuntu will require the user password to install. How to install using Ubuntu Software Center The application is accessible via the Applications menu. The user can install software simply by clicking on the program the user desires to install.

How to install using Synaptic Package Manager The application is accessible via: System Administration Synaptic Package Manager Installation is fairly straight forward. The user can search via the search box and install by putting a check in the box next to the package the user wishes to install. Then, once all the packages the user wishes to install are selected; click the Apply and click the agreeing statement that verifies that the packages on the list are the ones the user wishes to install. After that, the program will handle the rest and will keep the user abreast of the status of the install.

Installing via Apt-get First the user must open Terminal via: Applications Accessories Terminal The user must type sudo before the command apt-get. The Syntax for the command sudo apt-get install vlc is: Modifier Command sudo apt-get Modifier install Variable vlc

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