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Test Correction Question: 4.

The distinctive feature of the Jacksonian (or second) party system was My Answer: b) strict registration laws Correct Answer: mass political participation Reason: Jacsonian party system was a movement for greater democracy, which included direct elections of all politicians. Question: 5. Ticket splitting creates My Answer: d) political efficacy Correct Answer: divided government Reason: Elected representatives would be from different parties of different values. Question: 9. The term superdelegate refers to My Answer: c) delegates at large who are chosen by a vote of the national party leadership Correct Answer: elected officials and party leaders who are not required to pledge themselves in advance to a presidential candidate. Reason: Most of the superdelegates are seated automatically, based solely on their status as current (Republican and Democratic) or former (Democratic only) party leaders and elected officials. Question: 11) According to the text, the role of national conventions has been transformed by party rule so that the conventions are now My Answer: e) places where delegates vote their conscience regardless of the partys platform. Correct Answer: places where delegates ratify decisions made by voters. Reason: Voters decide on candidates that the delegates cast votes to ratify. Question: 13) Party organizations based on their members enjoyment of the sociability of politics are referred to as My Answer: e) reciprocal parties Correct Answer: solidary parties Reason: Solidary parties enjoy the sociability of politics. (Cant find more details on it) Question: 14) Today, a person wanting to win an election will most often seek the support of My Answer: A political machine Correct Answer: a personal following Reason: Politicians need to appeal to the radicals of the party of gain nomination. Question: 16) The most dramatic example of the winner-take-all principle in the US electoral system is the My Answer: b) municipal elections in Cambridge, Massachusetts Correct Answer: Electoral College Reason: The president only needs to win a certain amount of votes 270- to gain presidency.

Question: 19) Many strong social movements in the United States never produced a significant third party. One reason is that My Answer: e) such movements typically failed to generate significant interest in the mainstream politics. Correct Answer: dissidents elements were able to influence elections through party primaries and national conventions Reason: They proved to be influential in swaying a few votes however they issue would usually be reabsorbed by the party losing votes due to their campaign. Question: 20) In the days when party conventions were heavily influenced by party leaders and elected officials, it was relatively easy to ignore My Answer: c) the will of people Correct Answer: e) the policy preferences of dissident factions Reason: The dissident factions power and attention were dwarfed by the popularity of the already elected and party leaders. Question: 22) A meeting of party followers at which convention delegates are picked is known as a My Answer: b) primary Correct Answer: caucus Reason: Voters chose delegate through the primary but the party chooses through a caucus. Question: 23) The disadvantage of the new primary system that has developed in the United States is that it My Answer: c) decreases the opportunity for those with strong policy preferences Correct Answer: increases the chances that they party will nominate a candidate who is unappealing to the average voter. Reason: The purpose of the new primary system is to have more qualified politicians on the ballot. Question: 24) Which of the following statements about the nomination process in the United States is correct? My Answer: e) The nomination is less influenced by organized interests than in Europe. Correct Answer: Parties play a minor role compared with those in Europe. Reason: The party in the United States is merely a label of ideology of conservatism or liberalism however in Europe it represents all the values. Question: 25) Which of the following statements best summarizes the value of presidential coattails to congressional candidates of the same party. My Answer: b) They remain a significant factor today. Correct Answer: They are becoming more significant today Reason: People are aligning more candidates of the party with presidential nominee so it leads to straight voting.

Question: 34) One effect of candidates fear of slip during campaigning is that, increasingly, candidates are My Answer: c) avoiding stock speeches in favor of impromptu briefing. Correct Answer: selling an image rather than their ideas. Reason: Candidates cannot preach their ideals freely because they fear of losing potential voters so they sell an ideal image of themselves. Question: 36) One advantage that incumbents always have over the challenger is My Answer: Both B and D Correct Answer: Their use of free mailing or franks Reason: Incumbents have the ability to send unlimited amount of free mailings. Question: 37) Many scholars argue that the foremost factor in determining how people vote is My Answer: Perception of the best candidate Correct Answer: Party identification Reason: Most people vote based on party alliances from teaching of their environmentsparents. Question: 38) When a voter votes for the candidate whom he or she considers more likely to do a better hob in the office, the voting is referred to as My Answer: Retrospective voting Correct Answer: Prospective Voting. Reason: Prospective voting is based on peoples appeal and emotions. Question: 39) According to the text, campaigns do make a difference because they My Answer: emphasize details and issues over themes and perception Correct Answer: give voters a chance to see how candidates handle pressure Reason: Campaigns allows voters to see candidates in the professional field. Question: 40) The election of ___ brought about a significant reduction in taxes, spending, and regulatory practices. My Answer: 1976 Correct Answer: 1980 Reason: United States underwent a wrenching period of low economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises before 1980 and the election of Ronald Reagan ended that.

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