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FPGA Implementation

Connect FPGA Kit to the CPU with JTAG cable

To create new project

Choose the properties as shown depending on the target device


Next Then


Device is added to our project

Add source file to the Device from modelsim

Choose path where we select modelsim simulation file D:/ ramanakumari / xorgate2.v

It will add selected file to the created project And to targeted device. As shown

To configure the FPGA Generate UCF file

It generate UCF file in source window. shown

Double click on implement design

Post route simulation will be completed

Assign pin numbers of the target device using User constraints

User constraints assign package pins Then save ok close the window

Configure device [IMPATT]

Select file from Assign New Configuration File window

Right click Program

observe program succeeded

Give 0s and 1s with different combinations to the inputs on FPGA Kit and observe the outputs

Connect JTAG to the processor & powersupply

We can observe XOR gate functionality 2 Switches OFF Position & observe the output zero , by observing not glowing LED, Inputs A = 0 ,B = 0 & Output Y = 0

Inputs A = 0 ,B = 1 & Output Y = 1

Inputs A = 1 ,B = 0 & Output Y = 1

Inputs A = 1 ,B = 1 & Output Y = 0

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