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Name: ___________________________________________ Class: _________ Date: ___________________ American Revolutionary War Unit Project

How was information circulated among the colonies?

Throughout history broadsides have been used to deliver news, share opinions, advertise goods, as well as publicize entertainment updates. During the American Revolution, colonists used broadsides to share information about some of the major events we have studied in class, including battles, political events, or even to advertising needs of the army. For this units project you will create a broadside based on one major event that occurred in the American colonies during the American Revolutionary War. Your broadside will be written in the perspective of a colonist who is either a patriot or a loyalist. Your broadside will contain the following: Must be typed on one-page Contain a catchy title that captures the attention of the viewer A five-paragraph article information about the event

Project Rubric: Argumentative Writing Checklist: WHST 7.3. a. Introduces the claim clearly and precisely. b. Supports the claim with well chosen, sufficient evidence (from text, experiments/labs, equations, etc) and clearly explains the connection between the claim and the evidence. c. Sequencing is logical and effective. d. Effectively uses appropriate and varied transition words. (However, moreover, therefore, etc.) e. Concludes with a strong statement that supports the argument and articulates implications or significance of topic. f. Maintains a formal style and tone throughout the writing piece. g. Uses precise language and domain-specific vocabulary (Social Studies) to manage the complexity of the topic h. Uses accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Perspective: ______________________________________________ Event: ____________________________________________________ Due date: ________________________________________________

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