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Ethos can be clearly heard by the udience Have strong conviction about the subject Well organized Show

w they have done their homework

Juror 8 did research during the trial he went to another pawn shop and purchased the same style of knife that was used to kill the boys father. This knife was argued as one of a kind by the prosecution. When he presented the knife to the jurors, he presented it at the most opportuine time and he did it without reservation and had his point clearly stated regarding the disproval of the presectuion theory. Lothos he used evidence like the knife, He also caught the attendtion of the jurors with his observation of the old man and disproved his testimony by demonstrating the limp that the old man had and how he clearly could have nmot made it to the door in time to see the boy. He used demonstration and he also got the rest of the jurors involved with his presentation further gaining agreement from others. He also proved that the woman wears glasses by demonstations and descriptions. He used glasses and experiences from jurors to come to this conclusion, further disproving that prosections agrugment that the woman had no trouble seeing the boy kill his father. HE also gained support from a juror that also came from an area similar to the accused boys. He got him involved with the actual murder act. This proved that the switch blade is not normally thrust downward to murder someone. This was how his father was killed. He gave his experience of using the switch blade stating that it is normally pushe in and up du to the angle the blade Is exposed and the quickness needed to use a switch blade in battle. Pathos He used emotional appeal for his story. He stated the fact that the reason the boy could not answer the questions regarding the movie , the nake of he move, actors in the movie etc because he walked in to find his father dead and in the other room from where he was being questioned. He asked the other jurors how they would react in his situation. He also asked if the boy killed his father, why would he return to the murder scene? The reason the old man was lying about his testimony was because he obviously was a lonely man, who never was put in the center of attention. He was never valued as important until now. He liked to be in the spot light.

Both-sides persuasion He demonstrated this by telling the jury that admits that he doesn't
necessarily believe the boy's story, but he feels that the accused is entitled to a thoughtful weighing of the facts - the legal standard that they were given by the judge: He then asked what the other jurors thought. He did a great job at setting the stage or stating his reasons for opposition without completey denoting the other jurors belif about the case.

Hostile audience

Juror 8 is presented with a hostile audience immediatley. When they first get into the room, everyone participates in a vote staiting whether they believe the boy is guilty or innocent and he is the only one in the beginning who says not guilty. The rest of the jurors start to ridicule him immediatley and therefore he is faced with a hostile audience.

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