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Casting, dress codes and characters attitude Cast:

Killer Connor: Played by Jordan Booker (Doesnt Die) Final Girl Sarah: (3rd)Drama Guy Taylor: Played by Taylor Wooltorton (2nd)Jock Danny: (1st)Promiscuous Girl Jennifer: (4th) Nerd Howard: Played by Tyler Poyle

Dress Code: Connor: shorts, bandage over the head. Sarah: Full uniform, buttoned up and smart shoes. Taylor: Drama hoody, uniform trousers and converse. Danny: Sports jumper, trainers and school trousers. Jennifer: Uniform, high skirt and flat shoes. Howard: Full buttoned, glasses, laptop bag and block shoes.

Character Attitudes: Connor: Dark, alone, mysterious and quiet. Sarah: Shy, calm, go along with others and kind. Taylor: Camp, confident, over the top and thoughtful. Danny: Confident, boisterous, sport loving and strong minded. Jennifer: Flirtatious, bitchy, self-centred and vein. Howard: Quiet, work motivated, hardworking and lonely.

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