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Rogelio Ordaz Sept. 10, 2012 Ms.

Lipton Period 2 Mandala Artist Statement Identity is an important part of your life that defines and determines who you are. Identity shows that the person has specific interests, personalities, emotions, etc. My mandala represents my identity with the use of pictures that represents a message of me. All thirteen images show the characteristics of me that should be able to identify, but I will explain each of these images. 1.The image of a family represents my relationships between parents, siblings, and others. For example, Im an uncle for my nephew and niece. 2.The road image represents that Im on a journey to my dreams and my future while I face obstacles that prevent me from moving forward. 3.The image of shapes, graphs, and numbers represents my interests in mathematics. 4.The waterfall and plants located in a forest can be described as nature, but it symbolizes my peace of mind by knowing that water and plants is natural and soothing. 5.The statue of a guy wondering by putting his fist under his chin and his elbow under his knee represents all of the questions and thoughts that I have. 6.The wristband that says Believer is that I know anything is possible.

7.The bee holding Be respectful is that some events are meant to be serious. 8.The puppy and kitten represents my love and care for animals. 9.The text One of these days Im going to get myself organazized (apologies for not noticing organazized, but its supposed to be organized) represents disorganization and excuses of fixing it the next day and the next day and so on. 10.The letters T for teen, M for mature, eC for early children, E for everyone, etc. are content ratings for video games meaning that I am a gamer. 11.A dwarf from Snow White named Sleepy shows that I have a hard time waking up because Im feel exhausted after all the work I have to do. 12.The planet Earth represents that in this world, I am human. 13.The last and most important image that represents my characteristics is a bird trying to eat a frog while the frog is choking the birds throat and text that says Never give up shows that Im not a quitter no matter how difficult the challenge is. My mandala reflects my personal aesthetic of my positive things, events meant to be move on and remembering who I want to be based on my choice. Identity for me is something that makes people unique and different. I cant change these characteristics very easily because I dont go back on my word and its what I was born to be.

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