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Created by Jasmine Oh 8C KEY CHARACTERISTICS

Glowing gases are the components of the sun. 3/4 of the sun is made up of helium while the other remaining part is made of helium, with small amounts of chemical elements in there. The suns energy source is nuclear fusion. The suns core is about 15M Celsius, nuclear fusion happens with hydrogen atoms. Three layers are in the suns atmosphere and they are the photosphere, chromosphere, and the corona. Photosphere is the outermost layer and it provides light for our solar system. The chromosphere creates the color of the sun, the bright red glow. Corona, the center of our solar system sends electrically charged particles, solar wind. The sun also has explosions, gases exploding, which are solar ares. The sun is what brings all planets heat and light for organisms to survive. The sun also brings gravity or motion for the other planets because the suns gravity is able to keep them orbiting around without drifting off.


The sun is located in the center of our solar system, it is the central star. The Earth is the 3rd closest planet to the Sun, after Mercury and Venus. Our sun is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a spiral galaxy, and the Sun, or our whole solar system, orbits around the Milky Way Galaxy (center). Scientists believe that the Milky Way has four arms and two shorter segments. Our solar system is known to be located near Orion, one of the few arms. The sun is about 28,000 light years away from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

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