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We chose our topic fairly easy because we all found The Silk Road to be a very interesting topic.

Since we have already studied the topic in class we already knew a little bit about the Silk Road. But, now that we have done a little more research it seems even more fascinating then it was before. We also chose our topic because it changed ancient China greatly. The Silk Road brought Buddhism to China. We researched The Silk Road Of China and found out some really interesting facts. One of them is that the route had a spanned of 700 miles. This road went into China, Central Asia, Northern India, Parthian, and the Roman Empires. The Silk Road Of China passed through Chinese Cities, for example, Kansu and Sinkiang and what is now present day Iran, Iraq, and Syria. This route also connected the Yellow River Valley to the Mediterranean Sea. That is just a sample of what we have discovered about The Silk Road Of China.

We decided to make a website because we knew we were going to have an amazing time doing our History Fair project on the computer. We also loved the idea of making our project a website. Since it is a website everyone could find the website online and glance at it. The website was also fun to work on because we all could work on it at one time and didnt have to decide who would take it home that day. We are really pleased that we decided to make a website and are very excited to one day make another. When China invented the Silk Road it was easier for the Chinese to barter and trade. The Silk Road went from China to India, Java, Persia, Arabia, Europe, Egypt, and Somalia. Later on The Silk Road was no longer used for just trading silk it was now used to trade silk and food and other items. When the Silk Road happened it interest others to trade and barter and for other countries to take in other products that werent traditional.

The Silk Road changed history in China, and Asia and possibly the world.

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