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The Renaissance- Changes Europe Angela Borders Monday December 17, 2012 Ms.


The Renaissance changed Europe in many different ways. It was the 14th century and the Black Death has just came to an end. The Black Death wiped out 20 million people in Europe leaving Europe in a mess. The Black Death was a virus and the virus spread throughout Europe and because the virus was so bad it killed surplus amount of people in Europe. (History learning Time goes by and you have no clue what is going to happen. A few small changes in economy and political field happen. Then, The Renaissance has occurs. Renaissance is defined as rebirth - - the time in which England basically had a rebirth in not only the population but also the economy, art, and spiritual. The Renaissance was a time of many great things and numerous people were thankful for because after a bad era where a surplus amount of people died. The Renaissance was an era between the 14th century and 16th centuries (1400-1600). The Renaissance ended up recovering Europe from the Black Death. Many achievements and advancements in the economy, art, and other fields happened during The Renaissance Era. Therefore, it is argued that The Renaissance is an era that was most influential in changing history. Renaissance is defined as rebirth - - the time in which England basically had a rebirth in not only population, but the economy during the 14th-16th centuries. The Black Death caused many of the population to die off, including the poor and the aristocrats. Because many people died the economy had problems, therefore they needed to make changes with the economy. During The Renaissance the population grew. Before The Renaissance the population was down to 20 million due to the Black Death but it went back up to 60 million therefore economy naturally goes up. Printing became popular during The Renaissance. By printing I mean the printing press. The printing press was used to make books, but only priest could read the books because they were written in Latin. Johannes

Gutenberg was the inventor of the printing press. During that time people wanted to go to the printing press. A natural desire for knowledge urged people to learn Latin so they bought books from printing presses. Not only did the printing press boost the economy but people realized how successful they can be as an individual - - not relying on others to be successful. For example prior to The Renaissance many families joined together and try to succeed together. The printing press ultimately boomed business back to life giving jobs to people and knowledge to other. Clearly, this changed history. As stated above, the Renaissance was a time of growth in the economy. Part of that growth was due to political growth and rebirth. Rulers had a new way of thinking and ruling country, which ultimately grew the economy. Rulers found out how to do many things that we still use today they might not be something that you like but it helps the economy and a better country means larger population. There were economy changes but there were also political changes too. According to the website all-about-Renaissance-faires. com, in Social and Economic Changes during the Renaissance, cities grew and prospered during the Renaissance and rulers learned to tax their people. The author of this website supports his / her opinion by point out that trade grew between cities / states and other countries ( paragraph 1 ). As trade and good increased, trades and ideas also grew. ( ) As trade with goods flourished between cites / states also trade ideas grew too. This website also states that during the Renaissance, rulers learned how to tax their people. This is important because if the rulers didnt learn to tax people back then. Then today the president would not be able to pay for wars and things the country needed. Today in the US we still use this because it helps the president pay off stuff like the president needed to pay off a war he

would use taxes or any troubles the country have he would use taxes. You might not like taxes but with out them our country as we know today would be miserly. It can be seem that the Renaissance changed history as we know it today. As stated above, the Renaissance was a time of growth in the economy and political power. The economy boosting and rulers leading lead to another rebirth a spiritual rebirth. The main leader in this spiritual rebirth was Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a major figure in changing history. Martin Luther did many things to help with the spiritual rebirth. He only did one change but it made a huge difference so to some people it seems like he made many changes. With the economy changes there were people who desired to help start the changes. Everyone wanted to make a difference but some people were brave to make changes no matter the cost. Some people made bigger changes than others. One person to make the biggest changes in the spiritual rebirth of the Renaissance was Martin Luther, a very prominent figure and one of the few to start the changes during The Renaissance. Martin changed a church was a chaotic church. Luther deicide to nail a list of things that a church needed to change, and when he did a countless amount of people agreed with him about the changes. For example one of his thesis is, away then with those prophets who say to Christs people Peace Peace where there in there is no peace. By that he means that when prophets say Peace Peace he wants to know where no peace is because in the word there is no peace there is always something horrible going on like wars. Also one of the other one of his 95 thesis is, The true treasure of the church is the is the holy gospel of the glory and the grace of god. By that he means money and or gold are not treasures the only treasure is the holy gospel of the glory and the grace of god. He was one of the very few people to start the

changes during The Renaissance. Because of him people thought that they should help by trying to get other things to change ( ) As stated above Martin Luther was a big part of the Renaissances. So he changed history by posting his 95 thesis with out the 95 thesis the Catholic Church would have not changed so today we most likely not know him. You know how Martin Luther changed history but how was history changed let me further explain how all of history was changed not just Europe but are life today. You might be wondering what any of this has to do with history this has a lot to do with history. According to Jeffery Watkins in The Renaissance the Renaissance was a time of creativity and change in Europe. For starters, Watkins supports his opinion by pointing out that the Renaissance was rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits (paragraph 1 ). The Renaissance produced a gold age with mainly achievements in arts, science, and literature. Furthermore, the Watkins says the Renaissance is viewed as the beginning of modern history. He supports this argument by indicating that Europe shifts in the economy from an agricultural to a commercial. Agricultural means framing food and commercial basically means more technology and newer. The Renaissance produced a golden age with many achievements in art, science and literature. The Renaissance was centered in Italy in the 1300s and spread though Europe in the 1500s and 1600s. During the Renaissance cites grew and prospered also rulers learned to taxes people. ( Watkins ) When The Renaissance was over many achievement and advancements in the economy happened when The Renaissance was going on. Renaissance means rebirth and rebirth means to become new again. Europe needed a rebirth after the Black plague. Also economy mainly changed during The Renaissance. Also there were political changes too.

Martin Luther was a big part of the Renaissance. Martin Luther was mainly a big part of the spiritual rebirth. Then history was changed with all the changes that went on during the Renaissance. With out the Renaissance our life today would not be the same. Instead of people thinking that they had to be in a group to succeed people now believe that they can succeed as an individual and they can. Also with out The Renaissance books would only be able to be read by priest and monks. Finally we would not be taxed I know you would like that but our country would be a dreadful country that you wouldnt want to live in, because without taxes the president would not be able to pay for wars and things related to the economy and if any thing happened to a state they could use some of the taxes.

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