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Soccer Drills Aerobic Possession Grids

Site:Soccer Drills & Football Drills - Professional Soccer Coaching Title:Aerobic Possession Grids - Created: 13 December 2012

Aerobic Possession Grids

Wednesday, 30 June 2010 20:43 Written by Administrator Drill Objective(s) 1) To train a team to keep possession. 2) Develop aerobic fitness and capacity. * * * * * Drill No: AE4 Age: 13-Adult No Players: 9+ (Or 3vs3+1) Difficulty: Medium Area/Time: 50x50yrds

Diagram 1

ORGANISATION: Using a 50x50 yrd playing area with a central area of 30x30yrds. Place an outer ring of cones on the 50x50yrd area that the players will be running around (preferably tall cones or flag pones so the players cannot cheat). INSTRUCTIONS: 2 teams (4vs4) with a neutral player (N1). Adjust the field dimensaions to play with more or less players. Teams compete, combining with the neutral player playing on offense to keep possession. After every pass the player passing the ball must run out the first playing area and around one of the cones of the outer grid before re-entering to help keep possession again. play for 5 minutes and then ret for 2 mins to allow for recover as this soccer drill is physically demanding.

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Soccer Drills Aerobic Possession Grids

Site:Soccer Drills & Football Drills - Professional Soccer Coaching Title:Aerobic Possession Grids - Created: 13 December 2012
A1 passes to A2. 1) A1 then sprints out the grid around an outside cone and returns into the playing area. 2) A2 then passes to A3. 3) A2 turns and sprints out and around one of th outer cones and re-enters the playing area. 4) SCORING: * 10 consecutive passes = 1 goal. KEY COACHING POINTS: 1) Players need to pass and move immediately. Quick reactions! 2) Communication when re-enering the playing area to let other player know you are available again. 3) Pace of play should be fast. PROGRESSIONS: 1) 2 touch. 2) Remove the neutral player(s). VARIATIONS: 1) Players must run around 2 cones before returning to the playing area. 2) players must back peddle out to the cone and then sprint back in. 3) Increase the size of the grids to change the fitness element being trained. I.e. make the grid larger to work on long recovery runs. Shorten the grids to work on sprints and agility. 4) Add another neutral player if the players are struggling to maintain possession. NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS: This game creates a hard working aerobic environment for the players. If they dont work hard to get out and back into the playing area their team will suffer and not have numbers up. Vary the size of the grids and neutral players to adjust to your desired training goals for the players. The soccer graphics have been made with Easy Sports-Graphics ( Share Twitter .cpr a{color:#d6d6d6; font-size:8px;} SocButtons plugin

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