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TITLE: STUDENT DISCIPLESHIP CORDINATOR PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Train and assimilate new small group leaders Write weekly small group curriculum cast vision/ communicate information to small group leaders Small Group leader care: Fielding questions from small group leaders Aiding in the preparation and set up for Fuel Worship Services Aid in the recruitment of Volunteers: contact, assimilation, and development Weekly Student contact: New Believers and First Time Guest When called upon by the staff and approved by supervisor, employee should willingly perform such tasks which might not be considered part of the normal position description. BASIC PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Uphold Biblical priorities in life, in the order of: 1. Growing personal relationship with Christ 2. Relationship with spouse 3. Relationship with children 4. Purpose in life/ ministry Develop personal evangelism opportunities within and outside the church. Financially support the works of the ministries of Washington Avenue Church by faithfully giving at least 10% of gross income.

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