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AP Art History Mrs.

Wiener Review sheet for test on Etruscan and Roman art: Etruscan art:

Fibula with Orientalizing lions Model of a typical Etruscan temple Apulu Sarcophagus with reclining couple Reliefs or wall painting from Cerveteri or Tarquinia (know about the necropolis) Capitoline Wolf Chimera of Arezzo Ficoroni Cista Porta Marzia Aule Metele

Roman art:

Know barrel vaults, groin vaults and hemispherical domes (page 250) Sanctuary of Primigenia Head of a Roman patrician Pompeii amphitheater and wall painting of it House of the Vettii, Pompeii First-Fourth Style Wall Paintings, all examples in the book Page from the Vatican Vergil Neptune and Amphitrite wall mosaic Portrait of Augustus Portrait bust of Livia Ara Pacis Augustae, including reliefs Pont-du-Gard Golden Dome of Nero Colosseum! Portrait of Vespasian Portrait bust of a Flavian woman Arch of Titus, with reliefs Trajans Forum and Column Markets of Trajan Trajans arch Funerary relief of a circus official Portrait of Hadrian Pantheon!

Hadrians villa Petra Ceiling and wall paintings of Insula of the Painted Vaults Floor mosaic of Neptune Funerary reliefs of vegetable vendor and midwife Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius and Decursio Equestrian portrait of Marcus Aurelius Portrait of Marcus Aurelius Orestes sarcophagus OR Asiatic sarcophagus Tondo of Septimius Severus Portrait of Caracalla Portrait of Trebonianus Gallus Ludovisi Sarcaphogus Portrait of the four tetrarchs Model of Diocletians palace in Split, Croatia Arch of Constantine with reliefs Portrait of Constantine Basilica Nova of Constantine Aula Palatina

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