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Describe the significant ways in which Christophers character has and has not changed during the course

of the novel.
Christopher Francis Boone is the main character and the protagonist of the novel. He presents himself as someone whose behaviour and mind set differ from what we judge as normal. He is not able to empathise, nor is he able to understand metaphors alongside that, he dislikes visiting new places and meeting new people. He places a great deal of importance on having a bullet proof schedule, which he can rely on, meaning that he needs everything to be planed ahead so that nothing can surprise him. He also shows abhorrence to being touched by anyone, the most body contact he allows is a meeting of fingers, which he and his dad use to express love to each other. During the course of the novel we note that Christopher is forced to deal with many things he normally would run from and that builds up to some changes in his character. For starters as he was starting his investigation about Wellingtons murder he made himself speak to some strangers, like mr. Thompsons brother and mrs. Alexander, even though he didnt want to. Furthermore, later on, when he found out that it was his father who killed Wellington and that he lied to him about it, alongside lying about his mothers death, he left Swindon and went to London to find his mother all on his own, whiteout a plan. Which cost him allot but it also meant that he had to be selfsufficient for the first time in his life, he had no one to count one but himself and he dealt with his fear and made it to his mothers house. So in a nutshell, one might say that Christophers character changed in the sense that he became more independent and learned that he is capable of dealing with unpredictable things should an absolute urgency arise and also learned a bit of patience. Moreover, he stopped trusting his father and became reacquainted with his mother, which also brought some change in his life, but in all other aspects he remained the same person he was in the beginning.

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