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February 20102

IOSH/Tyne & Wear Branch 02/01/13


1.0. 2.0. 3.0. 4.0.

The Aims and Objectives of the Tyne and Wear Branch Delivery and Appraisal of Aims and Objectives of the Tyne and Wear Branch Guidance notes for Branch Officers and Members. Outline notes for various Branch Traditions and Practices.

Appendix 1 Event Checklist

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1.0 The Aims and Objectives of the Tyne & Wear Branch are;
1.1 To strengthen and add value to the relationship between IOSH head office and the wider membership and to support the role and scope of the Branch as set out below. To provide IPD/SDP/CPD learning opportunities and local support to members. To promote and support the Vision, Mission and Corporate Strategy of the Institution and aim to link activities to central objectives or campaigns. Support, promote and reflect the IOSH corporate brand and aim for high quality and professionalism. Offer networking opportunities for members. Be a conduit for 2two-way communication between membership and IOSH corporate structures. Assist IOSH in the retention of existing members by offering local services. Engage with Branch Members with the intention of increasing branch attendance. Engage with local communities and raise the profile of IOSH and the profession on a local level. Adapt to meet local members changing needs. Be accountable for the Branch performance and funding. Assist with the recruitment of new members to IOSH. To welcome all new Branch members into the Branch. To encourage persons aspiring to enter the occupational health and safety profession and to assist with their development into qualified and competent practitioners. To establish a Mentor arrangement for new members and those seeking to advance their grade of membership. To support and monitor local education and training facilities for branch members and others showing an interest in the profession. To support and take a caring interest in the welfare of Branch members. To provide a regular programme of events relevant to the professional interests of Branch members.

1.2 1.3



1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11

1.12 1.13 1.14



1.17 1.18

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1.19 1.20

To ensure Branch activities are properly planned, managed and evaluated To ensure that venues selected for Branch events are suitable and convey a professional image for the event and that the venue complies with health and safety requirements relevant to the event. To establish relationships with other professional bodies and societies sharing similar aims.



Delivery and Appraisal of Aims and Objectives of Tyne & Wear branch;
Section 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.13 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.12, 1.13 1.4, 1.10, 1.11, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Appraisal Bi-annual review of Branch Plan Annual Planning & Feedback assessment Nine Exec meetings plus Annual Planning Event Managed by the Branch Web Master & checked by Branch Exec, hosted by IOSH web team Annual review of activity by Branch Exec Annual review of activity by Branch Exec Annual review of activity by Branch Exec Date Appraised February 2012 June 2011 As scheduled 2011/2012 On going

Delivery Contact with Branch Exec Member Branch Meetings & special events to assist members with CPD Branch Exec Meetings Tyne & Wear Web Site

Contact with IOSH by Nominated Branch Exec Member Contact Branch Education co-ordinator Contact with external bodies by nominated Branch Exec Member

1.1, 1.3 1.2, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16 1.9, 1.21

June 2011 June 2011 June 2011

3.0 Guidance Notes for Branch Officers and Members;

3.1. Chair: Presides over Branch & Executive meetings. Presides over other formal Branch functions Presides over the management of any associated District in accordance with IOSH Regulation 15 Manages the Branch in compliance with the requirements of IOSH Regulations 15 3.2. Past Chair:

Welcomes new members and visitors. Considers seeking election as Regional Rep to Council. Co-ordinates the setting-up of any new Specialist interest Ggroup.

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Vice Chair:

Expected to progress to Chairman Deputises for the Branch Chair when they are not available. Procures Mentors for new members, etc. Acts as the liaison between the branch and the branch chosen charity


Secretary: Acts as a business secretary. Is assisted by the Assistant secretary to produce minutes/notes as appropriate of the regular branch meetings and executive meetings. Produces and issues minutes of AGMs. Acts as liaison between the Branch and its Districts Acts as the liaison between the branch and IOSH centrally. Acts as the liaison between other professional groups and the Branch Acts as the liaison between the branch and the Web Master


Treasurer: Administrates branch funds, budgets and expenditures. Keeps Executive informed of the state of branch finance. Arranges for the Branch and Districts accounts to be compiled and audited in accordance with IOSH procedures. Secures funding from IOSH head office. Develops branch/districts financial plan.


Assistant Secretary:


Deputises for the Secretary when they are not available. Produces Minutes of the Executive Meetings Assists the Branch Secretary

Branch Web Master: In association with the head office web team maintains Branch Web Site. Regulates content of Web Site in line with IOSH rules and procedures. Gives Executive Committee advance information of new content for Web Site.


Branch Education and Development Advisor (BEDA): Provides information regarding local courses leading to membership. Co-ordinates support for members for CPD/IPD and Chartered Membership. Liaises with head office on education issues. Provides local training for branch members on IOSH qualification routes.

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Branch Commercial Development Officer Researches opportunities for developing income to support branch plans. Co-ordinates income plans with head office to ensure compliance with IOSH rules. Advises and seeks Exec approval for income plans. Makes contact with potential sponsors in line with agreed rules. 3.10 Communications & Campaigns Champion

The Communications and Campaigns champion is responsible for ensuring that IOSH campaigns are supported and promoted in the Branch/District programme and to be the contact point for the co-ordination of events planned by other Branches/Districts/Sections and/or Groups occurring in our area. The role also includes acting as a press liaison officer who will work closely with the IOSH communications team in the promotion of their Branch/District/Section or Group. Role To liaise with the Networks Officer specifically in relation to IOSH Campaigns and the co-ordination of other IOSH events occurring in our area. To ensure that relevant campaign materials are obtained from the IOSH Campaign team. To ensure that IOSH campaigns are reflected in Branch/District/Section and Groups programmes To act as press liaison officer and be the key point of contact for the IOSH media team with regards to press and publicity for the Branch/District/Section or Group. To be the contact point for co-ordination of events with other Branch/District/Section or Group.


The Executive Committee.

Participates in Branch Planning events. Undertakes the Championing of meetings/events. Attends, where possible regular Branch Exec meetings. Supports the tasks of other Branch Officers. Provides support for Branch meetings, welcoming members and visitors, ensuring arrangements are appropriate e.g. assists with set-up, catering arrangements Supports the activities of Specialists Sections attached to the Branch. Decides the relevance of forming associations with local groups who declare similar interests, professional or otherwise, particularly where Branch funds need to, or may be applied. Ensures that speakers at Branch meetings are properly hosted. Approve an annual budget in advance of each Branch year, ensuring that speakers are appropriately recompensed for their contribution. 3.112 Commitment Branch committee members are expected to commit time to the Branch. While it is understood that every volunteer is busy and that personal circumstances may change during your term of office election to the Branch Committee does require your time. Any committee member who fails to attend three
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consecutive planned Branch Meetings/Events including Exec Committee meetings shall automatically be suspended from the Committee and can only be re-instated following a written explanation and expression of intention to continue as a Committee Member and by a majority vote of the Committee. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive Branch Meetings/Events including Exec Committee meetings twice in their term of office shall automatically forfeit their place on the Committee and cannot be reinstated until the next AGM by vote of the whole Branch. The Committee may waive this rule in certain and prescribed circumstances an example being where an essential role can be undertaken without attendance e.g. the role of the Web Champion. The Chair and or Secretary may accept apologies in lieu of attendance. 3.13 Executive Committee Structure The Executive Committee shall constitute a representative proportion of the Branch/District membership and be capped at a maximum of 16 inclusive of all Branch Officers and District Chair(s). 4.0

Outline notes for various Branch Traditions and Practice.

Involving the President of I.O.S.H. The President should be invited to speak at each Branch A.G.M. The President should be invited to attend any formal branch function and the Branch Executive Christmas Dinner. The Branch Regional Representatives to Council should be similarly invited.



Branch Web Site.

The content of the branch/district Web Site is the responsibility of the Branch Executive. Anything it contains must enhance the Institution in general, in particular its image as a professional body in line with the Vision, Mission and Code of Conduct of the Institution. The purpose of the Web Site is to provide contact and communication for members and third parties, it is not to be seen as an authoritative source of advice on occupational health and safety issues. The site cannot be used to promote products or services unless approved by IOSH head office. The Branch Executive will appoint a Web Master, who will be responsible for the maintenance of the site and the validation of all programmes incorporated in it in conjunction with the IOSH Web team. The Branch Web Master will also ensure that the Branch Executive approve all Links incorporated in the site to ensure that visitors are not directed to sites which are in breach of the Institutions own rules, or are in contradiction with, or damaging of, the Institutions position/image.


The Planning of Seminars.

IOSH/Tyne & Wear Branch 02/01/13

The Branch shall hold an annual Fresh Thinking Event. The purpose of the event is for the Exec to: a) review past years events b) agree branch meeting topics c) agree event Champions and support d) set branch and exec meeting dates for the coming year e) review the Districts past years performance and forward plan e) review the branch plan and any other branch documentation, policy or service The Institution through the Branch SupportNetworks Officer and Events Team provides assistance in administrative activity for seminars that are laid on by the Branch. The Branch SupportNetworks Officer and Events Team provides copies of their procedures, in particular the Financial Procedures for such events. The Branch effectively determines a theme, programme, speakers and suitable location/venue for the event, thereafter, IOSH issue all publicity material and booking forms, as well as ensuring the total oversight of cash flow. The arrangement ensures that rules and protocol established by the Institution are observed, and that organisers at Branch level do not jeopardise their own standing, or indeed that of the Branch, with the Institution. It is the responsibility of the Branch Executive to ensure that any intended seminar meets with the purpose and aims of the Institution before supporting/allowing matters to progress into the planning stage. 4.4 Welcome New Members

The Branch Executive Committee shall hold an annual Fresh Thinking Meeting at the end of each programme year. New Members, those joining the Branch in the past twelve months, shall be invited by the Chairman to join the Executive Committee for a welcome meal at this event. 4.54 Branch Speakers Speakers who give their time free of charge to the Branch shall be presented with a gift at the meeting which they present to and be invited to the Branch Executive Christmas Dinner. 4.65 Outstanding Service to the Branch The Branch shall present Executive Members who on stepping down from the Exec have given 10 years or more a Branch Outstanding Service Award. Outstanding Service to IOSH 4.76 The Branch Exec shall consider worthy Branch Members for nomination to IOSH for the Presidents Distinguished Service Award.

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IOSH Tyne and Wear Branch - Event Checklist Appendix 1 Checklist to be produced for each proposed event. Responsibilities are to be assigned at least two Executive meetings prior to the event. Checklist 1 to be signed off by branch Executive at Executive meeting prior to event Checklist 2 to be signed off by branch Executive at Executive meeting after event (to allow for evaluation and discussion on success level) Checklist 1 Element Event Title Event Date Event Champion Event Assistant Speakers Speaker Accommodation Venue Venue Setup
(dependant on event type)




Venue Contact (name and telephone) Catering Refreshments Venue Directions Greeters Exec Meeting (Tuesday before) Speaker Gifts IOSH Stands Presentations Laptop Screen Projector Extension lead and Tape Speaker Documentation Web Flyer

Members Informed (IOSH)

Feedback Sheets IOSH/Tyne & Wear Branch 02/01/13

(Produced) Checklist 2 Element Feedback Sheets (Collected) Evaluation Compiled Summary of Evaluation Speakers Notes Added to Web Event Summary Responsibility Completed Comments

Executive Sign Off Name Signature Name Signature

IOSH/Tyne & Wear Branch 02/01/13


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