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Animals In Their Habitat Zebras

Zoo Trip Report by Andrella Manuel and Johanna Lim

Name the biome that the animal is native to. State the geographical region of that biome. Zebras are native to grasslands so, as a result, zebras live in a grassland biome.Grasslands are land filled with grasses. There are not many large shrubs or trees. And although, there are many grasslands throughout the whole world, zebras usually are located in Africa. Find abiotic features of the habitat: Temperature - The temperature in grasslands are both high, in areas near the Equator, and mid-to-low near Subarctic Regions. Grasslands close to the Equator are usually tropical grasslands (with hot temperatures throughout for the whole year) or temperate grasslands (which has warm temperatures throughout most of the year). The further grasslands are from the Equator, the more chances it has of being either temperate grasslands and/or montane grassland. Precipitation - Up to 60 inches a year, the tropical grassland rains the most out of all the other grassland biomes. Other grasslands usually rains less than 40 inches a year and even if the flooded grasslands are the wettest of all, it only rains up to 30 to 40 inches a year. But montane grassland rains the least of all. The highest precipitation they get is 30 inches but it is usually snow. Humidity - Tropical grasslands and flooded grasslands are the most humid of all. And although temperate grasslands are not as humid, but can also be very dry. Montane grasslands are usually very dry but occasionally has some moisture in the air. Typography - Montane grasslands have the highest elevation of all. Tropical grasslands are very inbetween. They have some areas that have high elevation and other areas with low elevation. The landscapes are usually very uneven and temperate grasslands are more flat and has mid-to-love elevation for the majority of the area. Flooded grasslands are practically all flat and have low elevation.

Discover the range of tolerance of the animal. Zebras are most comfortable in sunny, hot temperatures which is the climate they are in. Because the environment they live in is very dry, they have to live near watering to

survive. Their coats dissipate over 70% of incoming heat. Scientists believe that their stripes on their coats can help zebras to survive intense solar radiation. Where would the animal prefer to make its den? Zebras travel in groups and also live in herds. They dont have an exact place for a den but they prefer to sleep under trees that provide shade. Zebras occasionally sleep standing up but they are also very guarded so they can only sleep when neighbors are around to guard and warn them of predators.

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