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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Task-1.1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Task-1.2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Task-1.3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Task-1.4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Task-2.1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Task-2.2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Task-2.3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Task-2.4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Task-3.1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Task-3.2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Task-3.3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Task-3.4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Task-4.1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Task-4.2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Task-4.3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 12 References ................................................................................................................................................... 12

The world of today is very much diverse and full of competitors marketing their products. As the Case is about the British Gas and its an industry where lot of efforts and precautions are needed as the level of risk is higher, so the employees have to be well trained and developed as per the updated guidelines by the government. Planning of all this becomes very important for the attainment of the success and the human resource plans play an indispensable part of the entire process. The human resource department contributes to the higher extent towards the management of the firm in the form of recruitment, selection, motivation of the employees etc which in turn will provide the positive results to help in the success of the company.

As it is known British Gas is a very much reputed organization in the world as it creates a lot of opportunities and generates lot of profit which will increase the contribution in the economy. Personnel management is the set of activities concerning the workforce which will include the staffing, payroll and many other administrative works. Personnel management has more to do with the management of the workforce rather than the resources of the firm (Kochan and Barocci, 2005). It is said to be more administrative in nature and the role of the personnel manager is to ensure that the demands and the needs of the workforce are been taken care of as the immediate concern, they often play the role of the mediators between the management and the employees. But on the contrary human resource management is the need of the new employees which lays emphasis on the people first policy and also the attainment of the objectives of the ROI that is the return on investment. So the HR Manager will be responsible for the fulfillment of the objectives of the firm considering its mission and also the needs of the resources which will contribute to the success of the organization. So the human resource management is a wider and a very important part of the employees management which is a shift in focus and the strategy of the British Gas (Wilson, 2009).

The human resource function plays a very important role in contributing towards the success of the organization. The contribution of the human resource management in organization can be in many ways like to employ people, providing the organizational design, because HRM capability will begin at the origins and will involve all the interactions between the people, technology. In a

competitive world like this where it requires flexible responses with the strong competition from every type of player (Pfeffer, 2007). Other elements which effect HRM and are some or the other where contributing to the success are the technological changes, changing characteristics of the workforce, increased legislations which is the outcome of the changes in the legislations. The staffing is also a very vital part of the organizational performance because the people recruited in the firm will be performing and give their operations accordingly. The focus on expanding the customer base which will give profit to the firm also contributes to the human resource management. The practices of HRM can be classified on the basis of their impact on organizational performance by the employees skills, motivation and the structure of the work becomes a greater scope for any firm. Planning in the HRM becomes very necessary and their development makes the workforce more efficient which in turn can influence organizational performance beforehand by the selection of the skilled people. So all these contribution of HRM has given a new way and light to the organization success (Armstrong, 2006).

There are many roles and responsibilities of the Human Resource Manager which the person has to obey and fulfill profitably. At different levels there are varied roles and responsibilities which the manager has to achieve for the sake of doing the job. In the British gas company there are hundreds of engineers which have to be responsible for the annual service of the customers central heating system upgrades which can improve the efficiency and the flexibility of the equipments. The major task of the whole responsibility of the manager includes the planning of the workloads, solving of the problems and the opportunities of the coming market, these will also create a market for the customers of the British Gas (Golding, 2010). The HRM of the British Gas has to be very cautious while recruiting and the selection of the people in this kind of the organization where the chances of danger and failure becomes more. This role of the staffing management involves. So the Effective Recruitment becomes very important and the first step comes with educational and psychological measurements. Improvements in compensation packages is also a very important task for the HR dept which is used to motivate employees by rewarding the ones who perform really well, the compensation package comes in various forms like the awards, equities, salary increments, holiday offers are provided, working hours can be flexible for the employee to get motivated, Promotions are to be provided to the employees

through straightforward schemes and also the career developments (Banfield and Rebecca, 2008).

Human resource is such a department where the human is included and that paves the way for more conflicts to deal with and more legal issues are involved. There are many legal and the regulatory work where the HRM is affected in the British Gas as there are more chances of danger and failure to happen. Legal issues can be solved by the Human Resource department but there are some factors which lead to the conflicts in the employee and the employer. Legal issues can be like the following: Government restrictions: These are the rules and the regulations by the government over the HR department for the maintenance of the many safety and security terms. Legal Notices: There are many legal notices which are given to the employees for the sake of their performance and their improvements in the system. Legal court gives the notice to the firm for the human resource department for the sake of the welfare of the monetary and nonmonetary safety of the labor. These are some of the legal issues which give the betterment to the firm (Pfeffer, 2007).

If the work is planned it is half done, so the planning plays a very important role in human resource management. It begins by considering the organizational objectives and all the policies. The British gas is dependent on the data and the frameworks been given by the government which is required by the human resource department by having the accessible information which can be reached by the Human resource Information system. It becomes vital to forecasts a mismatch or the gap between the HR demand and the HR supply, the strategies and the plans which will address the imbalance and that can be short term or long term (Terrence, 2004). Forecasts is done for the sales to be projected monthly or quarterly or yearly, it is also done for the markets to be captured, expansions and the diversifications for the British gas in other forms like the renewable sources of energy. Once the forecast is complete, then comes the part of planning the jobs according to the resources and the facilities available and also according to the strategies laid down in the forecasts. Environmental changes both internal and external also give

way to the planning of the human resource. Planning can be done in many phases and it should be done very carefully because if the plan is wrong then the actions will prove to be a failure (Wilson, 2009).

There have to be many effective stages to make the plan get fulfilled and make it fruitful. Plans are a result of many changes which are demanded by the market or the customers requirements so they have to be planned efficiently and with full care. All of these impacts have an effect on the quality and the number of the employees with the expertise skills and caliber but due to the changes it may require training for certain employees to stand successful (Golding, 2010). There are four stages in the planning for human resource needs: Gathering and the data collection for the forecasts is the first step which is the analysis on the business future plans and the expansions as per the availability of the staff, internally as well as externally to meet the demands of the customers (Thomas, 2009). The objectives of the company that is the British Gas must be identified, because this identification will decide upon the decisions which is related to the employees whether they will be promoted internally or they will hired from outside. Implementing of the plans or the programs is done which are aligned with the companys objectives. The last stage will include monitoring and the evaluation of the performance of the human resource plan (Terrence, 2004).

Recruitment is the type of activity which takes place in British Gas as a very important part as it includes danger zone and more risk towards the human resource. This will help the British People to adapt and develop lot of training and development which is required for the senior responsibilities within the organization. Recruitment is the identification of the eligible candidates for the specific post at the right time for the right qualification and the right expertise. Recruitment programs are very much necessary for the recognition of the suitable candidates. Choosing among the skilled resource whose talent and the expertise matches with the requirements of the firm and that will give the maximum efficiency and increase in margins of the profit. Selection is the hiring of the right candidate among all the eligible candidates, so that

the expertise can be used at the right place and the result can be fruitful. The selection of the British Gas is very much upon the Core competencies and Life Skills. Selection of the candidate is very expensive process but it maximizes the benefit from its investment (Mckeena and Beech, 2008). Therefore the recruitment and the selection process of this company are very selective and very much efficient, so the employees needed for the same have to be well trained and developed.

In many cases, an individual who will be at British Gas will be more trained and developed and that may call for more promotional measures and that requires a range of skills and the knowledge of all the customer services to make them satisfied. Recruitment and the selection techniques are the ones which are used for the employees and to make the human resource plan move effectively (Thomas, 2009). Recruitment of the firm will only be responsible for getting the right candidates till the organization but the selection process and the techniques will help the management to get help in selecting the best candidate among all. There are many selection techniques like the process of the Group Discussion, then the telephonic interview and then the personal interview will all lead to the perfect engineers and the right management. The selection technique will include the employer or the instructor and the candidate or the learner who will learn about the process and the techniques and will be selected accordingly (Banfield and Rebecca, 2008).

Motivation for the employees is very much necessary for the job to be done with full efforts and less of failure. The reward system has the direct effect with the motivation of the employee and it is very much linked with the employee success. In formulating the rewards for the employees will take the theory of the motivation of Maslow Motivational theory which says that the employee pay skills and even the incentives will depend upon the stage in which the person is. As the Maslow says that the persons basic need is the psychological need which if fulfilled will automatically generate the need of the security which will be achieved by the extra monetary support given by the firm and reducing the risk of the danger and the life when it comes to the British Gas. Then if the motivation of the person is increased by the rewards then the employee gets the chance to enhance it and make the work more fruitful (Armstrong, 2006).

Rewards is also directly linked to the motivation as the recommended salary will always offer the work span of the employee and it will give the added advantage to the staff for increment in the position. Many surveys have shown that the tools used by the company like British has always made its employee more and more satisfied when it comes to work and their pay and above that the rewards (Terrence, 2004).

Job evaluation has more to do with the measurement for the purpose of determining the pay of the employee and their grading according to the performance so that the balance can be maintained among all the hierarchy in the organization. The job has to do with the evaluation factors as this will give the added advantage to the employee as well as the employer for the purpose of maintain the pay scale and not to get into the controversies of the union (Swanson, 2008). Job evaluation establishes the relative value of all the jobs and determining their worth in the firm. There are many factors which will give the idea of the employees pay like: Job Descriptions: the job responsibilities will always determine the pay as what are the duties, what time is needed to complete those roles and how much time is needed to make it [possible with the fruitful results (Storey, 2007). Supply and the demand of labor: The market place of the other gas companies also will decide the basic pay of an employee. Sometimes the demand will vary according to the locations of the firm and above that it will again be compared to the competitors of the industry. Profitability of the organization: Employees who work with the companies like the British Gas has the higher possibility of the higher payment as the profitable business will always have the greater chance of higher wages than those working for the less profitable enterprise (Thomas, 2009).

Reward systems are a very critical part of the any human resource management and they are bound to be at the place where this motivates the employees. The reward system affects the quality of life of people which has improved over the past decades and some new rewards systems have been developed which have given a new way to enhance the skills of the employee. The critical elements of the reward systems are been the core principles for which the

organization holds its position in the market (Wilson, 2009). The main objective of the reward system is the attraction and retention of the employees which is the influence of the staff that is attracted towards the work of an organization. Another objective of the reward system is to reduce the absenteeism when people are motivated to perform and make low absenteeism. Different kinds of Reward systems which are followed in British Gas are: Performance based: This is the key factor to keep in mind as the basic need of any organization is the work performance which will judge the employees capability. Most Business organizations adopt different ways of judging the performance for the reward to be impartial towards all. Market Position: The reward structure of any organization will have the partial influence if the market position of all the competitors is same (Pfeffer, 2007).

When the work is being done properly, it becomes very much necessary to measure and monitor the performance. This will allow an organization to align its business operations to its strategy and to monitor the feedback. The performance measure is a very difficult task as that involves many conflicts and many fights on the basis of the impartiality as the assessment is done on the progress made. Monitoring of the performance is done or managed using output and the outcome measures (Storey, 2007). Monitoring measures are been done by the following methods: Balance Score Card: This is a method which involves the below four sets of measurements complementing all the financial measures with the future works: Financial Customer Processes of the Business Growth which will come after learning.

Formulating a Project Scope: While executing a large story, the project has the various plans of the performance measures which will give the performance a new methodology and also to the human resource department (Mckeena and Beech, 2008).

The time may come in any employee tenure where it has to go through the unpleasant job of terminating an employee. Cessation of the employee means the firing of the employee because of the certain reasons as it becomes important at point of time to make the firing of the staff for the balancing of the organization hierarchy of the human resource department. There can be many reasons behind it but the important part is the documentation which has to be careful on the employers part to get protected against the possible charges of the discrimination or the unlawful termination which can result in the lawsuit against the party. Reasons can be: Unacceptable behavior of the Employee: if the employee does not behave according to the code of ethics, that should be strictly prohibited from giving the confidential information to the customers, and if the employer discovers so then the staff should terminate the employee (Banfield and Rebecca, 2008). Business Conditions: If the market is not responding well and if it is unfavorable the company may have to lay off the employees for many economic reasons as opposed to the performance which is poor. Inadequate Job Performance: The employee may not be able to perform the work as per the given specifications or that may prove in losses (Kochan and Barocci, 2005).

Employees leaving the organization may have to leave due to its own will or by the force of the company but the exit procedure has to be same for all the employees. This procedure will apply to all the staff of the British Gas and EDF and that will be on a permanent basis apart from all those who have been dismissed for some disciplinary action, the human resource department of the British Gas will be like: Documentation of the employee: Once the leaving date of the employee is confirmed, it should go for all the documentation of the company policy so that the candidate can go to the HR department for the payment due or for further procedure (Wilson, 2009). Exit Interview: These interviews are conducted by the British gas Staff managers and one of the HR team mates. The interview will be conducted in the human resource department for the

gaining of the knowledge of how was the experience and how did the firm treat the candidate in this tenure. Review of the notes: The interviewer will review all the notes that the candidate has taken with himself and the candidate has to sign all the papers and also sign the form of the agreement that the assessment and the comments of the interviewer will depend upon the review process (Armstrong, 2006).

The staff manager of the firm and also the Human resource department has to undergo many processes of the legal and regulatory frameworks which will and do affect employment cessation of the employee like there are many legal forms need to be filled by the employer and the employee to not to make any kind of mishap for the employee in near future. After the resignation has been submitted to the manager it becomes a legal duty of the employer to make the arrangements for the employee legal issues like: Payment which has to be made in lieu of the notice: the payment has to make at the discretion of the party. In this case the date of termination of the employment will be till the last working day. The payment will include the salary plus the payments for the outstanding leave of the year (Swanson, 2008). Return of the firm property: The party will be responsible for the returning of all the property of the organization that is the British Gas including all the laptops, Blackberrys, corporate credit cards etc (Kochan and Barocci, 2005). Legal Court for the Termination: The termination of the employee has to go through the Human resource legal court permits the termination possible. The exit will depend upon the legal people reviewing the documents and then making the exit easy for the employee (Mckeena and Beech, 2008).

This report contains all the features of the HRM which are important in day to day activities of the firm and are responsible for the betterment and the welfare of the labor. The labor pay is very much important in the today scenario and therefore that has been given more worth and various job evaluation techniques have been suggested to make the pay according to the job and make the employee more satisfied. There are many legal issues affecting the HR department which has been thrown light upon. There are some of the topics which have not been covered by the researcher due to the short in literature and lack of the theories.

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