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At the same time, medications to minimize the heart's workload are also started. Beta-blocking drugs and calcium-channel-blocking drugs reduce how hard the heart pumps and minimize the amount of oxygen the heart needs. Patients who have symptoms of congestive heart failure may need to take digitalis or another inotrope to improve the heart's pumping ability and diuretic drugs to help remove excess fluid from the body. For many patients with coronary heart disease, surgical treatment will be recommended. The decision to recommend coronary bypass surgery or angioplasty is based on the number, location, and severity of plaques in the coronary arteries. Although both angioplasty and bypass surgery improve the condition of the majority of patients who undergo them, the procedures do have risks including further heart damage and even death. These risks are least when the procedure is performed in an institution that does hundreds of the procedures a year, and by the most experienced surgeons

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