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January 2013 Evergreen Ward

VOL. 3 ISSUE #1 1

Evergreen Relief Society

Introduction to Lorenzo Snow Book
In the eighty-seventh year of my age on earth, I feel full of earnest desire for the benefit of humanity. I lift my hands and invoke the blessing of heaven upon the inhabitants of the earth. May the sunshine from above smile upon you. May the treasures of the ground and the fruits of the soil be brought forth freely for your good. May the light of truth chase darkness from your souls. May righteousness increase and iniquity diminish. May justice triumph and corruption be stamped out. And may virtue and chastity and honor prevail, until evil shall be overcome and the earth shall be cleansed from wickedness. Let these sentiments, as the voice of the Mormons in the mountains of Utah, go forth to the whole world, and let all people know that our wish and our mission are for the blessing and salvation of the entire human race. May God be glorified in the victory that is coming over sin and sorrow and misery and death. Peace be unto you all!
~Lorenzo Snow

Inside this Issue: Lorenzo Snow Intro Dates to Remember A Month of Lessons Quote of the Month Happy Birthday 1 2 3 3 2

Visiting Teaching Message 4

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January 2013 Evergreen Ward

VOL. 3 ISSUE #1 2

January8 Stake Temple Day 13 Evergreen ward Conference 29 Stake Blood Drive February5 Evening RS Provident Living 12 Stake Temple Day 14 Valentine's Day TBD Sweethearts Ball March5 Evening RS 10 Daylight Savings Time begins (Spring forward) 12 Stake Temple Day 17 St. Patrick's Day 31 Easter


2 Tina Carnahan 3 Danielle Jensen 4 Jackie Trimble 5 Jodi Neal 6 Stacia Clark 9 Kristine Beaves 10 Melissa Nutter 12 Jill Houck 14 Lindsey Liebert 15 Hannah Nutter 16 Cathy Serra 19 Linda Haskett 19 Monic Clayton 20 Catherine Godfrey 21 Marcia Bottomley 21 Brittney Cook 21 Julie Gatpo 21 Mandi Stegehuis 21 Michele Brown 26 Laura Brockman 27 Kathleen Barleen 28 Lynette Carroll 30 Jennifer Reed 31 Sabrina Sears 31 Heather Wheeler 31 Louisa Nuffer

Stake Blood Drive, Tuesday, January 29th. For best time selection, sign up at (code: ldsvancouvercenter). Sign-up sheets will also be circulated in the wards. Any questions? Call Nina Adamson 256-9632 Provident Living Night , Tuesday, Feb. 5th. 6:30-8-30. Bring favorite soup for our Potluck Dinner. Sister Ingela Martinson will be teaching us how to make Homemade Laundry Detergent. Building Mini-Cleaning on Tuesdays for the Month of February. You and a Buddy pick a Tues. you could come in for a quick clean. Sign-up sheets will be passed around. Your service is always appreciated.
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January 2013 Evergreen Ward

VOL. 3 ISSUE #1 3



The Voice of the Lord

BY PRESIDENT HENRY B. EYRING First Counselor in the First Presidency
The Doctrine and Covenants invites all people everywhere to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ (see D&C 1:2, 4, 11, 34; 25:16). It is filled with His messages, warnings, and encouraging exhortations given by revelation to chosen prophets. In these revelations we can see how God can answer our prayers of faith with messages of instruction, peace, and warning. In our prayers we seek to know what God would have us do, what we should do to find peace and happiness in this life and the next, and what lies ahead of us. The Doctrine and Covenants is filled with answers to such questions asked by ordinary people and by prophets in humble prayer. It can be a precious guide to teach us how to receive answers to questions about our temporal wellbeing and eternal salvation. Humility and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are key. Oliver Cowdery received an answer from the Lord regarding his desire to help in the translation of the Book of Mormon: Remember that without faith you can do nothing; therefore ask in faith. Trifle not with these things; do not ask for that which you ought not (D&C 8:10).

Have I Done Any Good Today?

"Spiritual Strength frequently comes through selfless service."
~President Monson, April 2010

January 2013

Relief Society Lessons

Date Sunday Lesson Jan.6th 1 Presidency Jan. 13th 2 #1 Learning of Faith Jan. 20th 3 #2 Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost Jan. 27th 4 Teaching for Our Time: "The First Great Commandment, Sunday AM Session, Elder J. Holland


President - Thea Landers 1st Counselor - Julie Conrady 2nd Counselor - Megan Hartwig Secretary - Yvette Ogata 360-604-2185 815-342-9509 360-882-1938 360-721-3959

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Visit Teaching Message

Missionary Work
Latter-day Saints are sent forth to labor in [the Lords] vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men (D&C 138:56), which includes missionary work. We dont need a formal mission call to share the gospel. Others whose lives will be blessed by the gospel surround us, and as we prepare ourselves, the Lord will use us. Visiting teachers can embrace their spiritual responsibilities and help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39). When the Prophet Joseph Smith organized the Relief Society in 1842, he said that the women were not only to look after the poor but also to save souls.1 This is still our purpose. The Lord entrusts a testimony of the truth to those who will share it with others, said President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. Even more, the Lord expects the members of His Church to open [their mouths] at all times, declaring [His] gospel with the sound of rejoicing (D&C 28:16). Sometimes a single phrase of testimony can set events in motion that affect someones life for eternity.2

From the Scriptures Doctrine and Covenants 1:2023; 18:15; 123:12 From Our History The story of Olga Kovov of the former Czechoslovakia is an
example of member missionary work from our Relief Society history. In the 1970s, Olga was a doctoral student and hungry for a deeper spiritual life. She noticed 75-year-old Otakar Vojkvka, a Latter-day Saint. He appeared to me seventy-five in his age but in his heart nearer to eighteen and full of joy, she said. This was unusual in Czechoslovakia at that time of cynicism.Olga asked Otakar and his family how they found joy. They introduced her to other Church members and gave her a Book of Mormon. She read it eagerly and was soon baptized and confirmed. Since that time Olga has been an influence for good in a world of political oppression and religious persecution. She served as Relief Society president in her little branch and helped save the souls of others by bringing them to Christ.3 What Can I Do? Do I follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost as I share my testimony with the sisters I visit? How am I helping the sisters I watch over to learn the gospel? WWW.RSEVERGREEN.WARD.BLOGSPOT.COM

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