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4. T


10-12 TAHUN

1. (1804+1271x) = 20910x+70397 2. 55x+12(55+81x) = 55x+5520 3. Sebuah kebun mengambil masa lapan hari untuk dibersihkan oleh dua orang pekerja. Pekerja A mengambilmasa 12 hari sahaja untuk membersihkan sendiri. Berapa banyakkah hari yang diperlukan oleh pekebun B untuk membersihkan ladang dengan sendiri? 4. Binabentuk F berdasarkan kepingan-kepingan bentuk di bawah

5. Binahuruf H berdasarkanbentuk di bawah

6. If






7. Which of the following is the common multiple of 4 and 12? A 64 B 76 C 88 D 96 8. How many prime numbers arethere between 100 and 125? A5 B6 C7 D8 9. A pen is priced at RM 13 and an eraser is priced at 40 cent. Guan Pang buys 3 pens and 4 erasers. How much should he pay? A RM4.60 RM40.60 RM46.40 D RM60.40

10. In a quiz, every participant is required to answer 20 questions. 8 marks are awarded for a correct answer but 3 marks are deducted for a wrong answer. Azman answers 13 questions correctly and Badrul answers 9 questions correctly. Calculate the difference in their scores. A 39 B 44 C 83 D 122

11. A factory operates every day. The factory produces 2 650 electronic components per day. In a particular week, 418 components are found to be faulty. How many of the components produced in the week are not faulty? A 17 636 B 18 069 C 18 132 D 18 230 12. 264 + 156 12 4 = A 140 B 224 C 296 D 316 13. The first three prime numbers

14. which are greater than 100 are A 101, 103 and 105 B 101, 103 and 107 C 103, 105 and 107 D 103, 107 and 109

15. The pair of numbers having the highest common factor(HCF) of 6 is A 12 and 18 B 12 and 24 C 18 and 36 D 24 and 36

Jawapan: 1. 57 2. 5 3. 24 hari 4.



7. D 96

8. A 5 9. B RM40.60 10. 11. 12. B 44 C 18 132 D 316

13. 14. 15.

The first three prime numbers B 101, 103 and 107 A 12 and 18

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