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31 MovemenL across Lhe lasma Membrane

1he Structure of the |asma Membrane

Movement of Substances across the |asma Membrane
Composed malnly
roLeln hosphollplds
hosphollplds molecule
as polar head (hydrophlllc properLy)
lnner layer face cytop|asm|c f|u|d
uLer layer face extrace||u|ar f|u|d
as a nonpolar Lalls (hydrophoblc properLy)
rrange Lhemselves ln 2 layer (bllayer)
hosphollplds 8llayer
cLs as a barrler whlch lsolaLes Lhe 2 sldes of Lhe membrane
ConLalns cholesLerol whlch
Llnks Lhe faLLy acld LogeLher
elps Lo sLablllse and sLrengLhen Lhe plasma membrane
(maklng lL more flexlble yeL less permeable Lo waLer
soluble subsLances such as lons)
Iarlous Lype of proLelns whlch are elLher parLlally aLLached
Lo Lhe surface or wholly embedded ln Lhe membrane
ore prote|n (proLeln molecules LhaL forms a channel or
a pore)
arr|er prote|n (proLeln molecule LhaL acL as a carrler)
|ycoprote|n (carbohydraLes LhaL aLLached Lo Lhe
plasma membrane)
@hese componenLs form a dynamlc and flexlble sLrucLure
@he proLeln molecule floaL Lo form a mosalc paLLern LhaL ls
always changlng (and sald Lo have a fluld characLerlsLlc)

@he ermeablllLy of lasma Membrane

lasma Membrane ls sem|permeab|e [ se|ect|ve|y permeab|e
lacLors LhaL deLermlne wheLher a molecule can pass Lhrough Lhe plasma
membrane or noL

1he s|ze of mo|ecu|e
Llpldsoluble molecule (faLLy aclds
-onpolar molecule (& &)
JaLer because Lhe molecules are
small enough Lo sllde beLween
Lhe phosphollplds bllayer or move
Lhrough Lhe pores
Large waLersoluble molecule
(glucose amlno aclds) cannoL
move Lhrough Lhe hydrophoblc
reglon unless alded by carrler
proLelns LhaL have slLes LhaL can
blnd Lo speclflc molecules before
LransporLlng Lhem across Lhe
plasma membrane
ore proLeln allow small waLer

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