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CELLS Animal cells

Plant cells

Parts of the cell (incomplete :o) Nucleolus o Holds the genetic information of the cell Endoplasmic Reticulum o Rough and Smooth Ribosomes attached outside = rough Protein synthesis within endomembrane system Protein synthesis for secretion Integral membrane protein syntheshis Protein modification (Golgi also) Membrane assembly Golgi Apparatus o Packages proteins before they are sent to their destination Mitochondria o The cells powerhouse, as it produces ATP Chloroplasts o Contains chlorophyll, which is a catalyst for photosynthesis Central Vacuoles o Tonoplast Single membrane o Contents Water, salts, crystals, starch, protein bodies, granules/fibrous materials o Function Storage of nutrient reserves and waste materials Digestive organelle Impermeable to wastes Ribosomes o Sites of protein synthesis o In plants, only few ribosomes except in legumes and insectivorous plants o A cluster is called a polysome IV. CELL DIVISION Interphase G1 phase o Period before DNA synthesis o gap between cell division and DNA synthesis o Cell makes ER, ribosomes, and cytosol to make 2 functional cells S phase o DNA synthesis o Replicates its DNA for the next 6-8 hours o o Goal of replication is to accurately copy the genetic information so that each daughter cell will have an exact copy of the parental DNA Steps

Cell wall o Primary wall Microfibrils attached to the cell membrane Polysaccharide Celluloses polymers of glucose Hemicelluloses akali-soluble portion Pectin hot water-soluble portion o Secondary wall Lignin Aromatic polymer that rigidifies secondary cell walls Stained red by phloroglucinol solutions o Mid lamella Pectin

Compartmentalization Eukaryotic cells are full of membrane-enclosed compartments o Separates incompatible chemical and physical conditions o Proteins can be both synthesized and hydrolyzed in a single cell

G2 phase o Spans the time from the completion of DNA synthesis to the onset of cell division o Spends 2-5 hours making proteins before mitosis Cell performs all of its regular functions and gets ready to divide High metabolic activity DNA is duplicated DNA is in the form of chromatin

Chromosomes Before a cell starts dividing, the chromosomes are duplicated (refer to S phase) o Produces sister chromatids Structure o Homologous chromosomes = identical pairs o One inherited from mother, and one from father o Made of of sister chromatids joined at the centromere

M phase (Mitosis) o Purpose: to make copies of cells and their DNA o Events Replicated chromosomes align at the metaphase plate Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles Nuclear membranes form around each new nucleus Division of cytoplasm or cytokinesis o Stages

Cell Cycle Control Checkpoint proteins monitor progression through the cell cycle


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