You are on page 1of 34

( 1 )

e ' k%
1 s-i|n ii, i-i ii liin, i ,ii ilin i i |ii l-zaas (ii iilin) ii ,ii --
i| | n; li ii ,li i| i i |ii l-zaas (l n in |ii l-zaas ri i ni) l- - ~ lin
ii,i - l-llin ii,i in| l s-i|n i i ii n ,ii li 0 9 @ 0 6 @ 2 0 1 3 i ii ln | i i|
^^i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk^^ l ii; i i-ln l in r |
2 i i |ii l-zaas i f j f ' k" V & , d - |ii ii, i f j f ' k" V & n ks - i li |ii i--, i f j f ' k" V & r hu - - |ii
i--, i f j f ' k" V & p kj - ii; i i - li ii| i f j f ' k" V & i kap - lii (Facilitation Centre)
| ii| ~ lin r | ii; i i i| - |ii l-zaas l ii lni | ini i lln
l r |ii - l--ln ri | rni r ii r|| l i; i| ili,- |ii l| i| i (Stage) - ii
ili,- |ii |ii iilin ri i i| r ii ini r ii ,ii | n; i; i| ii| i,l-i,nn i|
in| r ni | lini, iin ,ii l-n li i ni iin ,ii li ni li ln- ii| rini|
II7 F I II8II & 2012
UI +VI+ 02@ 2012@ II8II@ UI+ 22/12/2012 +IVI +I UI 26@ 12@ 2012
II@ IU +I +I UI UI+ 10 /01/2013 II-X 12.00 F UI+ 09/02/2013 II 12.00 U+
. i i |ii zaz rn i ii; r| -|i l in| i ii l| -i- i n l| i| i i
iin ,ii -i|i r| l in|
z. |ii l i i lii i i - lln i ilr l |ii - i rn i| ini ini i
i n r | i| ini ini i i i lii i r| i i ilr| |ii i| -ni i i in ln- rini
ir liiln ini ini i i n ri| i| i i i| l i i i r r| rini l | --|i| iin ,ii
ln- -|i | n; r | - |ii,iii-i rn --|i lri i r| iin ini ini | i ni r |
s. in |ii l i| ,ii |ii i~ i- i~ i inni l-,l- i ii ;-- ln -i- li i ni
r| i ii ii; i( l(ii (Facilitation Centre) -i- n r |ii i ~ i - i ~ lii (Facilitation
Centre) i n - i rini| |ii i~ inni l l| i- ii -|i r| l in|
. i ^i ili |ii zaz l ii; i^ li a,a,zas i ir z.aa as,az,zas il z.aa n l i n|
r. ii; i^ - l- ii i i i^ | ln- lnli i a l^ i|n iin li a,az,zas ir
z.aa s,az,zas il z.aa n li i ni| n l- ii i i ^ i ii; r| li i ni|
; rn sa, l- ii i~ rini| i| ,ii l- ii i~ ( sa,) i inni l-,l- i ii ;--
ln -i- li i ni r | i| l- ii rn l^ii (Facilitation Centre) | ^ii i i| in n r | i
i| l- ii lii (Facilitation Centre) -i- n r l- ii i~ ( sa,) lii (Facilitation Centre)
i n - i rini|
c. i| ii -i-i - l l| i| ,ii ilin ^n - i n ii; i^ - ii ilin ^n li
ini r ni i~ n | ili aa, i inni l- ii i~ lnln i rini ln ilin ^n - i
n ii; i^ i ilin ^n - l^n | l-iln - i~ n | ili ^i r| | in||
II +I+ II8II +I UI 09@ 06@ 2013, III IU: 10.00 F II-X 12.00 UII II-X 3.00 F II-X 5.00 U+
( 2 )
3 ii,i i li
e ' k%
v u k&
j f { kr
v u q&
l wf p r
t kf r
v u q&
l wf p r
t u t kf r
v U;
f i N M +k
o x Z
v u k&
j f { kr
v u q&
l wf p r
t kf r
v u q&
l wf p r
t u t kf r
v U;
f i N M +k
o x Z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
01 j kT ; f l f o y l so k
i-i ii liin
a a ar a a as az 3 3 rcaassaa+
raa n
02 j kT ; i qf y l l so k
l i|i
n r ( l) liin
ac az ar az az a a a 1 5 rcaassaa+
raa n
03 j kT ; y s[ kk l so k
ii lii|
l-n ii liin
az az a a 0 5 rcaassaa+
raa n
04 o kf . kT ; d d j v f / kd kj h
ilil liin
a 0 1 rcaassaa+
raa n
05 f t y k v kc d kj h v f / kd kj h
ilil (ii|) liin
az a a 0 4 rcaassaa+
raa n
06 J e i n kf / kd kj h
- liin
az az a a 0 5 rcaassaa+
raa n
07 f t y k i at h; d
ilil (|) liin
a a 0 2 rcaassaa+
raa n
08 j kst x kj v f / kd kj h
iln li liin
a 0 1 rcaassaa+
raa n
09 l g k; d l ap ky d
il- iln nii ln
iln li liin
a a as a a a 0 9 rcaassaa+
raa n
10 f t y k e f g y k c ky f o d kl
v f / kd kj h
-lri i li liin
az az a a a a 0 6 rcaassaa+
raa n
11 e q[ ; d k; Zi ky u v f / kd kj h
in n i-|i li liin
s a as a a a as a ai 3 0 ssaassaa+
aa n
12 e q[ ; d k; Zi ky u v f / kd kj h
il-iln nii ln iln
li liin
az az a 0 5 ssaassaa+
aa n
13 c ky f o d kl i f j ; kst u k
v f / kd kj h
-lri i li liin
z a as a a a as a ai 2 9 ssaassaa+
saa n
14 N - x - v / khu L F k y s[ kk l so k
v f / kd kj h
l-n ii liin
as as as as a az a ai ai 2 5 ssaassaa+
saa n
15 v / khu L F k f l f o y l so k
i nr|i
i- ii i liin
az a a a 0 4 ssaassaa+
zaa n
16 m i i at h; d
ilil (|) liin
az az a a 0 5 rzaazazaa+
zsaa n
17 o kf . kT ; d d j f u j h{ kd
ilil liin
ac az ar az az a 1 5 rzaazazaa+
zsaa n
18 v kc d kj h m i f u j h{ kd
ilil (ii|) liin
ac az ar az az a a 1 5 rzaazazaa+
zsaa n
19 l g k; d t sy v / kh{ kd
n r () liin
a 0 1 rzaazazaa+
zaa n
; ksx Hkwr i wo Z l Sf u d f o d y kax o sr u e ku
d qy ; ksx %&
i n
i n u ke @ f o Hkkx d k u ke d qy f j f D r ; ksa d h o x Zo kj l a[ ; k e sa
l s e f g y kv ksa d s f y , v kj f { kr i n
d qy f j f D r ; ksa d h o x Zo kj l a[ ; k
( 3 )
V hi %& i i | i ln| r |
ii s-n|n - li| l-iilin li n r| -i
iii l l| i| ilin ii ilin n - -lrii
l i -i i ilin , - -lri i| ii
ii l- r in r ni l- ini-| i l
ni|n (Carry forward) r| l in l- |
n n i lii ,ii i i n l
n l ilin r |
n r i i| l l l| i| ilin ii
ilin n - -lrii l ilin i lii ln i
- -lri , -l- iii r| i ri in| r ni n
- -lrii ilin i l, n n | l|
-lri i| i r| li ini|
iv f o K ki u d h i Sj k & 3 e sa m Y y sf [ kr i n ksa d h l a[ ; k
, r n i ' p kr ~l e ; & l e ; i j ' kkl u l s i zkI r l wp u k@ t ku d kj h
d s v k/ kkj i j i f j o r Zu h; g ksx h , o a m D r f L F kf r e sa lniln
i ii |ii l-zaas l- - ~lin
ii,i | ll-i | i l| i| i -
iin ,ii ; lni nnn il, ,ii ilin |
in| l- i l i ii; i
i- ln r| l i n l~ ; lni - lii ln ln- lnli
n in ii; ii i| r| i rn|
v i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk d s v ko sn u , o a c kn e sa i zL r qr g ksu s
o ky s e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s v ko sn u e sa n h x b Zt ku d kf j ; ksa e sa f HkUu r k
i kb Z t ku s i j v ko sn u v L o hd `r f d ; k t k l d sx kA
vi v R; ar e g Ro i w. kZ %&
i| i ii; i i r lni
- l n l ii i iii| i r| i i |
ii; i - i| n; ii| ii -lnli, ln
iln, ln iln, ls i n , li n, i n l
nii il i i l- ii i l| i| l-iln -
i r| ini| ; i - i| iin i; i|
ri | l ii| ln i - i| i;
i in ri ni r ni ii n i; li r| ni i
r| ; li - i| i; ri ni| i
iin - -n|, l in| i| ,ii i n n
iii r| i lii- iilin li ini|
vii m i j ksD r f o K kf i r i n ksa d s f y , f d ; k t ku s o ky k
p ; u e ku u h; m Pp U; k; ky ; ] f c y kl i qj e sa n k; j ; kf p d kv ksa
e kad 5 9 1 @ 2 0 1 2 ] f j V f i V h' ku l h e kad 5 9 2 @ 2 0 1 2 ]
f j V f i V h' ku l h e kad 5 9 3 @ 2 0 1 2 r F kk f j V h f i V h' ku
l h e kad 5 9 4 @ 2 0 1 2 e sa i kf j r g ksu s o ky s v af r e
v kn s' k@ f u . kZ; d ss v / ; k/ khu j g sx h , o a e ku u h; m Pp U; k; ky ;
d s v af r e v kn s' k@ f u . kZ; d s v u ql kj f o K kf i r f d ; s x ; ss i n ksa
d h o x Zo kj f j f D r ; ksa d h l a[ ; k e sa i f j o r Zu Hkh g ks l d r k g SA
4 i ln iln, ln iln -iii lsi n
l ilin s-i|n -,-ii| li|
ln iln, ln iln nii lsi n (n
|-|) l ilin r |
ii si|n i ir ( i) -,-ii|
li| i| i - li i - ln
iln,ln iln, lsi n - -i ri,
ilin i| lii l lniln i l, r|
ilin n li i -i liln l i n , ilin
i l, r||
iii s-i|n -,-ii| li| i ln
iln, ln iln ii ls i n (n |-| )
r ii; i - i n ln |
iv l i ln iln, ln iln i
lsi n l i; ilin r| r -i-i - ilin
n lii i ilin l, l ilin
lniln r r ni ilin i| ii liln l i n |
v ii; i - i n ln in
i| ,ii n - ln rn lin i; i| i
-i r| li ini|
5 A i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk d s d sUn z %&
d ksM i j h{ kk d sUn z d k L F kku
a li (n i)
az - (ili)
as li
a i-n|
ar n lii;
ac nii (lii -n)
a/ n (-n)
as i n|i i
as i
a |ii- (ii )
i (i -n)
z i i
s -ri-
r in
c ii ni
B e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s d sUn z %&
d ksM i j h{ kk d sUn z d k L F kku
a l-i (n i)
az li
as n (-n)
a i
V hi %& i iin ,ii i| i iil lii | l-
|ii il-n li ini ln rn ii
-|i r| li ini|
ii v k; ksx f u / kkZf j r i j h{ kk d sUn zksa e sa d e h ; k o `f ) Hkh
d j l d r k g SA
6 e q[ ; i j h{ kk g sr q v ko sn u %&
ili |ii lii- iii i i| -
|ii l i ri n , r - |ii r n ii; i
i rini|
7 U; wu r e ' kS{ kf . kd ; ksX; r k
i| i iin - | i i lii -i
lil- ,ii lnl-n,-il- llnii - l|
llni | i l| lil- ,ii -iiln i
f o ' o f o | ky ; v u qn ku v k; ksx v f / kf u ; e 1 9 5 6 d h / kkj k 3 d s
v / khu f o ' o f o | ky ; e ku h x b Z f d l h ' kS{ kf . kd l aL F kk d h
m i kf / k f M x zh g ksu h p kf g ; s v F ko k m l d s l e d { k v g Zr k g ksu h
p kf g ; sA
V hi %& i i| i | l| |ii - - ri i - n l-
-i|i ri iin | ; |ii l i ili r
ri i n ln lr lii- | ii| r| r ; r i| i
n r i --n li i i i ii n ,ii i i
- |ii l r iilin l n ri - |ii l
v kWu y kb u v ko sn u d j r s l e ; f u / kkZf j r v g Zr k g ksu k
v f u o k; Z g S , o a f u / kkZf j r i ze k. k i = ksa d s f y , f u / kkZf j r L F kku
i j l ac af / kr i j h{ kk m Rr h. kZ d j u s l ac a/ kh i ze k. k i = d s f o d Y i
d ks p qu u k g ksx kA
e ' k%
( 4 )
ii i| i| l i | il nii n||
rni ri i i ii ,ii il nii n|| ili
-i - -ini in ri, |ii - i i rin|
8 v k; q d h x . ku k g sr q f u / kkZf j r f r f F k %&
lii j kT ; l so k i j h{ kk 2 0 1 2 l n-
lin- i (l- ; in l n ~i i
i |-i - s - i| iil- r) | nii f n u kad 0 1 - 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
i (Reference) - | in|, n i| , i
r lln l r n lnli i - |ii -
l--ln ri rn liiln n- lin- i |-i
nnn r |
v k; q l he k , o a v k; q l he k e sa N wV sa %&
8.1 j kT ; v kj { kh l so k d s m i i qf y l v / kh{ kd d s i n ksa d s v H; f F kZ; ksa
d s f y ; s v k; q l he k] v k; q l he k e sa N wV sa v kSj ' kkj hf j d e ku d
f u Eu ku ql kj g ksx k %&
A v k; q l he k s.n. ii i-i ii liin l -i
sz,zaaz,,s li li
s-i|n l i il (iln) i in| nii i ln
l- zaar i m i i qf y l v / kh{ kd g sr q v k; q l he k 2 1
l s 2 8 o " kZ f u / kkZf j r d h x b Z g SA
B v k; q l he k e sa N wV sa %&
i ln iln, ln iln lsi n (n
|-|) i| i - n i |-i li
li i i n lili| rin||
ii i ; i| i i n l ri , | i - ,ii
- | n; --n lnii i | iili - | ni
| in| in ; lii-- i i ri , r n i
|-i n| i li ri|
iii s-i|n ii -ii|,-ii| ii| i nii s-i|n
i ln-,- -ili | lin- i ss i
li r| ri| ilr| r lin il--ni lli n
i i - i|, i iiln -i i|, li i ii l-ln
nnn in -i| i i| n rin||
iv i; i| i s-| li ri i| ri, |
i - ,ii - | n; i -ii; i | li
li / i n | iili, i r| r li i |
n; i ri, - | ni | in|, in l ;
lii-- i i ri r n i |-i r hu o " k
li ri|
L i " V hd j . k% i s-| li ni ii|
nin r i l- i ; i | ii lr| i| i-
;i;i | ii| i - ln - - sr -i |
iili n ri ri nii i ini ii - i |
i ii ii| i - li rn ii i |
ni|i li li n| i - ili | i - -|
l i ii i -- li ni ri|
v - | ri -ni -i- - n i |-i ,ii | n;
i | iili l s i | |-i ii| rn r
lili | in| ln l| i| -i- - | i ss i
li r| ri| ilr|
vi si|n ll i (-lrii | lln rn i) l-
ss/ i -lri li i | n i |-i a i n
lili| ri n||
vii liil-ni lii i ar i | s- in rin||
viii li ~ii i - nn n i- n |i iii
i li i (s-n|n i i i ) i n i
|-i - z i | s- | in||
ix il- iln, ln iln nii lsi n ~ii liin
ni n| lir i -ir i - i| -n -l-i
i i- i - i-i in i |-i r i n
lili| ri n||
x i - ln ir| i| i -i, nii --i,
-riii | i --i in liil i nii i-| i
-i in ii * * i i-i lin- i |-i - r i |
s- | in||
C m i i qf y l v / kh{ kd d s f y ; s ' kkj hf j d e ki n aM %&
i p kb Z & cs -|-|- i li ( i li i
l) rr -|-|- i li ( -lri li i
l )|
ii l hu k & li i s -|-|-, i ss -|-|-, i|
n i r i i r | | - - r
-|-|- i n ri i ilr, ; -i- - l| i | s -
r| | in|| -lri li i -i- - | i -i lin
r| r |
iii i| i ii|l f o d y kax u g ha rii ilr|
iv i| ll-| l- i (Medically Fit) rii ilr
i l- i (Vision Test) - ~l- r| ri| ilr|
| --n ni ln -- l- ri | ilr| ii|l i
-il i- r| rii ilr|
v l i| l i|i l inii
lii ln ii|l -i i r| n ni n l ln
i r| ri n , n i| n l i l~ n
- - r lln l lii ln ii|l -i i
n r | ; rn i i| n l i l~ n
r, - |ii |ii lii- iii iii-i
ii li i ni n-in ,ii li ni i ;
i| i lii| r| rini|
8.2 m i i qf y l v / kh{ kd d s v f r f j D r v U; i n ksa d s f y ; s f u / kkZf j r
v k; q l he k f u Eu ku ql kj g S %&
A v k; q l he k & N - x - ' kkl u ] l ke kU; i z' kkl u f o Hkkx d s
i f j i = e kad , Q 3 & 2 @ 2 0 0 2 @ 1 & 3 j k; i qj f n u kad
15-06-2010 ,oa vf/kwlpuk ekad ,Q 6&3@2008@1@,d]
fnukad 23-12-2011 ds izko/kku ds vuqlkj fuEukuqlkj vk;q
lhek gksxh %&
i v H; F khZ } kj k 2 1 o " kZ d h v k; q i w. kZ d j y h g ks f d Ur q 3 0 o " kZ
l s v f / kd u g ks] i j Ur q N khl x < + d s e wy @ L F kku h; f u o kl h
v H; f F kZ; ksa d s f y , m Pp r j v k; q l he k 3 0 o " kZ d s L F kku i j
3 5 o " kZ g kssx hA
ii in i |-i i iii n r (l) liin (lii|,
-ili) l in r| rn| nr (l) liin - |i|
in| i rn nr (l) liin in| l-i - i i
|-i lin -ii liiln,iiiln r | i
|-i |i| in| l in rn||
iii lii n ln iln, ln iln,
ls i n , -lri il l lin- i |-i - i s - r,
s- in rn| n m i j ksD r l Hkh i zd kj d s N wV d ks
l f Ee f y r d j u s d s c kn v f / kd r e v k; q l he k 4 5 o " kZ l s
v f / kd u g ha g ksx hA
iv s-n|n ii -ii|,-ii| ii| i nii s-n|n
i ln-,- - ili | lin- i ss i
li r| ri | ilr| r lin il--ni lli n i
i -i|, iiiln -i|, li i ii l-ln
nn n in -i| i i| n rin|| i j Ur q ; g f d
v kj f { kr o x Z v u ql wf p r t kf r @ v u ql wf p r t u t kf r @ v U;
f i N M +k o x Z] f o d y kax , o a e f g y k@ f o / ko k@ i f j R; D r k o x Z]
v kf n d s v ko sn d ksa d ks m u d s o x Zd h f e y u s o ky h v k; q e sa N wV
; F kko r f e y r h j g sx hA i j Ur q ; g v kSj Hkh f d b l N wV d s c kn
v f / kd r e v k; q f d l h Hkh i f j f L F kf r ; ksa e sa 4 5 o " kZ l s v f / kd
e ' k%
( 5 )
u g ha g ksu h p kf g , A
v s-n|n ll i ( li l ln) l-, zaa l-r
nrn li l n lni i ii| i - i
-n n r n lii ln lin- i |-i - n i | s - |
in|, ln i li - i | r | r s-
lin- ss i | i |-i n rn||
B v k; q l he k e sa N wV sa %&
i j kT ; l so k i j h{ kk f u ; e & 2 0 0 8 ; F kk l a' kksf / kr d s f u ; e & 5
x v k e sa m Y y sf [ kr e kad , d l s v B kj g r d d h N wV sa
v H; F khZ d ks n h t k; sx hA f d l h Hkh f L F kf r e sa v f / kd r e v k; q
4 5 o " kZ l s v f / kd u g ha g ksx hA
ii f u %' kD r t u ksa d ks f t u d h ' kkj hf j d f o d y kax r k 4 0 i zf r ' kr
; k m l l s v f / kd g ks] d so y r `r h; J s. kh d s i n ksa g sr q
v f / kd r e v k; q l he k e sa 1 0 o " kZ r d d h N wV g ksx hA
iii v U; i n ksa d s f y , ' kkj hf j d e ki n aM j kT ; l so k i j h{ kk f u ; e
d s f u ; e & 9 , o a l ac af / kr f o Hkkx d s Hkr hZ f u ; e ksa e sa m Y y sf [ kr
g SA
9 f u ; ksD r k d h v u ki f k %&
i| i| ir r i| i | - ri i
i| - - ri i l| i n-i - ri i n
i| -iii - l- ri, ii; i i
n r |
i l- r i| i | - -ii| i -ii|
i- ri ri i l| i- l lli- l-
-i| ri, (l- il-- i l l- l-
iil- r| r ) i ii i i n-i i| i n r ,
i ii l-iln - |ii - r l (-ln)
-n n i ri ni l ri llin - ii ,liin
-i i -ln li r | --|ii i i
ii ilr l l iin i li-i -
|ii l i ,|ii - - , -ln i n
r i; l-ni r ni i i -|n n r
r r iilin li ini|
10 ln iln, ln iln lsi n (n
|-|) li i l lni - | n; lli lii
d so y N khl x < + d s e wy @ L F kku h; f u o kl h r F kk N khl x < +
' kkl u } kj k ? kksf " kr ln iln ln iln nii
s-i|n ii ,ii -i lsi n (n |-|)
l r| in rin|| v U; i zn s' k d s v u ql wf p r t kf r ] v u ql wf p r
t u t kf r , o a v U; f i N M +k o x Z d s v H; f F kZ; ksa d ks v u kj f { kr
J s. kh d k e ku k t ko sx k|
V hi %& --n ilin n li i i -- ln li ini
r l si|n ii ,ii nl-n N ku c hu l f e f r } kj k
l R; kf i r t kf r i ze k. k i = i n i i| - |ii
ii; i - ii-ii sana ii ,ii nl-n
-n| si| l-ln ,ii i| iln -ii i -- ~ i
-ii i -i, li, i|ni i i-
ii| i -- ~i | liiln -ii lin -ii
i -- ~i r| l i | -ii - i| i
iin ,ii s- i i r| rini nii i| i r
iilin li i ni|
11 - UVI@ I+III
i ili |ii - i| i i i n ili r i l iin
ii; i ii i; i| -ii ii i ili
ini,-lnli, ln iln, ln iln,
ls i n ,- li| -ii ,li nni,lii,
l-nni,nii i,i n l ri i -ii il r|
-i n ri r | n ii; i ii i; i| -ii
e ' k%
| l e L r i ze k. k i = e q[ ; i j h{ kk e sal Q y v H; f F kZ; ksa
} kj k l k{ kkRd kj d s i wo Z r F kk v u qi ze k. ku Q ke Z d s l kF k i zL r qr
d j u k v ko ' ; d g ksx kA l |ii in i| | r ni
(eligibility) | i | in||
ii i li |ii, - |ii l |ii (Screening)
|ii ri n| r | lii ln- - ; |ii inii
i r| i i ini|
iii i li |ii | li i| r| | in| r|
iv |ii - |iii| ii iil i iil
l i - r n | ln ii i i n i i i, | n;
-i l-ni i iln r ii, l|i, ii,
liili li | -ii i, ri, ii i
in, li- ii, i-| i, ii|l iln rii il
i | -ii ini|
v ii n | |ii ii| - - ~i , n ii i i ; iii
r| r i ; li - in ii i ; i ir| r| |
vi l i| n - i ; ln ri ni r ni | i ii n
ii i n-i i | i, nl ii n ni ln i i
i ni r ln ; -i- - -nil- r| ni|
vii i| i ii n ii n - i i i-, n,
|ii i i-, i -i , -i , |ii nii i ni
lii ilr|
viii |ii l - -ii; i i i| l n r |
ix ii n ,ii ln- | i| l i in |ii nii
iii-i | n | li i i i-i i
i - ii n-i n i| in| r nii iin |
i;- - i| i i| i n||
ii n ,ii -i ri lr ln ii i n i
lii | |ii l-n | i n|| n li i i
| r| i | in|, ln l l| i| i iin ,ii
i| n; | l| ii i in r| ri n| r ni |
| l,n| ln ( | -) in l l-- i i
i l i n i l-- ni i - i ni lii
lii nii zr, iiln i- l, s.n. i
i ii n, i i- i | | | l,n| ln r|
i| i i | i n| l i lii- i| ri
i i|n in ri n|
x i g p ku f p Ug %&
-nl-ni |iii| liiln -ii r|
i -i li | -n l-ni l| iin ni
-i , i i- i r| i ; i lr ln ,
l |iii| | ri i - i ; i i ri | -n l-ni
ii i ; i-n | i i| l n r| |iii| |
-n l-ni - l| i| i; i i -n l| i| iin i
ri;i;- r| ni| f y [ ku s d s f y , d so y d ky h L ; kg h d k
i z; ksx d j saA -n l-ni - lin li r- i; l,
n lr, iil- l i ii i li r ri
lr ii -ii i ni| ri lr i ii - i i
i i li r| rni nii li l| i |
lini l-n | in||
12 r `r h; J s. kh d s i n ksa d s f y , f o ' ks" k : i l s N khl x < +h Hkk" kk
c ksy h v F ko k L F kku h; c ksf y ; ksa d k i ; kZI r K ku d ks e g Ro
n sr s g q; s l k{ kkRd kj d s v ad f n ; s t k; sax sA
13 ln- | iin ,ii i| l i in -
|ii nii iii-i | - | iin | i;-
( 6 ) - i| i i| in|| ln
ii in, -,li i, nn ii| ;-il i
ii ii l lii | lini l-n | in||
inii | ii| i;- - lin r| | in||
14 l i ri ni lni i - i iin ,ii
ini i li ii l -ii i - lnln
ilin ii ii n | i; - - ii - | i n||
15 v R; Ur e g Ro i w. kZ
i lin,in l i| i| - |ii
ii; i - ii-ii -- ~i -ii i
-i, li, i| ni i i- ii| i --
~ i |
ii l-r| nii lin lii i -l i
(i- lii|) i ll-| -ii -nn i i
r | ii| ll- i ll-| -ii -i r|
rini| l-r| lii i ili |ii nii - |ii
- i l za l-- i lnl- - li i ni|
l-r| li i ii r l ; i - i| i ilnii
| ln rn |ii iin ii - - r l
| ; l - l-in rii i r| r |
i j h{ kk d sUn z i j d ksb Z d k; Zo kg h b l l ac a/ k e sa u g ha d h t ko sx hA
iii s-n|n - ,-ii| li| i n li l
i ilin l n r i| i - i n l ri
(in l iln i| -i r| rin) l i n
l l-i l-l- (i- lii| ,ii i| liiln
- ) li nii - li -ii ii
i i r | -i l-ii r
v f Hko p u Undertaking d k i zk# i
e Sau s j kT ; l so k i j h{ kk 2 0 1 2 d s f o K ki u e kad 0 2 @ 2 0 1 2 @
i j h{ kk f n u kad 2 2 @ 1 2 @ 2 0 1 2 d s v ar x Zr v ko sn u i = v k; ksx
d ks i zL r qr f d ; k g S r F kk e Sa Hkwr i wo Z l Sf u d g waA v r % Hkwr i wo Z
l Sf u d d s f y , v kj f { kr i n d s f o # ) e q> s Hkwr i wo Z l Sf u d
J s. kh d s v ar x Zr e kU; f d ; k t k; sA Hkwr i wo Z l Sf u d g ksu s d k
i ze k. k& i = l ay Xu g SA
g L r k{ kj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
u ke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
m D r v f Hko p u i = , o a i ze k. k& i = d so y l k{ kkRd kj d s i wo Z
i zL r qr f d ; s t ku s o ky s v u qi ze k. ku i = d s l kF k l ay Xu d j sa
in l i n-i - ii| i - r r
in l i s- i ii r| rini| l
--|i s-n|n ii i| i n r ni r s-n|n
ii| -ili i in lin- i |-i iii
in rin|
16 j kT ; l so k i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk g sr q v k; ksx d ks d ksb Z i ze k. k
i = @ n L r ko st Hkst u s d h v ko ' ; d r k u g ha g SA
17 i i ili |ii i-nl inii iii r|
i| | n|| ; i| | - lniln i ni
r n nii ln- ln i| -i in i
lii i l--ln li i ni i - |ii r n r ri n |
18 lniln i i n -ini iii-i - li i
in li i ni nii ;| n-ini i n ii -
- li i i ri ni| li i ,ii n -ini -n n
in - ln, iii | -ln r|
| in| i r| ; i - i; i -|i li
19 iii-i - |ii - in i iii i|
,ii n -ini - l li-i - i il-n
l in| n-ini - l i l i| ,ii
li-i r| li ini i l i- li
r| li ini|
20 v u g Zr k%& s-n|n ll i ( i | i-i in ) l-,
sc l- c i l-llin rni ri n|
i i ; i| i i| , l| li l-i |ln ri i
i ; i| -lri i| l ln lir li ri l|
r r| l- |ln ri , l| i i l ln i i
r| rini,r| rin||
n l ii i ; in -iii ri i l i
li i ii r , ni r i| i ; l- n
s - ni|
ii i; i| i| l| i i n n ln r| li
ini n | -i- |ii - , i llrn | i,
-il i ii|l -- i i i n
i - iii i i l| -il i ii|l ii
- n i ii i|
n iil -i-i - l| i| i | -i-
|ii l| i i ; in ii| -ii|
l n li i ni l l -i- | l- i
ii ni ni | i n-i -in | i n||
iii i ; i| i| l| i i l ln l l-iln -
i r| ri ni, l | i i, l i -n| i,
lln ilii| i ; in -iii ri i l r i i
l l| l- n r| r |
iv i ; i| i| l -lrii l, l| ii i l, i i
-rii ni ri, l| i i lln l i r|
ri^i| n ri n li ii l( ii - ) -i-,
l+n ri ni i lln i -i-i iili -i- i ln-
l(l ri n l+n ii i)^i|
v i ; i| i| , l lir l ln | n; n- i
lir li ri, l| i i l ln l i
r| rini|
vi i ; i| i| l| i li |ln ni r , l-
i - zc |, zaa i i in ri, l| i i
l ln l i r| rini| n i; i| i|,
l| r |ln ni r nii ini-| zc |,
zaa i i in ri , l- i i i li ni i
- rini r , l| i i lln l llrn r|
ri ni|
l f p o
s-n|n i i ii n,
( 1 )
jkT; ls ok ijh{kk fu;e
si|n ii, i-i ii liin ,ii li i -i
cs,zaas,,, li z/.as.zaas, rl-n ii lin li i -i
cs,zaas,,, li zs,z,za i s-i|n i
i iin ,ii ini ri ln i l-illin ii ,i
in| l i i |ii i- n lni lnni |ii ii ln
| i n|
l so k@ i n d h J s. kh
. i ll i (lii) l,n|
z. i l (i|i, l) l,n|
s. i ii i l,n|
. ili lii| l,n|
r. li ii| lii|, l,n|
c. ri |, ri| -ii , l,n|
/. li i , il-iln ~ii l,n|
s. - lii| l,n|
s. li | l,n|
a. i ni lii| l,n|
. i i l,n|
z. i li lii| l,n|
s. ri i, iin,iin lii| l,n|
. li i lii|, i-il,n i-|i nriini
li i l,n|
r. i|-i ll i (i nr|i) n n|
c. ri i|i, ilii n n|
/. ilil l|i n n|
s. ii| l|i n n|
s. lr l|i n n|
za. rilni l|i n n|
z. ri - lii| n n|
zz. ri n n|
zs. | n n|
z. ri i l,n|
zr. ii in l liii -ii l,n|
zc. li -lri i li lii| l,n|
z/. - i (ini |,ni- li, liii ) l,n|
zs. ri i (-lri i li) l,n|
zs. i|i ( -ii ) l,n|
sa. lii lii| (|n i li li i) l,n|
s. ri lii lii| (lii iii iri i -)l,n|
sz. i | n- (-.|.-.) l,n|
ss. li i| n i l,n|
s. ri i -ii| lli |ii l,n|
sr. lnln ri li in l,n|
sc. s-i|n i|i-i ii i lii| n n|
2. ; g l a; qD r i zf r ; ksx h i j h{ kk f u Eu p j . kksa e sa l ai Uu g ksx h%&
j kT ; l so k i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk f t l d s e k/ ; e l s j kT ; l so k
e q[ ; i j h{ kk g sr q m Ee hn o kj ksa d k p ; u f d ; k t k; sx kA
j kT ; l so k e q[ ; i j h{ kk f y f [ kr i j h{ kk v kSj l k{ kkRd kj
f t l d s } kj k f o f HkUu J sf . k; ksa d h l so kv ksa r F kk i n ksa d s f y ; s m Ee hn o kj ksa
d k v af r e p ; u f d ; k t k; sx kA
i j h{ kk d h ; kst u k r F kk f o f HkUu f o " k; ksa d s i kB ~; e i f j f ' k" V
, d ] n ks r F kk r hu d s v / khUk f n , v u ql kj g ksax sA
, d --n --|ii i i r| ri l| i, lii i
li-i li ri , |ii | ii (lli- ) - ~lin i
n| r| i - ri n| li i , il-iln
~ii nii i i , il- iln ~ii l i
i --|ii -i- - r i ri ni l - |ii - -i
ii- i l~ li i - |
3. , d i li |ii - ii n ,ii l i i lii ln l
n n- in i --|ii i-, ,ii in i
i l- i i i n, ; --|ii - li li
lli ni i| i r n i i --|ii i
- |ii l r -ii ini i i li |ii lii- n i
iilin l i n | - |ii l rni in i v u kj f { kr
o x Z] ln iln nii ln iln, ls i n --|iii
| | i i ni | i n| i lii- n i ii lin
l i n , i li |ii - |ii l --|ii l
|ii (-|ln) |ii ri n| i --|ii ln-
i - ; |ii - in i li r| li ini|
n ks - |ii - - i i iin ,ii lii ln
l i i in i --|ii i- ,ii -
|ii - in i - - i i n| ; --|ii - , lli
ii i| i n| n i i --|ii i
iii-i l i i l r -ii ini| ;| i
v u kj f { kr o x Z] ln iln nii ln iln, ls i n
--|ii |, i iii-i l i i l r i n
ri, i | n i | in||
r hu v iii-i in ii n ,ii --|ii i- - |ii
nii iii-i - r l n i i i ni - - i
i n |
l| i lii l l| --|i | lili n -,
l-llin ini i|, i - ,ii n l n li-i
l i ; ri, - li li ini|
1 l l| --|i i - i ; li-i n li ri
ni i - i| i l - li li i ni l -
lni - l n ri |
2 l --|i li-i i l| l in
- ri i - ,i l ,ii in
i iii | - li li i ni l - lni
- l n r niil i li i l r| li ini l
i l lsi n li ri l i li r| li i |
3 n l,in | n i n - i| in rin|
e ' k%
( 2 )
v k

ln ilni nii ln ilni lsi n

--|ii -i-i - - l ini | lin ln -iii
i i - in r ;| i i i ni | i n|| l
ln iln, ln iln nii ls i n i i ; --|i
i iii v u kj f { kr l wp h - -ii in ni r
ni v u kj f { kr l wp h - iii ini i | ; in i|
lin ln -iii - | nii r| | in||
p kj ii n - l - i | - | n; --|ii |
i zr lnin n --|ii | | i| n i
4. iin | lili in ri in ii --|ii i
- | i ni ni, i r r lln | l- ln
-n l lin lln l i| l-i n r |
ii --|ii | lln i lii lin ini r |
5. i k= r k l ac a/ kh ' kr sZ& d j k" V h; r k& --|i iin i inl
ri i ilr|
[ k U; wu r e ' kS{ kf . kd ; ksX; r k%& --|i i iin - | i
i lii -i lil- ,ii lnl-n,-il- llnii -
l| llni | i l| lil- ,ii -iiln i
llni i ii nsrc | iiis i| llni -i|
n; l| i ili -ii | ili rii ilr ii -i
rni ri| ilr|
V hi , d --|i i | l| |ii - - ri l- -i|i ri
iin | |ii l i ili i r ri i n, ln lr
lii- | ii| r| r ; r nii --|i i | r i| |ii
- -i irn ri i| i li |ii - i i ri n --n
--|ii i ii n ,ii i i - |ii l r ii lin l
n ri - |ii l i ii i lsn |ii -i|i
-ii -nn | v f u o k; Zr k g ksx hA
V hi n ks --|i i| l i | iil nii n||
r ni ri i i ii ,ii iil nii n|| ili -i
i - -ini in ri , |ii - i i rin|
x v k; q v

--|i lnin| |ii rn lni ilin ri |
ni|i i | | i z i | i | | ri i sa i
li ri , l n s-n|n -ii| li|,- li| i i
l lin- i sr i rn||
2 n r l i ii ii | -inii i in r
; l-i - iil- ii - l| i l n- i |-i i
lin- i |-i - ln ni r |
v k + llrn lin- i |-i - l-llin i |-i n s -
| i n|
, d lin- i i n l s-i|n i lii| i ; --|i
| iln i iln, lsi n i ri i s-i|n ii ,ii
ln iln i ln iln, ls i n i - li ln
| n; ri|
n ks lin- n| i n l i; --|i l-llin -iii -
iin| - i-nl -i -iln n ln ri
1 -i , l , scs i i i iin li ri
2 | i l -, sc in iin li ri
3 l --|i n-i| | il-ni ( ni i) i-nl
l-iiln ln ri i l | sc i zr -i s/ |
| li i i iin li ri|
r hu lin- s i n l --|i + (i ) - l~lin -i
-iln n i l-iiln ln ri i s-i|n ii ,ii li ln l
i ln iln i ln iln i ls i n i ri
nii s.n. - liiln ri,
p kj lin- r i n l --|i | i- l ln -
lii ri ,
i kp lin- z i n l --|i i li ~ii i -
i| i- n|i ri,
N % lin- r i n l --|i i-i ii liin ni
-i |. asrs, li i il- iln, rl
nii ls i n ~ii liin ,ii ln n ni n| lir i i i|
-i in n - iln i ri|
l kr lin- r i n l --|i i-i ii liin, (s-i|n )
ni -isz,zaar,s i li a.z.zaac
i i| i -i in, n ii -i--i in, -riii |i
i --i in lii | ri ii i-| i -i in ln ri
v kB lin- s i n ii i - i| -i- - , i l|
i r , ii i iin i - l| i | i ir| i i
lin ri i lii-i l-n li ni ri,
u kS lin- s i n l n i| (i-) nn n i ii
--|i ln iln i ln iln i ls i n i ri ,
n l lin- s i n --|i -i- - i lni-
iin| - i i-nl -iln n (iin| ii- ii|) ln ri nii
ii r| i --|i i lni- - iin| i nii ,ii i|
li ni, iini -ii iiln ri ri -iii i lni-
iin - i; , s/r ii ri|
X; kj g lin- s i n l n i| () nnn i
ii --|i ln iln i ln iln i ls i n
i ri,
c kj g lin- r i n i n l nii -|i i|,
l- ; .|.i .,.., |.i . iil- r , -i- - lri |ii i i
ri | ni|i n| | i l i - - r i
l ri i lr ii i i-ni ii l i ii r ;
ii|l i-ni i inni ii ii-n i i - n l i
li l-iln - i | l- n li ni ii, ;- ln i|
iil- rin l| ili n ni|i sr -ir i|n -in ri
i| r
r sj g lin- a i n l n i| (ir) nnn i
ii --|i ln iln i ln iln i ls i n
i ri,
p kSn g lin- a i n -lrii lri i (iiii)
li a/ - ilin l- sana ll i (-lrii |
l ln r n li i i) l- ss/ i -lri li i | i
i lili| ri ni|
e ' k%
( 3 )
i Un zg

s-n|n ii -ii|,-ii| -i| i i ii
- -ii|,-ii| - i| i ss i li i i r|
ri i ilr|
V hi %& -ii| ii| - i| - i ln iil- r i i-i
ii liin ni -izsss|.i. (s),cs, li
sa..scs i s-i|n ii i i iiln - i| i il--ni
lli n i ii - i| ri r s - -|i r| rin| l
--|i |ii i ni r i i - -in nii niil i
r n l i i -n n in i i
s-| l n ri|
l ksy g lin- s i n l --|i s-| li ni ii|
- i| ri ni | i - ,ii - i | n; - i -ii|
i | lin- in i | li - iin in l r i
li i - | n; ri|
L i " V hd j . k%& s-| li ni ii| - i| lilrn r i
ln i i | i | i- ;i;i - l| ; i; |
-ii; ii| i - - - s -ir | ln li n ri ri
i i ini ii - | i | i ii| i - li i
- li r n ii i | ni|i li li n| i
-iii - -| | i ii i- n li ni ri|
l = g v f / kd r e 1 0 o " kZ r d % ; f n m Ee hn Okkj f o d y kax g ks v kSj
m l u s r `r h; J s. kh l so k@ i n ksa d s f y , v ko sn u f d ; k g ks r F kk m u d s
} kj k d e l s d e 4 0 i zf r kr f u % kD r r k d k l { ke v f / kd kj h d k
i ze k. k i = i zL r qr f d ; k g ksA
v B kj g l ke kU; i z kkl u f o Hkkx d s i f j i = - , Q 1 & 2 @ 2 0 0 2 @ 1 @ 3
j k; i qj f n u kad 2 t wu ] 2 0 0 4 d s v u ql kj N khl x < + j kT ; d s f k{ kk
d f e Z; ksa d h ' kkl d h; l so kv ksa d s f y ; s f u / kkZf j r v k; q l he k e sa m r u s o " kZ
d h N wV n h t k; s f t r u s o " kZ m l u s f k{ kk d e hZ d s : i e sa l so k d h g S
b l d s f y ; s 6 e kg l s v f / kd l so k d ks , d o " kZ d h l so k e kU; d h t k
l d sx h r F kk ; g N wV v f / kd r e 4 5 o " kZ v k; q d h l he k r d j g sx hA
V hi %& m i j ksD r o f . kZr i zko / kku ksa d s v f r f j D r j kT ; l so k e sa Hkr hZ g sr q
l ke kU; i z' kkl u f o Hkkx } kj k v k; ql he k v kf n d s l ac a/ k e sa l e ; & l e ;
i j t kj h f u n sZ' k y kx wg ksax sA
6. f u ; e 5 x - | n; l-iln i si llrn i |-ii - l|
i| l-iln - s- r| | in|| --|ii i r in i - i|
ilr l ii n r| -lnli -|i ni i -l- i in
-il- |ii -ii - i -i -n| n; |ii -ii
- lillin | n; ri | i lin -ni i-|,
ii , n ln- i li ii l n - i| ,i i ;|
i -ni -|i r| l i n , i - i -
lnli ri i i - l| ln | l| -i n l| i|
l-iln - li r| li ini|
7. d i ; i| i --|i l| li |ln l-i ri
i l| -| |ln ri i r l| | l-iln - lir ni r,
l- i lir, | -| |i ii ii -i
ri, | l| i| i - lln l, l l ln ; |ii
lii--i | in|, n n i r| rini n l i ii
i ; in -iii ri i l i i; lii iii r i r
l| i --|i i ; l- n s- ni|
[ k i ; -lri --|i li lir ; ii -i ri l
lir - ln | -| |ln i| i l ln
e ' k%
lir li ri l| lir - |ln -| ri , | l|
i| i - l ln l l l ln ; |ii lii- -i |
in|, n n i r| rin| n l i ii i ; in
-iii ri i l i i; lii iii r i r l| -lri
--|i i ; l- n s- ni|
8. --|i i -il nii ii|l -i- si ri i ilr i
- i i; ii|l i i r| rii ilr l i li i
lii| i - ni l r - i ; iii | iii
ri | i ; --|i, i | ll-i |ii in i iil-iln, ii
i l ln ilii| llrn , ; iii i ii i,
ln r| li ini, --|ii | ll-i |ii |
in|, l i - lln l li l i | iii ri|
9. ii n --|ii i l| lii i l | ini i
- ir r| ni| --|ii i - r ii ri ni l i llrn
ini (in ) | n r i i i i l ii
ri ni niil --|ii i i | | n; ln ii l l n
ii|l -ii | i ili n li ini r| i
--|ii i ; in - -iii i ilr l | i
l llrn n- inii (ini ) i i n r |
p kb Z v kSj l hu s d s ? ksj s d k U; wu r e e ku d
10. |ii - -i|i ri lln i i; lii n n in r|
ri ni n l ii i, | i i i i -n| i, ;
in -iii ri i l --|i i - l ln l i| i
i r |
11. |ii - i l --|i | ini i ini i -
ii n i li ln- ri ni| ; - i; i i ri
r| li ini| ili |ii - i ln- rini, l i |
ni|i -i - r ni ni r l, --|i ini |
--n in | r| ni r ni | --|i| l-n | in||
l i ii nn ii ini r ni ii n ,ii | l n l-
l ii i| l, iil iir| | i n||
; n i l --|i i |ii i i i| li ni
r, r i r| rini l, | --|i| i iin ,ii ln- i
-|i li ni r i r l ili |ii l i -
--|i ,ii | n; ll-i iin ,ii r| i i , i - -|i
| n; r|
r in i - i| i l - -ni i i - --|i |
ini | ini i -i --|i - |ii r n i i i
i li ini i n n ii n ,ii --|i | ln- i i l-
r| | in| n n r ln- r| rn||
12. l| i| --|i i i li |ii i - |ii - n n i
r| li i ni n l i ii n ,ii i| li ni i
ap kb Z
i q# " k f c u k Q qy k, Q qy ku s d s
c kn
i|i l cs .-|. s .-|. ss .-|. r .-|.
z li ii| lii| r s ss
s lr l|i cr .-|. s.ra .-|.
ii| l|i cr .-|. s .-|. sr .-|.
r ri .cr -|- -|-
l -
i n d k u ke l hu k o `f )
( 4 )
13. , d i - l| s - i l| lin l ii
i --|i i i i ii i- ilii| ,ii i|
n - -ii i ilr| -ii ii -
l| s -,lin ri ri i - -i- li r|
li ini|
n ks --|i i i s-i|n s-| l n ii|
i - i s - l ii ni r liinii i ii - i
in - -ii -n n i ilr ri s-| li ni ii
- ,ii iiln - i i- i - | l ln
nii si | ni|i i ~ i ri ni i r i| -ilin li ini
l -iii - -i n| ii i-n li ni ii| ini
ii - | |, l i; ri , li -ilin ln i| -n n
| ilr|
r hu i n l i - i - s - i ii i --|i i
lnn -i,ii in - -ii -nn i ilr
l- | lnii i ii ri -iii i- n ri | ni|ii i
~ i ri ni i r l l-nlni ;i; | lili -i
i -iii i-i -| ii, i i| l-iln ri, s-| li ni ii
i li ii lin li ni ii| i ni ii ~i - | |,
l i ; ri , li -ilin ln i| -n n | ilr|
14. --|i i , l ii n l-llin l i i| ii ri
, d l | --|i| l llin |ii i iii-i - l|
i| n| -i in li ri,
n ks ,ii lni iii li ri, i
r hu l| ln lni ii,li ri,
p kj n - -ni i -ni -n n l ri l- li
ni ri , i
i kp i l ri i nn i n- ri i l- l| i|
-n ii n ii| lsi; ri, i
N % |ii - i i l i; ll-n i ln ii
ii ri ,
l kr |ii i - ln iii i i n li ri i i i
li ri, i
v kB |ii i - n - ili i ii li ri i i-ii ri
i ii|l iln r i; ri, i
u kS i - --|ii l | n; lr| i| lrini i
ii , l- |ii i - n i i - i|
,ii -i li i | n; lrin i| iil- r , i ~ i li ri , i
n l |ii i - iii-i - l| n| ri li ri|
iili lii l i i| -ri ii
d ii n ,ii |ii l l l r --|i r, i
-rii i ni i ,i
[ k i ni -ii| i i lli- li l lln li
i ni,
, d ii n ,ii |ii i ,ii l i i
n ks i ii ,ii i|i li ln li i ni,
x l r ii i| r r| i - ri ni n l-i
i| iil i ir| | i n|, n r l, ; l-
i| i; iil-n n n iiln r| | in| n l
, d --|i i , llin - i i i r ; i - i ir ,
-n n i r| li ni ri, i
n ks --|i ,ii -n li i|n -n n l i li
li ni ri|

ln ln- lnli - in in r ii; i
i li r| li ini|
16. ii n i r lii lin r l, r i i- - l n
li-i i l- - i --|i i |ii il-n |
i i i- | i ; ll- l i ; i -|i
r| li ini|

l- / i li ln li ni r |
18. ii n, i li |ii l | i r| ni i l, r
|ii|ii (-|l n|ii) ri n| r| n ; i - i ;
ri -|i r| li ini, niil, - |ii | li
--|ii i ln- lii- ilin ri i i| in||
19. ii n, llin |ii i -ili |ii l i n --|ii
ii i i | ln r| ini r , s-i|n l ln
iln i ln iln i lsi n - liln,
ln iln i ln iln i ls i n --|ii i
i s-i|n - liiln ri nii r i - ri, l-i liin
ni -i zasasi i, li i ii
i i-l lii i inni li i ni| i-
lin |ii i -ili |ii i i ri n | ; -i i
l --|i i-n - |ii | r , inni li ini|
20. l| li i i l ln- i ln --|ii i i
liii i ri ni i | liin| |ii -i|i | rin|, i ii
,ii llrn | i, r s-i|n - l| i| -ii i | rin|
i r | n; lln i n-i -|i - -i ri i ilr|
l i|i i l ln l ii n ,ii n --|ii
i l i|i i - i -i rln - i i ii
ir - - n| ii | li l i ii | i
l i liln i rini|
21. l nii i ; l-i n- i| i| l- i ;
i i ri n-i in ri , n ,ii ; l-i nn n i i
-i-i i - lln l in r
n r l ; i lln l-i i| li ni i ;
ii i | n; i; i ir|, ; l-i n- i| ii i|
li ni i i i | n; i ir| -i| in||
s-i|n ii i- nii iiii
t sf o ; j f r Xx k, l

N Rr hl x < + ' kkl u ] l ke kU; i z' kkl u f o Hkkx d s v f / kl wp u k e kad , Q

6 & 3 @ 2 0 0 8 @ 1 @ , d ] f n u kad 2 3 @ 1 2 @ 2 0 1 1 d s } kj k l a' kksf / kr A
( 5 )
As per Order Government of Chhattisgarh, General Administration
Department vide Notification No. F 6-3/2008/one/1, Dated 27.08.2008
and amended Notification No. F 6-3/2008/1/One, Dated 23/12/2011-
Combined Competitive Examination called State Services Examination for
recruitment to the following services/posts may be held annually, if required
by the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission:
Class of Service/Post
1. State Civil Service (Deputy Collector) II
2. State Police Service (Dy. Superintendent of Police) II
3. State Accounts Service II
4. Commercial Tax Officer II
5. District Excise Officer II
6. Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies II
7. District Organiser,Tribal Welfare II
8. Labour Officer II
9. District Registrar II
10. Employment Officer II
11. Area Organiser II
12. Block Development Officer II
13. Assistant Director Food/Food Officer II
14. Project Officer, Social /Rural Intensive Literacy Project II
15. Subordinate Civil Service (Naib Tahsildar) III
16. Assistant Superintendent Land Records III
17. Commercial Tax Inspector III
18. Excise Sub-Inspector III
19. Transport Sub-Inspector III
20. Co-operative Inspector III
21. Assistant Labour Officer III
22. Assistant Jailor III
23. Sub-Registrar III
24. Assistant Director Public Relation II
25. Principal, Panchayat Secretary of the Training Institute II
26. District Women Child Development Officer II
27. Chief Instructor (Anganwadi/Gram Sevikas Training Centre) II
28. Assistant Director (Women and Child Development) II
29. Superintendent (Institutions) II
30. Project Officer (Integrated Child Development Project) II
31. Assistant Project Officer (Special Nutrition Programme) II
32. Area Organizer (M.D.M.) II
33. District Commandant Home Guard II
34. Assistant Director Local Fund Audit II
35. Additional Assistant Development Commissioner II
36. Chhattisgarh Subordinate Account Service Officer III
2. The combined competitive examination comprises following
successive stages:
The State Services Preliminary Examination for selection of candidates
for Main Examination.
State Services Main Examination (written Examination and Interview)
for final selection of candidates for the various categories of services and
The Scheme of examination and syllabi of different subjects would
be as given under Appendix I, II and III respectively.
(i) All candidates, irrespective of their preference for a particular
service/post, will have to appear in the same number of papers as mentioned
in the scheme of examination (Appendix 1). Only in the case of Candidates
applying for the post of District Organiser, Tribal Welfare and Area Organiser,
Tribal Welfare it will be imperative that in the Main Examination they offer
Sociology as one of their optional papers.
3. (i) The candidates obtaining minimum marks in the preliminary
examinations as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion, shall
be arranged in the order of marks obtained by them, Out of these candidates
only about as many as equal to fifteen times at the most the total number of
posts under various categories, will be deemed to qualify for the Main
Examination and the results of the preliminary examination shall be
announced accordingly. The list of candidates belonging to Unreserved
Category, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and OBC qualifying
for main examination shall be separately prepared and their results announced
accordingly. Preliminary Examination will only serve as a screening test for
selecting candidates for the Main Examination and marks obtained in this
examination will not be considered at the time of final selection of candidates.
(ii)The candidates who appear in the Main Examination and obtain
such minimum marks as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion,
will be arranged in the order of total marks obtained by them in the Main
Examination. Out of these candidates only about as many as equal three
times the total number of posts under various services will be deemed to
qualify for being called for interview. Similarly a separate list of candidates
belonging to Unreserved Category, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes
and OBC who qualify for being called for interview shall be prepared.
(iii) (a) After the interview the candidates will be arranged by the
Commission in the order of merit as disclosed by the aggregate of marks
awarded to them in the Main Examination and the interview.
While recommending a candidate for a particular service, due
consideration will be given to the preference, if any expressed by
him/her in the application, subject to the following conditions :-
(1)If a candidate has not expressed any preference in the application,
he will be considered for all posts in the order in which these have been
enumerated in the advertisement.
(2) In case a candidate does not succeed in getting any of the posts
of his preference, he will be considered on the basis of his aggregate of
marks for other post (s) in the order in which these have been enumerated
in the advertisement. However, he shall not be considered for any post (s)
for which he has expressly indicated that he would not like to be considered
for it.
(3) The above principles will also apply while preparing supplementary

Merit list for each post in the case of candidates belonging to

scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and OBC will be similarly prepared
separately, to the extent of reserved vacancies. In case a candidate belonging
to scheduled castes or scheduled tribes or OBC by virtue of his aggregate
e ' k%
( 6 )
of marks, finds place in the unreserved list, he shall be shown in the
unreservedlist and will not be counted against a reserved vacancy.
(iv) The Commission shall also prepare a supplementary list for each
post to the extent of 25% of the total number of candidates figuring in the
main list.
4. After receipt of the recommendation of the Commission, the
Government shall make such enquiries about the candidate as it may deem
fit in order to ensure that they are suitable in all respects for appointment to
the posts concerned. The Government reserve the right to offer appointment
to the candidates.
5. Eligibility conditions - (a) Nationality- The candidate must be a
citizen of India.
(b) Minimum educational qualification- A candidate must hold a
degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or
State Legislature in India or other Educational Institution established by an
Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section
3 of the University Grants Commission Act. 1956 or possess an equivalent
Note -I- Candidates who have appeared at an examination the
passing of which would render them educationally qualified for the
commissions examination but have not been informed of the results as also
the candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will
also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary Examination. It will be
compulsory for all candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission
for taking the State Services (Main) Examination to produce proof of passing
the requisite examination with their application for the Main -Examination.
Note -II- Candidates possessing professional and technical
qualifications which are recognized by the State Government as equivalent
to professional and technical degree would also be eligible for admission to
the examination.
(c) Age - (a)

A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years

and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st January of the next
year after issuance of the advertisement but in the case of candidates
domicile/permanent resident of CG, this maximum age limit extended to 35
Provided that the State Government may vary the lower and upper
age limits for any of the services included in these Rules looking to the
exigencies of the services.
(b) The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable :-
(i) up to a maximum of five years : if a candidate domiciled in
Chhattisgarh belongs to a caste or tribe notified a scheduled caste or
scheduled tribe or OBC by the Government of Chhattisgarh :-
(ii) up to a maximum of 3 years : If a candidate is a bonafide repatriate
of Indian origin from :-
(1) Burma, who migrated to India on or after 1st June, 1963; or
(2) Srilanka, who migrated to India afer 1st November, 1964; or
(3) if the Candidate is a bonafide displaced person from East Pakistan
(now Bangladesh) and had migrated to India during the period between
1st January, 1964 and 25th March, 1971.
(iii) up to a maximum of 8 years : (If the candidate repatriate or
displaced person mentioned in (ii) supra belongs to scheduled caste,
scheduled tribe or OBC as notified by Government of Chhattisgarh and
domiciled inChhattisgarh
(iv) up to a maximum of 5 years : if the candidate is a widow on her
first appointment ;
(v) up to a maximum of 2 years : if the candidate holds a Green Card
in his/her name under the Family Welfare Programme;
(vi) up to a maximum of 5 years: if the candidate is a forward partner
of a prize winning couple under Intercaste Marriage Scheme sponsored by
the Tribal, Harijan and Backward Class Welfare Department as per GAD
Memo No. C-1085-3-1, dated 3-9-1985;
(vii) Up to a maximum of 5 years: if the candidate is sports
person honoured with the Shaheed Rajeev pandey Award or
Gundadhur Samman or Maharaja Pravirchandra Bhanjdev Samman
or Rashtriya Yuva awarded as per GAD memo No- F19-2/2005/1-3
Raipur dated 01-12-2006.
(viii) up to a maximum of 3 years : in the case of Defence Services
personnel, disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country
or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof ;
(ix) up to a maximum of 8 years if the candidate filling under category
(viii) supra belongs to the scheduled caste or the scheduled tribe or OBC ;
(x) up to a maxmmum of 3 years : in the case of a candidate who is
a bonafide repatriate of Indian origin (Indian passport holder) from Vietnam
as also a candidate holding emergency certificate issued to him by Indian
Embassy in Vietman and who arrived in India from Vietnam not earlier than
July, 1975;
(xi) up to a maximum of 8 years : if the candidate falling under category
(x) supra belongs to a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe or OBC :
(xii) up to a maximum of 5 years : in the case of Ex-servicemen and
Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered atleast
five year Military Service as on 1st January Preceding date of
Commencement of Examination and have been released on completion of
assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within
six months form the said date) otherwise than by way of dismissal or
discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical
disability attributable to Military Service or on invalidment;
(xiii) up to a maximum of 10 years : in case the candidate falling
under category (xii) supra belongs to the scheduled caste or the scheduled
tribe or OBC;
(xiv) up to maximum 10 years : for women candidate: As per Rajpatra
(Asadharan) date 7.2.1997, Published rule C.G. civil service (Special
provision of appointment for women) Rule 1997, 10 years age relaxation
will be given to women candidate.

In case of the permanent/ Temporary employees of either of

CG State Govt. or any undertaking of CG Govt. will be entitled the age
relaxation up to 38 years.
N.B. - The term temporary Government servant includes a person
borne on work-charged and contingency paid staff of the Chhattisgarh
Government as per GAD memorandum No. 2998-Cr-444-1 (iii) -63, dated
the 30th November 1963 . This concession will not be admissible if the
candidates resign from service either before or after taking the examination.
They will, however, continue to be eligible if they are retrenched from service
or post after submitting their application.
(xvi) up to a maximum of 3 years : if the candidate is a retrenched
Government servant, after deducting from his age the period of all temporary
e ' k%
( 7 )
service previously rendered by him up to maximum of seven years even if it
represents more than one spell;
Explanation - The term retrenched Government servant denotes a
person who was in temporary Government service of the State of
Chhattisgarh or any of its constituent units for a continuous period of not
less than six months and who was discharged because of reduction in
establishment not more than three years prior to the date of registration at
the Employment Exchange or of application made otherwise for employment
in Government service.
(xvii) up to a maximum of 10 years: if the candidate is a
handicapped and applying to the service/posts class III and must
have submitted his disability certificate of not less than 40% issued
by the competent authority.
(xviii) In accordance to general administration departments circular
no. F 1-2/2002/1/3 dated 02/06/2004. Shiksha karmies of chhattisgarh
state will be granted relaxation in maximum age limit for equal number of
years for which they have worked as shiksha karmi. For calculation purpose
the period of more than 6 months will be treated as one year. The benefit
of this relaxation can be availed only up to 45 years.
Note:- In addition to the above mentioned provisions, the instructions
issued from time to time by General Administration Department regarding
age limit etc. shall be applicable at the time to recruitment to the State Civil
6. Save as provided in Rule 5 (c), the age limits prescribed can in no
case be relaxed. The candidates should note that the Commission shall
accept only such date of birth as is recorded in the matriculation or secondary
school examination certificate or certificate of a examination treated
equivalent thereto. No other document relating to age like horoscopoe,
affidavit , birth extracts from Municipal Corporation service records and
the like will be accepted. Once a date of birth has been recorded in the
application form, request for any change therein will not be considered
under any circumstance.
7. (a) No male candidate who has more than one wife living or who
having a wife living marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by
reason of its taking place during the life time of such wife shall be eligible for
appointment to any of the services appointment to which is made on the
result of this examination unless the State Government after being satisfied
that there are grounds for doing so exempt any male candidate from the
operation of the Rule.
(b) No female candidate whose marriage is void by reason of the
husband having a wife living at the time of such marriage or who has married
a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage shall be eligible
for appointment to any of the services on the result of this examination,
unless the State Government after being satisfied that there are special
grounds for doing so exempt any female candidate from the operation of
this Rule.
8. A candidate must be in a good mental and bodily health and free
from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties
as an officer of the particular service. A candidate who after such medical
examination as Government or the appointing authority, as the case may
be, may prescribe, found not to safisfy these requirements will not be
appointed. Only such candidates who are likely to be considered for
appointment will be medically examined.
9. The Commission cannot advise candidates as to their eligibility for
any particular service. It is for the candidates themselves to see whether
they satisfy the prescribed requirement and whether it is worth their while
to apply. However , the attention of the candidates are drawn to the physical
standards laid down for certain services as given below . Before applying,
the candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfil the minimum
requirements prescribed for such services.
10. The success in the examination confers no right to appointment unless
the Government are satisfied after such inquiry as may be considered
necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to
the service.
11. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a
candidate for admission to the examination shall be final. No representation
or correspondence shall be entertained on this point. The admission to the
preliminary examination shall be provisional. If on verification at any later
date it is found that a candidate does not fulfil all the eligibility conditions his
candidature shall be cancelled. If any of his claims is found to be incorrect.
he may render himself liable for disciplinary action by the Commission in
terms of Rule 14 given below.
The mere fact that a certificate of admission to the examination has
been issued to a candidate will not imply that his candidature has been
finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate
in his application for the preliminary examination have been accepted by
the Commission as true and correct.
It may be noted that verification of eligibility condition of a candidate
with reference to original documents would be taken up after the candidate
has qualified for the Main Examination and unless the candidature is finally
confirmed by the Commission, it would continue to be provisional.
12. No candidate shall be admitted either to preliminary examination or
main examination unless he /she holds a certificate of admission issued by
the Commission.
13. (i) The candidates claiming any relaxation in age or any other
concession must attach with their application forms appropriate certificate
in original issued by the competent authority . In absence of such certificates
they will not be entitled to be considered for any relaxation concession.
(ii) A candidate claiming age concession as retrenched Government
servant of Chhattisgarh should produce in original a certificate from the
Head of the Department or Office from where the candidate was retrenched
stating the designation of each post held by him, the date of appointment
and leaving in respect of each post and also certifying that he was discharged
Man With out
1 Dy. Superitendent of
168 c.m 84 c.m. 89 c.m. 5 c.m.
2 District Excise Officer 5'4" 31" 33" -
3 Transport Sub-
165 c.m. 81.50 c.m. - -
4 Excise Sub-Inspector 165 c.m. 81 c.m. 85 c.m. -
5 Assistant Jailor 1.65 m. 0.80 m. - -
Name of Post Chest Expansion
e ' k%
( 8 )
because of reduction in establishment. He should also produce an attested
copy of the certificate of his registration at the Employment Exchange if
(iii) A candidate claiming age concession as an ex-serviceman should
produce in original a certificate from his last Ministry/Office indicating the
dates of commencement and discharge in respect of his defence service,
and that he was retrenched or declared surplus as a result of the
recommendation of the Economic Unit or due to normal reduction in
establishment as the case may be. He should also produce an attested
copy of his registration at the Employmnet Exchange, if any.
14. A candidate who is or has been found by the Commission to be
guilty of :-
(i) obtaining support for his candidature whether in the written
examinations or interviews by any means; or
(ii) impersonating; or
(iii) procuring impersonation by any person; or
(iv) submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been
tampered with; or
(v) making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing
material information at any stage of selection. ; or
(vi) resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining
admission to the examination;or
(vii) using or attempting to use unfair means in the examination hall;
(viii) harassing , threatening or doing bodily harm to the staff employed
for the conduct of examination; or
(ix) violating any of the instructions issued to the candidates alongwith
their admission certificate or other instructions including oral instruction given
by the centre supervisor or other staff engaged for conduct of examination;
(x) misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall or in the
interview, any in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal
prosecution,be liable.
(a) to be disqualified by the Commission from the examination for
which he is a candidate; and / or
(b) to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period.
(i) by the Commission from any examination or selection held by
(ii) by the State Government from employment under; and
(c) if he is already in service under Government , to a disciplinary
action under appropriate rules :
Provided that no penalty under this rule shall be imposed except
after -
(i) giving the candidate an apportunity of making such representation
in writing as he may wish to make in that behalf, and
(ii) taking the representation, if any submitted by the candidate within
the period allowed to him into consideration.

The online applications received after due date and time will not be
16. The Commission reserve the right to allocate centre for examination
to the candidate keeping in view the preference recorded in the appliation
form. No application for change of centre or any other entries in the
application form shall be entertained.

Eliminate the sub rule 17.
18. The Commission shall not supply mark sheets in respect of preliminary
examination as it is only a screening test. As such no correspondence will
be entertained in this connection . However, the mark sheets of the Main
Examination will be sent to the candidates after publication of final results.
19. The Commission do not defray the travelling or other expenses of
candidates called for written test of viva-voce. Candidates belonging to a
caste or tribe or OBC notified for Chhattisgarh as a scheduled caste or
scheduled tribe or OBC and domiciled in Chhattisgarh, who are not already
in service will, however, be paid travelling allowance as per Finance
Department memo No. 2030-VI -R-II, dated the 22nd June 1963. The
bill forms will be available at the respective centres of examination and
viva-voce. Payment will be made after verification that the candidate had
actually taken the test.
20. The candidates finally selected for a particular service will have to
undergo such training and pass such departmental examination as may be
prescribed by the Government. they will be required to serve at any place
in Chhattisgarh and should be able to take immediately an appointment
when offered. Candidates selected by the Commission for appointment as
Deputy Superintendent of Police will have to execute a bond to serve the
State for a period not less than three years as Deputy Superintendent of
Police or in other similar capacity as the State Government may desire.
21. Repeal and Saveing - All rules corresponding to these rules and in
force immediately before their commencement are hereby repealed in
respect of matters covered by these rules:
Provided that any order made or action taken under the Rules so
repealed shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the
corresponding provisions of these rules.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Chhattisgarh,
XAVIER TIGGA, Deputy Secretary

Amendment, As per Government of Chhattisgarh, General Administration

Department vide Notification No. F 6-3/2008/1/One, Dated 23/12/2011.
( 1 )
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ijh{kk ;kstuk
jkT; lsok ijh{kk
1 - i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk & o L r qf u " B i zd kj
ili |ii - zaa i - | li z li rin|
ii -nl- i (Objective Type ) rl~| ri n
(Multipile Choice) rin| - -n - r l~ (Five
Choice) ri n, l- r| -n | ri | rin|| nn -n
ii-- i| l in|
i zF ke i z u & i = & i-i ( aa, zaa, -
zaa i- )| - r| -n rn az li ini
- nn -n rn a i-i ini| ini = 2R-W
(ri R r| -n | i W nn -ni | i
r )|
f } r h; i z u & i = & ini |ii ( aa, zaa, -
zaa i-)| - r| -n rn az l i n
- nn -n rn a i-i ini| ini = 2R-W
(ri R r| -n | i W nn -ni | i
r )|
U; wu r e v g Zr k v ad & - - ilin n
i| i n- ss lnin nii ilin n lin
lii i n- zs lnin in i li rini|
ilni iii - |ii l lii i li
2 - e q[ ; i j h{ kk , o a l k{ kkRd kj &
i j h{ kk ; kst u k
f y f [ kr i j h{ kk & i j Ei j kx r i zd kj
e ' k%
e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s i z u & i = i j Ei j kx r i zd kj Conventional
Type d s y ? kq@ e / ; e @ n h? kZ m Rr j h; g ksax sA
i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk d s v k/ kkj i j e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s f y , f p Ug kaf d r
v H; f F kZ; ksa d ks e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s l Hkh l kr i z u & i = ksa e as
l f Ee f y r g ksu k g ksx kA e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s v k/ kkj i j l k{ kkRd kj
g sr q f p Ug kaf d r v H; f FkZ; ksa d ks l k{ kkRd kj e sa v f u o k; Zr %l f Ee f y r
g ksu k g ksx kA e q[ ; i j h{ kk d s f d l h Hkh i z u & i = e sa , o a
l k{ kkRd kj e sa v u qi f L F kr j g u s o ky s v H; F khZ v u g Z g ksax sA
i zF ke i z' u & i = & Hkk" kk d ks N ksM +d j i| i i
-n i| ,ii ;sii lr| ii n| - li
ini| n l| - -n lr| ii n | - in
r| li ini|
i z' u i = & 0 2 e sa n ks Hkkx g ksax s . i-| -n | --i,
z. s-n|n i | --i| i| i - iin n|
l~ l in, l- l~ --i-iii
(ii, n-i l-iln ii lrn -iii) li lii
ri ni|
e q[ ; i j h{ kk g sr q i z u i = e kad 0 3 l s 0 7 e sa f u Eu ku ql kj
i z u g ksax s %&
[ k. M e kad 0 1 & ; i nnn za l in , i|
i i -n i rini| - rn az ,
; nr ; l lin- a rin|
(i |-i nin sa)
[ k. M e kad 0 2 & ; i nnn a l in , i|
i i -n i rini| - rn ,
; nr ; l lin- a rin|
(i |-i nin ca)
[ k. M e kad 0 3 & ; i nnn ar l in , i|
i i -n i rini| - rn s ,
; nr ; l lin- a rin|
(i |-i nin aa)
[ k. M e kad 0 4 & ; i nnn as l in,
l- i; az i i -n i ri ni| -
rn za , ; nr ; l
lin- a rin| (i |-i nin zra)
[ k. M e kad 0 5 & ; i nnn az l in,
l- i; a i -n i ri ni| ;
nr ; l lin- a rin|
(i |-i nin raa)
l - - i z' u i = d k u ke i z' u i =
d h v o f / k
d qy
v ad
f j e kd Z
1 2 3 4 5
i z' u & i = & 0 1
i z' u & i = & 0 2
i z' u & i = & 0 3
i z' u & i = & 0 4
i z' u & i = & 0 5
i -ii ini
i z' u & i = & 0 6
i z' u & i = & 0 7
i -i ii-
1 4 0 0
s. 1 5 0
1 5 5 0
d qy v ad
l k{ kkRd kj @ O; f D r Ro i j h{ k. k
d qy v ad
;lnri, lii
i ii
lni, i ni ln|
i i
nlin nil ini
/. as i-i zaa
c. as i-i zaa
r. as i-i zaa
. as i-i zaa
s. as i-i zaa
z. as i-i zaa
i| i - i
i lli lii
li li rin|
. as i-i zaa
( 2 )
Examination Scheme
State Service Examination
1. Preliminary Examination - (Objective Type)
In the Preliminary Examinations there will be 2 compulsory papers
of 02 hours duration each. Both the question papers will have objective
type multiple choice questions. There will be five choices of answers
for each question out of which one is to be selected.There will be negative
marking for wrong answer.
First Question Paper- General Studies (Question 100, Marks
200, Duration 2.00 Hours).02 marks will be awarded for each right
answer and 01 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.Marks
obtained=2R-W (where R stands for number of right answers and W
stands for number of wrong answers.)
Second Question Paper- Aptitude Test (Question 100, Marks
200, Duration 2.00 Hours) 02 marks will be awarded for each right
answer and 01 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.Marks
obtained=2R-W (where R stands for number of right answers and W
stands for number of wrong answers.)
Minimum Qualifying Marks- In each Question paper essential
qualifying marks for unreserved category will be 33%,and 23% for
reserved categories and handicapped candidates.Candidates will be
short listed for mainexamination on the basis of merit.
2. Mains Examination and Interview -
Written Examination (Conventional Type)
Question papers for Main Examination will be of
Conventional nature i.e.: Short/Medium/Long answers Type.
Candidates short listed for the Main Examination on the basis
of Preliminary Examination (Screening Test) must appear
for all the seven papers in Main Examination. Candidates
selected for the Interview on the basis of Main Examination
must appear in the Interview. Absence in any paper of Main
Examination and Interview will be liable for disqualification.
All the question papers except first -Language may be
answered in Hindi or English chosen by the candidates. However
a candidate will not be permitted to write part of the paper in Hindi
and part of it in English.
Paper II - Essay -
There will be two sections in this paper. 1. National level Problems
2. Chhattisgarh State Problems.The Candidates will be given three
options in each section and will have to write on one option from
each section, the problem - solution (reason, present status including
data and solution)
Paper III to VII will contain the questions as given below-
Section 01- In this section there will be 20 compulsury
questions of 02 marks each.Thus the maximum marks in this section
will be 40. (word limit - about 30)
Section 02- In this section there will be 10 compulsury
questions of 04 marks each.Thus the maximum marks in this section
will be 40. (word limit - about 60)
Section 03- In this section there will be 05 compulsury
questions of 08 marks each.Thus the maximum marks in this section
will be 40. (word limit - about 100)
Section 04- In this section total 03 questions will be given out
of which 02 questions will have to be solved. Each question will
carry 20 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be
40. (word limit - about 250)
Section 05- In this section total 02 questions will be given out
of which 01 question will have to be solved.This question will carry
40 marks.Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40.(word
limit - about 500)
SN Name of Question Paper Duration Total
1 2 3 4 5
History, Constitution and
Public Administration
Science, Technology and
Economics & Geography
Mathametics & Logical
Philosophy & Sociology
8. 150
1550 Grand Total Marks
7. 3 Hours 200
6. 3 Hours 200
5. 3 Hours 200
4. 3 Hours 200
3. 3 Hours 200
2. 3 Hours 200
Candidates should
write two Essays one
from each section
1. 3 Hours 200
Interview / Personality Test
Total Marks
( 1 )
ifjf'k"V& nks
%% jkT; lsok izkjafHkd ijh{kk %%
i zkj af Hkd i j h{ kk d k i kB ~; e i z u i = o kj f u Eu ku ql kj g ksx k&
( lr| n | - ri n, l| i| i,i - iiii li |
l-iln - lr| iiii - li i,i i iii -ii ini)
i z u i = 1 l ke kU; v / ; ; u
i z u 1 0 0 ] v ad 2 0 0 v o f / k% 2 %0 0 ? kaV k
iin nii iin z rara l i n, - z i
i rini, - r| -n rn az l in - nn
-n r n a i-i ini ini = 2R-W(ri Rr| -n |
i W nn -ni | i r)|
Hkkx 1 & l ke kU; v / ; ; u %&
. iin i ;lnri iin i -n ni i i|
z. iin i iiln, i-il ili i ni|
s. iin i lii i -ii|
. iin | i -ii|
r. i-i lni ini ln||
c. iin| i, i ilr- - ln|
/. -i-l i-i i|
s. i i|
Hkkx 2 & N Rr hl x < + d k l ke kU; K ku %&
. s-n|n i ;lnri -n ni ii - s-n|n i
i ni|
z. s-n|n i i ni , i , iiln ii , nii, inil-
- |
s. s-n|n i ilr-, n|n, - , i -ln, +i,
- ri , rii i i l-ii|
. s-n|n | ilni , li i i , n| -i ri|
r. s-n|n | i -ii, li|
c. s-n|n i iil i i, -ii| ii in| i|
/. s-n|n - nin, +i, il ii|
s. s-n|n | -i-l i-i |
i z u i = 2
; ksX; r k i j h{ kk i z u 1 0 0 ] v ad 2 0 0 v o f / k% 2 %0 0 ? kaV k
- az i i rini, - r| -n r n az l
i n - nn -n r n a i-i ini, ini
= 2R-W(ri R r| -n | i Wnn -ni | i
r )|
. i i i lrn i-l ii|
z. nil n i liii-- i-ni|
s. li l-ii i --i lii|
. i-i -il ini|
r. - i-- i (i-i nlin| ii) (-nii |),
ii | ii (i-, ii , nili, ii | inni
;-il) (-nii |)|
c. lr| iiii ni (-nii |)|
/. s-n|n | iiii i ni|
lr| iiii ni i s-n|n | iiii lin | iiii - ri n ,
;i i i r| rini|
"State Service Preliminary Examination"
The question paper will be in Hindi and English both. In case of any
doubt the Hindi version will prevail.
The paper wise syllabi of thePreliminary Examination is as following-
Question Paper 1 General Studies
(Questions 100, Marks 200), Time : 2 hours
(There shall be 50 Questions from Part-1' & Part-2' each. Each
question will carry 2 marks) 02 marks will be awarded for each right
answer and 01 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. Marks
obtained = 2R - W (where R stands for number of right answers and
W stands for number of wrong answers.)
PART- '1'- General Studies: -
1. History of India and Indian National Movement.
2. Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India.
3. Constitution of India &, Polity.
4. Indian Economy.
5. General Science & Techonlogy.
6. Indian Philosphy, Art, Litereture & Culture.
7. Current Affairs & Sports.
8. Environment.
1. History of Chhattisgarh, & Contribution of Chhattisgarh in Freedom
2. Geography, Climate, Physical status, Census, Archeological and
Tourist Centres of Chhattisgarh.
3. Litrature, Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Idioms and Proverbs,
Puzzle/riddle (+i), Singing (rii) of Chhattisgarh.
4. Tribes, Special Traditions, Teej and Festivals of Chhattisgarh.
5. Economy, Forest and Agriculture of Chhattisgarh.
6. Administrative Structure, Local Government and Panchayatiraj of
7. Industry in Chhattisgarh, Energy, Water and Mineral Resource of
8. Current Affairs of Chhattisgarh.
Question Paper 2
Aptitude Test (Questions 100, Marks 200), Time :2 hours.
02 marks will be awarded for each right answer and 01 mark will be
deducted for each wrong answer. Marks obtained = 2R - W (where R
stands for number of right answers and W stands for number of wrong
1. Interpersonal skills including communication skills;
2. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
3. Decision making and problem solving
4. General mental ability
5. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude
etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data
sufficiency etc. -Class X level)
6. Knowledge of Hindi Language (Class X level).
7. Knowledge of Chhattisgarhi Language.
Knowledge of Hindi Language and Chhattisgarhi Language
will be tested in Hindi and Chhattisgarhi Language only, without
providing translation.
( 1 )
ifjf'k"V& rhu
& %% i kB ~; e %%&
jkT; lsok eq[; ijh{kk
i z u & i = 0 1 & Hkk" kk
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
Hkkx & 1 l ke kU; f g Un h
iiiii i, lin i, ii| li - i, -iln
ii i i, iii l ii i, li li
ls, i-il i -iln r, n-- ni i,
i il,, i il,, n -, -ri iiln (i
in), i| lr| ilr- ;lnri - i lii
i-i, s-n|n ilr-i | i|
Hkkx & 2 l ke kU; l aL d `r &
li li ls , li i-, li, i -in, in,
i-, ii|, ilni lilni i lr|
-n, -n lr|, , -i i| i, lnr
i-il i, i li, l-n nni i, i, iilinil|
Hkkx & 3 General English
Comprehension, Precis Writing, Re arrangement and Correction
of Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Filling the Blanks, Correction of
Spellings, Vocabulary and usage, Idioms and Phrases, Tenses,
Prepositions, Active Voice and Passive voice, Parts of Speech,
Translation- English to Hindi, Letter writing.
Hkkx & 4 N Rr hl x < +h Hkk" kk &
s-n|n| iiii i ni, s-n|n | iiii i li ;lnri,
s-n|n| iiii i ilr- -i ilr-i, s-n|n| i
ii, lr| s-n|n| s-n|n| lr| iil
ii i|
i z u & i = 0 2 & f u c a/ k
v ad 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
i| i i --ii li (ii, ^n -i l-iln
i i lrn ^ -iii) lii rini| - iin n| --i
l in l- - iin --i nin
raaraa ii - li lii rini|
- iin r n lin- aa aa rin|
i in i-| -n | --i|
i inz s-n|n i lin --i|
as b f r g kl ] l af o / kku , o a y ksd i z kkl u
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
i in iin i ;lnri li ni, ^l ni,
i- nii i, i- , -ni i- i i , -i i nii i ^-ii,
n n i-i, nn^i- i - i, -ii-, ilr- nii l^ni
i l^i| iln ii , |^i, i| iiiii - ilr- i
l^i, l^n i, -i-i i | ili i in- nii
ll-i ^ini -iiln ri i, ll-i i-i i l^-ni,
^ -|ln, n i-|i i ^-iili, i i-^ ^-ii-ii; i -n,
n^i |, -ri^i|, r-nli~ nini i n, ;-- ; li -|
lini ii i, iil i - l^n , srs in
n| i ^-iii i l^i, i ni n|i, ^ iil l^i|
i inz iin i -^nni ii i-^i i , sr/
| i ln, iin| i-| in | -iii, ni i l^ii i
-^ i| ii , i- ilni i ^ l^i, i lni| ii ,
ri- ii, nii|^i| ii, - li ^ il^i|
ii , iin sii ii, ii lr i , -^n ni i iin
i l^ii, lini i l^||i| i-il iil- ii
ii r- -i, i -i, iii -i, i-i l-i|
i ins s-n|n i ;lnri ^ -^n ni i i -
s-n|n i ini s-n|n i ;lnri ^ l n
n n i n, - i i^ i ilin~ , , ii|, i,
i-^i| ;-il, ~ | ^ i ii, -i-i i| s-n|n,
s-n|n | ^ lin i -|ili | l l-i i|ni - s-n|n ,
i-n| i, sr/ | iln, s-n|n - -^nni ii, l-,
i ^ in| ii, s-n|n i i l-ii|
Hkkx & 4 Hkkj r d k l af o / kku & iin| l^ii | lnril
-il- (//s sra ), l^ii | - l^iini, -ni^i, l^ii
| ln, iin s - i n lii, iin i |ln li
n-^, l^iil ii i lii (ili), il l^i
^ il lni, - n| i iili, , n-
ii, -rii^i|| i i ili, l^ii-,
ii, -rili^ni ^ i|-i ii| i ^ ii -
i l^ii| ilni i l^ni, iil i, i ^ ii
i| ^i, li iin| ^i, i ^ i i ^i ii n,
lii ^ iil lii| l^i ^ l^i ii n, ln
iln, ln iln nii ls ^n l l^ii i, in
^ nili, iiiii i | iiii ^ ili iiii| iin
i, l^ii i iii, iiii n ii | ^iiii, li,
l^ii iii nn|
Hkkx & 5 y ksd i z kkl u & i ii i i, i , ln,
-r-^| i|i i| i ii ^ l| ii| ^|
i ii, l^i ii ^ ni-- i ii, i
ii - ii-| i i- ii| l^li i ii| n-
lin, in-, i| i n -^, |ln liii, li l-i i
lin| iil i i -^, -ii , i,
^ii i li ii| iil ii, ii, i iir|, li
ii, i ln i lin| iin - ii l i |,
l^-n|, il ^ iili i li| ii ^ i
in| i i lii| i | ^iiii, -ini, in|
| ^ ii--, ii-- ^ i-- ii| iln ii
i lin|
a f o K ku ] i zkS| kSf x d h , o a i ; kZo j . k
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
iin i l^ni
iil lili | ^ iil i- iil
lili | i ili ni, n|^ ^ - iil lili,
--i| ^ --i| iil lili, iil i-
nln ln, - ^ ii, pH -ii ( il ) +-ii |
^ +-iiii| lili| s -r-^ i iil i lnn i ^
in, i | l^li, -i (, ii i ii, ii i
ii, l^i ^ i-- i l), i^ l-i i i| s
iii i l-i ii, |--, i ^ ;-in| iin i^n ili|
( 2 )
- iini | l-iln ^ i-i ni, iin, il -, il ^
- - n| iin- -i i i i, l-ni, i, n
^ iii, i ^ i i iin- , iin i i iii, l-
iin| iin i^n ii| - iini | l-iln ^ i-i ni,
ri;i , i;-i ^ i| | i niii l^li n i ^ i n|
s -r-^ i i l iln ~ir ^ ll- - i |
i niii l^li, ni ^ in, s i-i l- r, i|i|,
i| l^i; ii;, -i, i ^ -i |
iinz ii ln l^ni
+i -in +i ^| -in ^ i-l -in, i
+i i -in, - +i -l-n ii i ni lni, i
, i , ^ +i, +i, ii n , |^i- ; i, ii
; i, ii ;i nii- , ili| +i , ili| l^i, ,
ii lili, ili| l-, ili| +i ii ^ rili|
ii ii | ln, ii i i^n, i^n l-,
-n ^ ^ nr i^n , -n, -n ^ ^n i ,ii
lnl- i, i | nii ^ni li - i, l l^li
,ii ^n i | i | nin i, U-V-f - i| ii
i ^n ^n l-, i n- ,ii ^n , iln
ii, i inl i^n, i inl i^n i l |^ -
in, (lii| ^ i| ) liiii, i |, ili
, ,ii lnl- i, -i^ ; ii ^ lii nii
i-i nil - i -i^ - ni, -i| nii
ini| i| , i^-, in, il^li, li i i ( |
-iii r|)| l^nn i ; ii^ l^nn n|^ ni, l^i^l^i^in,
l^nn iii, ir- i l-, lnii, l^li- lni i, iil^n ^i
i, lniii i i ^ ; il , l^n n iii i
-| ii^, ;| ilnni, iln ^ l^nn +i | nii
(il) l^nn in - i| i ^i| i^iili, l^n n iii i
iil ii^, iil-, l,n| , ; niii, ii|
, i , |i i i^-| l^nn iii -|
ii^ l^n n iii -| ii^, i -- i in, l^nn
-| i, l^nn -i -, l | i ii|, l,in ^ i n,
-i^n| iii ^ l- iii i i-i | ni - l^n n l^,
l^ li, ii li, Xli ^ ; nii- | --^
- ^ ; i, l- -, - i | l^lii , --^
i iil^ l,in, -| l^ii, -| i, -|
ii ^ n i nii ii i| i| i --^i --^,
-| n i, -| ^ iini l i-i-n V.H.I. ^ -
iins |^ l^ni
n i iii ii i -^i i|, l^i-i i|, - ni |^|, ili-ii |
nii |^|| ili-ii|, iii li -i | i li|
|^ (-|i) ^ rili| |^ (l-i) - i| - i i
n ^ i l i| ii ii liiii li - i ,
ii lil i ^ ii lil i ii ii i iil^n
^i i ^ ii ii i| in| ^ liiii |^
^ n, ^ ^ ^iis^i ^ i, i| ^ ^
i| ^, - i ^ n ^ ^ l i (i-i
ii|) ^ nii (R.O.) iiri; - ^i ^ i-| i|
l^r i ii - ^ il ^i i l^r ni - l^r
(-i^ i - ) li | i nii i r | i nii
il^li li ^ilrli | i nii i (i li ni) li i
ii i, li - r li iii li |i n i|
r lin in| - i ii - - ^ -| ii
ni - - ^ -| n -i^ - - n ^ -
li (i-i ii|) l- ^ (ill) ii li
^ lin in| li ^ -^ i i ^ ni -
-^ i ri-i , - i nli n, -l-n | i ^
i, - | i ^ i ln^n| li, n -i^|nlii
ri-i ^ i| ^ ^ l, i, ln ,
l^i - ^ i^, l- ^i| , -n|i, -
nii, nil- n, li , i ii - ln n ( ) |
i ^ l i (i-i ii|) ini, li| -i^
n nii li (i-i ii|) ^ili| ^
l^i^ili| ^ lini, ^ilini i - iii n i
^ DNA (ili ii|) |, ln liii il l^i i
ili ni ( il i l,in)|
iin ini ln|
lni i niln| | i-| |ln |lni - --
ri i ln, i niln| | iin i nli i -
i niln|, li ni- li i ii lii i -
; in, ;- i; .i.. n| ni-|i iin - i
i niln| | il-i, - - i iiiin ni, i ii -
--, ili l, rn i- i li, i;.-|. r
in| i iii | -in, ||n || n i
-in, ili| i i i - li ilnni| iin -
n-i lni i niln| i li, li i i, li lni -
nln ii, iin - lni, , |- li
iin - ini i l |
iinr i ^i
^ l^l^ini ^ i ii i-i lliiii,
^i li iln ^ ill-iln n | l^l^ini| iin i ^iini l
^n| i| ^ l^l^ini i -r-^l^iii| in -i i n,
i-il, ln, ^l~ l- -r-^| l^^ -n| ^ l^l^ini,
i-| ^ -ii| -n | ^ l^l^ini| iin ^r l^l^ini ^i
i- - | ^ l^l^ini nn -i| ^ l^l^ini i ilni^i|,
iln, ^ |^ i iln, -i^ ^ ^ n ii | iin |
-i (l^n ri n|) ^ -ii| ilni| ^l^l^ini i
iil-iln ^ l-iln ii| i^i ii ii,
ii^ ^ l i i ^i ii, ii, - | ii, - i
ii, ^l ii, ni| ii, ili| ii| -i li-
in| ^ iniln -i - i i ii, ii^
^ l i| ii l i - ln | il-i| ii i i,
i, ^in ^ i-i| -i^ i ^ i^i| i
^ l,, l^li i-i - i - lini| i l^-i-l^i
~ii i -| i ^i ^ -i^ -^i-|
ar v F kZO; o L F kk , o a Hkwx ksy
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
iin iin | i ^-ii
i-| ^ ln ln i, iin| i ^-ii - i--
l^n ( i -i ^ iiln)| l| ^ i^l ii
| i l-i - l^n ^ ^|n- iii iinn -
lr-| ili ii, li ni ^ i ni| | --i , -i ^
r l l n i| -i l |ln iin| ln ^
( 3 )
nl n l^-n| -iii -^ ^ - ssa i ii,
l^ ii i l-| i^ l i-^, i^l ,
i^l ~i i iii| ii-i | i i i^-ii
iinz iin - i i
iin| li , iil-ni, ii iin i ;
i, ^|n- ^i| ii l^li- , -~i ^
--i, iin l-ii i i, -ri--i ni i| i-| ini ni -|
ii, l^ii - l^-n| l^ii i - li, i ^ ii
- l^-n| i, iin i l ^ -ri ii|i|
iins s-n|n i ini
s-n|n i i ni ii ln l^iini , l-iln ^ l^-ni, ii ln
l^iin i ^ir n, ^i, l---| i, ^-ln i i
-r-^, ^-ln ^ |^, -i^| l^i ini , i l| l^i ini , nii,
i ^ l,, i-^ ^ l^ni, lii ^ -in-^ -- il|
iin s-n|n | i ^-ii
ln iln, ln iln, ls i ^n ^ ~ ^n
i i-il lsi, iini ^ i^il i, i ^
i ni i| l^ni - l^n , -lrii | i-il, i|ln
^ ili ilni| i - --i, ni-|i l^i| i |
l^-n ^ -| |ln, i, | - lr-i|, i-^ ^
| iini - i, | i i i ^ n i inn ,
i^l ~i | i| inl ^ l^^ ~i lrn
ir ~i| s-n|n - ni-|i ii -iinn ^ n -iinn
-in| rilni | i ^ ^ l nii ii - lr-,
inni ^ --i|
iinr s-n|n - li, ^, nin ^ iln ii
s-n|n - li ^ ^| linn -i | i| ii|
|-n , n- -i -~| s-n|n - i^l l^ni ii||
- , li; ii i i -r-^, li i iil|i,
li | --i ^ li| s-n|n - nini l^i ^
i , --, i ^ i -n i, | ni-- ^l,
-ili ^ --i | s-n|n - iln ii, il, +i
^ ii, ni| ^ l^nn lii, i +i, ^ ^
il iiiln nin|
as x f . kr , o a r kf d Zd ; ksX; r k
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
Hkkx & 1 l- ii i i i, i-ii, nii i, iin i, z
l- ii | l- i nin i| in -i in
in -i in | liiii, iniin, ni in, iniin,
- -i in il in| nn -|i () (),
() (), () () lin | -in i| liiii,
-in i| i i (n i ) nii n i i i n| -i n
-i| ili nlin lnn iini, ili -i iini
iln -i iini i | nii| i | nii (
niin| l nii nr iii i-ni i si ) nii , i-n-
-in, -r-n- -i-|
Hkkx & 2 f u n sZ kkad T ; kf e f r & i l i | | |, iii i
iln lii (lii ) li i i , n| li
-i i lni| li il-lnli il-ln iii | -i il-,
iln -n| ,ln, ili | i i i|
iii liil-ln in i l, i|

- ) = cos , cos(90

- ) = sin , tan(90

- ) = cot ,

- ) = tan , sec(90

- ) = cosec , cosec(90

- ) = sec
; lin | i l-lnl --| i in|
-| i in| i -| i in|
nii -| i in| il-ln - li, -n,
il-ln i|
Hkkx & 3 d EI ; wV j & l,iii| ,ln, li l,iii| i
iil- - iil- i l,iii| - ln| nili- i
lli;i i nii li ini , ll-nni, llnni, l i, ln- nii
iii|ni| i l| -i, i; i-, -in -i, nii-n -i,
ri-- -i ;-il| -li, r iiiln i-i ,
ilni| l nlin i i, i-ii, nii, iin, |i -n
| i | n, n -, i, i- , l- i n nii
|nlin - l nlin llii i in il| iin| nlinn
i ln-ii--, ir l-lr, r-nn, ii-ii, |li
i-i i - |
Hkkx & 4 v kad M +ksa d k f o y s" k. k & nlin| li , - i--
i (i i i il, l-ii - ;-il), ii |
ii (i-, ii, nili , ii | i nni ;-il)
i i i lii, ril nlin ii ril, lnin, i
i n| -, nln, |, |, i|
Hkkx & 5 r kf d Zd ; ksX; r k & i ( ii--) |ii, l^i- i,
ii i l^i- ii, i ln iiii |ii, i| |ii, ^i-ii
|ii, ii i nil l^ii, s- r i i | l^l-,
i ^ ii, l-iln lnli |ii, iln i|, ni i n
rii, i-i -il ini|
i z u & i = 0 7 & n kZu , o a l e kt kkL =
v ad % 2 0 0 ] v o f / k% 3 %0 0 ? kaV k
Hkkx & 1 Hkkj r h; n kZu , o a ; ksx &
i ii- i -, |, lni -ln i i,
i- i i - i, i-i | ni lini, iil-
lri ni il ini, iin| i ii- i i n i--
| in i, -in in -, l-, i, iiii-,
-iri, iiii, i -ili, i iiii- i -
-i- ii|
Hkkx & 2 l e kt ' kkL = &
-iii-i, i ^ ln, i -r-^, l^nii
;i i| iil- ^iiii -i, -i, l-ln, -ii,
i-il - r, |lni ^ iii| ln ^ -i i-il
n li, l-iln ^ il-i, -ln ^ ln-^, -i|i| lr
i-il n- i-, i-, ^i, iii| i-il -n|i
iln ^ ^n| i-il li i-il n li, ri n,
ii, ln-ii| i-il l i ^ i-il l^n i-il
li ii ^ lii| i-il l^n | li ^
i| iin| i-il --i, i-il l^i-, l-r|ni,
ni^, l^i-ni| i-il iii ^ l^lii i-il ii
i , i-il i-ii - ^ nil ,ln i
( 4 )
i n, ^-n l-ni | --i, n | l^lii ^
i^i, iii-i, i^|, ||
Hkkx & 3 N Rr hl x < + d h t u t kf r ; ka &
in| -il n-, lir, li, ni , i - r, in|
li ;lnri, i- |lni iil -ii| s-n|n
| lii ls| ilni, ilni, ln ilni
lsi n | ilni, s-n|n ilni - ln - i
iiii lii i, in| --i ii, ^i i
Hkkx & 4 N Rr hl x < + d h d y k &
s-n|n | i i, iilr- ^ -i i ii,
s-n|n| in|n, iii, i i-, +i, -ri^, rii,
ii l-ni| s-n|n i ilr-, n|n ^ ln i i
- -iiln -ii, n ii - s-n|n ii ,ii -iiln --i
^ -i|
iinr s-n|n | -ln
s-n|n | i - ln, s-n|n i -i - nii
^ -iri, -i inl-^ ii -^, -~ri, |i|r, -r i,
l, il-, -,|, li^|iii, nii, ir|, i, -
l -, - niii, - i-, i nn , lni |, i-ii i, i-ni,
n |ii-, -ri, n ^i i, n , -^ii|, , i-ii| ;-il,
i-| ni, ii i -n in ^ ni , s-n|n
- i n|
State Services Main Examination
(Marks: 200, Duration: 3 hours)
Section - 01 - General Hindi l ke kU; f g Un h
iiiii i, lin i, ii| li- i, -i ln
ii i i, iii l ii i, li
lils, i-il i -ilnr, n-- ni
i, i i l,, i i l,, n -, - ri i i ln (i
in), i, lr| ilr- ;lnri - i lii
i-i, s-n|n ilr-i | i |
Section - 02 - General Sanskrit l ke kU; l aL d `r &
li li ls , li i-, li, i -in, in,
i-, ii|, iln i lilni i lr|
-n, -n lr|, , -i i| i, ln r
i-il i, ili, l-n nni i, i, iilinil|
Section - 03 - General English
Comprehension, Precis Writing, Re arrangement and Correction
of Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Filling the Blanks, Correction of
Spellings, Vocabulary and usage, Idioms and Phrases, Tenses,
Prepositions, Active Voice and Passive voice, Parts of Speech,
Translation- English to Hindi, Letter writing.
Section - 04 - Chhattisgarhi Language N Rr hl x < +h Hkk" kk &
s-n|n | iiii i ni, s-n|n | iiii i li ;lnri,
s-n|n | iiii i ilr- -i ilr-i, s-n|n| i
ii, lr| s-n|n| s-n|n| lr| iil
ii i|
(Marks: 200, Duration- 3 hours)
Candidates will have to write two essays on problems (Reason,
present status including data and solution) from each section. Three
problems will be given in each section; candidate will have to write
essay on each section about 1500 words. Each section will carry 100
Section I : Problems of National level
Section II : Problems relating to the State of Chhattisgarh
History, Constitution and Public Administration
(Marks 200, Duration 3 hours)
Indus Civilization, Vedic Civilization, Jainism and Buddhism, Rise
of Magadh Empire, Mauryan Polity and Economy, Gupta Empire,
Development of Art, Architecture, Literature & Science In Gupta-
( 5 )
Vakataka Period. Bhakti Movement, Sufism, Growth of Literature in
regional Languages, Vijaya Nagar Kingdom, Rise of Marathas, Advent
of Europeans and factors leading to the British Supremacy, Expansion
of British Empire- Wars and diplomacy, Rural Economy-Agriculture,
Land Revenue Systems - Permanent Settlement, Ryotwari, Mahalwari,
Decline of handicrafts, Relation of East India Company with States,
Changes in Administrative Structure, Urban Economy after 1858,
Development of Railways, Industrialization, Constitutional Development.
Rise of Nationalism, The Revolt of 1857, Establishment of Indian
National Congress, Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement, Rise
and Growth of Communalism, Revolutionary Movements, Home Rule
Movement, Gandhian Movements, Workers, Peasant and Tribal
Movements, Quit India Movement, Indian National Army,
Independence and Partition of India, Merger of States, Socio- Religious
Reform Movements - Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Prarthna Samaj,
Ram Krishna Mission.
History of Chhattisgarh from Vedic age to Gupta Period, Major
dynasties like Rajarshitulya Kula, Nala, Sharabhpuriyas, Pandu,
Somvanshis etc. The Kalchuris and their Administration, Chhattisgarh
under the Marathas, Former princely states of Chhattisgarh and
Zamindaris, British Rule in Chhattisgarh, Feudatory States, Revolt of
1857, Freedom Movement in Chhattisgarh, Workers, Peasant and
Tribal Movements, Constitution of Chhattisgarh State.
Historical background of Indian Constitution ( 1773-1950), Salient
Features of Constitution, Preamble, Nature of Constitution, Part III-
Fundamental Rights, Part IV- Directive Principles of State Policy, Right
to Constitutional Remedies,( writs), Judicial Review and Judicial
Activism, Fundamental Duties, The Union- Executive, Parliament,
Supreme Court, Attorney General, The State- Executive, Legislative,
High Courts, Advocate General and Subordinate Courts, Relations
between the Union and the States- Distribution of legislative powers,
administrative relations, financial relations, Services under the Union
and the States. All India Services, Union and State Public Service
Commissions. Tribunals and Administrative Tribunals, Election and
Election Commission, Special provisions relating to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, Panchayat and Municipalities,
Official Language- Language of the Union and Regional Languages,
Emergency Provisions, Amendment of the Constitution, Concept of
the basic structure, Schedules, Constitutional Amendments update.
Public Administration - Meaning, Scope, Nature and Importance.
Public Administration and Private Administration under Liberalization.
New Public Administration, Development Administration and
Comparative Public Administration, New dimensions of Public
Administration. State vs. Bazar. Rule of Law, Organization- Principles,
Approaches, structure. Management- leadership, policy formulation,
decision making theory. Tools of Administrative Management- Co-
ordination, Delegation, Communication, Supervision and Motivation,
Administrative Reforms, Good Governance, Bureaucracy, District
Administration , Theory of Natural Justice. Control over Administration
in India- Parliamentary, Financial, Judicial and Executive Control. Lokpal
and Lok Ayukta. Right to Information, Concept of State, Sovereignty,
Democracy- Direct and Indirect. Parliamentary and Presidential,
Federal and Unitary Government. Theory of Separation of Power.
(Marks 200, Duration 3 hours)
Rate of chemical reaction and chemical elqulibruim - Preliminary
knowledge of rate of chemical reaction. Fast and slow chemical
reactions. Reversible and ireversible chemical reactions. Reversible
reaction and dynamic nature of equilibrium. Acids and bases. pH scale
[simple numerical questions. Exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Some important chemcial compounds - properties and uses. Method
of production manufacture [water, washing soda, baking soda bleaching
powder and plaster of Paris.] preparation of building material-lime
cement glass and steel. Metals - Position of metals in the periodic table
and general properties. Metal, mineral ore. Difference between mineral
and ore. Metallurgy-concentration, roasting, smelting, refining of ores.
Metallurgy of copper and Iron. corrosion of metals. Alloys. Nonmetals
- Position of nonmetals in the periodic table. Preparation properties
and uses of Hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen. Some important organic
compunds - laboratory method of preparing alcohol and acetic acid,
properties and uses some general artifical polymers, polythene, polyvinyl
choloride. Teflon soap and detergents.
Source of Energy - Conventional and new sources of neergy, source
of solar energy, causes of origin of energy in the Sun, soalr heating
devices, solar cooker solar cell, wind energy, biogas, fossil fuels, ideal
fuel properties of ideal fuel. Nuclear energy, nuclear Fission, Fusion,
chain reaction, nuclear reactor, uses and harms of nuclear energy.
General information about CREDA. Light - nature of light reflection of
light, laws of reflection, reflection from plane and curved surface, image
formation by plane convex and concave mirror, relation between focal
length and redius of curvature, determination of focal length of concave
miror by single pin method. [Relation between u-v-f [numerical
examples. Refraction of light - laws of refraction, refraction by glass
slab, critical angle, total internal reflection, use of total internal reflection
in daily life. lens [converging and diverging lens. Definition focal length
optical centre image formation by lens. Human eye, its defects and
remedies. Comparison between photographic camera and human eye.
Simple telescope and astronomical telescope. Construction working,
uses, ray diagram [no formula derivation]. Electricity and its effects -
electric intensity, potential, potential difference, electric curent Ohms
law. Resistance specfic resistance, influencing factors, combination of
resistance and related numerical examples thermal effect of current its
use, calculation of power and electrical energy spent. (numerical)
precautions observed in electric experiments. Chemical effects of electric
current. Primary and secondary cells their properties and drawback.
Leclanche cell, dry cell, lead accumulator cell, construction. Magnetic
( 6 )
efect of current - Magnetic effet of current, Oersted experiment, electro
magnetic induction, electric motor, working principle and use of
generator, general studies of alternating current and direct current, electric
discharge in gases, discharge tube, cathode rays, X-rays and their
properties. Magnetism - Magnet and its types artificial magnet, methods
of preparing magnets, molecular theory of magnetism, demagnetization,
magnetic keepers, magnetic lines of force and their properties. Plotting
the lines of force Terrestriel magnetism, magnetic storm. magnetic
meridian geographical meridiaan, relation between VHI and .
Animal nutrition - Types of nutition, Autotrophic Nutrition,
neterotrophic Nutrition, Holozoic, Parasitic, Saphrophytic, symbiotic,
Insectivorons. Important terms of nutrition process. Digestion in
unicellulor cellanimal [amoeba] and multicellulor animal grass hopper.
Human digestive system and digestive process. Photosynthesis, amin
steps of the process. light reaction and dark reaction. Factors influencing
Photosynthesis. Experiments related to photo synthesis. Respiration -
Definition, respiratory organs of animals breathing and respiration, Types
of respiration, Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiratory system
of humanbeing and mechanism of respiration [general information],
respiratory quotient [RQ] of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Transport
of mineral and water in plants and animals [in context of human being]
Compositionand function of blood, structure and working of heart,
structure and function of blood vessels [preliminary knowledge]
coagulation of blood, blood group, blood transfusion, blood bank,
function of lymph system. diseases related to heart. Exceretion -
excretion in plants and excretory product. Excretion in animal and
excretory organs. Excretion system of man and excretion process
[general information] artifical kidney dialysis. Osmoregulation. Diseases
related to kidney. Control and coordination - coordination in plants
and naimal Phytoharmones. Nervous system of human being. Structure
and function of human Brain and spinal cord, reflex action, endocringe
glands harmone and their function. Reproduction and growth - type of
reproduction Asexual reproduction fission, budding, regeneration,
vegetative reproduction, layering, cutting, grafting, Porthenogenesis,
sexual reproduction in plants, structure of flower and reproduction
process [general information] pollination fertilization. Human
reproductive system and reproduction process. Heredity and evolution
- heredity and variation. basis of heredity chromosome and DNA
[preliminary information] gene. sex determination priliminary knowledge
of organic evolution [Oparins theory only].
National policy of science and technology and changes in the policy
from time to time, purpose of technology. Space programme in India
and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and
other rural developmental activities, INSAT and IRS systems. Role of
Information Technology in Rural India, basic knowledge of computers,
computers in communication and broadcasting, software development
for economic growth. Broad applications of IT. Energy Resources :
Energy demands, renewable and nonrenewable energy resources,
nuclear energy, the development and its utilization in the country. Current
Science & Technology developments in India, origin of agriculture,
Progress of Agricultural Science and its impacts, Crop science in India,
Fertilizers, Control of pests and disease scenario in India.
Bio-diversity and its conservation - General introduction -
defination, species and genetic diversity, Bio-geographic classification
of India, Importance of Bio-Diversity - Constructive and Distructive
application, Importance of social, moral and alternative vision, Global,
National and Local level Bio-diversity, India as a wide diversity nation,
Hotspots of Biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, Residential damage,
damage to wildlife, humans and wild animals struggle, Indias threatened
(endangered) and local species, Conservation of bio-diversity,
Topological and Nontopological conservation. Enviromental pollution
- Reason effect and conservation - Air pollution, water pollution, see
pollution, soil pollution, sound/noise pollution, thermal pollution, nuclear
pollution. Solid waste managment - Urban and Industrial solid waste
management: reason, effect and control, Human role in pollution control,
Disaster Management, Floods, Earthquake, Cyclones and Landslide.
Human Population and Environment, Population growth, Variation in
the population in various countries. Population explosion and Family
Welfare Programme. Environment and Human health.
(Marks 200, Duration 3 hours)
National and per capita income, Structural changes in the Indian
Economy ( GDP and work force), Changes in the role of Public and
Private Sectors and their shares in the total plan outlay of the latest
plan, Economic Reforms, problems of poverty and unemployment ,
magnitude and measures initiative to ameliorate them, Monetary Policy-
structure of Indian Banking and non-banking financial institutions and
reforms in them since 1990s. Regulation of Credit by RBI. Pattern of
Revenue, Expenditure, Public Debt, fiscal deficit and effects on the
Indian Planning- Objectives , Priorities, Planning Commission and
its functions. Specific objectives of the latest Five Year Plan, evaluation
and problems. Bharat Nirman Yojna, MNREGA, Procedure in financial
matters in Constitution of India, Financial relation between Union and
States, Comptroller & Auditor-General of India.
Physical features, location & extent, Physical Divisions and Drainage
System, Climate , soil types, Vegetation and their importance, flora
and fauna. Human Features Population Growth, Density and
Distribution. Infant and Maternal Mortality rate etc.
Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy
and occupation structure, changes in the sectoral distribution of income
and employment. Socio, Political and Economic empowerment of
Women. Child Labour problem. Rural Development, State Finance
and Budgetary policy- Tax structure, Sharing Central Taxes, Expenditure
pattern in Revenue and Capital Account as well as plan and non-plan
( 7 )
expenditure. Public Debt composition- Internal and External Debt
including World Bank loans, Institutional and non-institutional sources
of Rural Credit in Chhattisgarh. Structure and growth of Co-operatives
and their shares in total credit adequacy and problems.
Agriculture and Forest in Chhattisgarh, Structure of Agriculture
output. Administered prices including minimum support and
procurement prices. Public Distribution System in Chhattisgarh.
Cropping pattern, means of irrigation and their importance,
modernization of agriculture, agricultural problems and planning, Growth
and Structure of Industries in Chhattisgarh- large, medium, small and
tiny sectors. their comparison, growth, weaknesses and problems,
Natural Resources, Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, Thermal
and Hydel Electricity Projects, Solar Energy, Forest and Mineral based
Industries in Chhattisgarh.
Mathematics and Reasoning Ability
(Marks 200, Duration 3 hours)
SECTION-01 - Rational Numbers - Addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of rational numbers. Finding the rational
number between two rational number. Ratio and Proportion - definition,
properties, aterments, inuertends, componendo, etc. and their uses.
Simultaneous equation, (a + b) (a + b), (a - b) (a - b), (a + b) (a - b)
related quetions. Arithmetic progression - Definition, general (n th) term
and sum of n terms, arthmetic mean. Commercial Mathematics -
Banking, calculation of interest on/in savings account, fixed deposit
account and recurring deposit account. Calculation of income tax (for
salaried person and excluding house rent allowance). Factorization,
LCM and HCM.
Section 2 - Coordinate Geometry : Distance between two points,
proportional division of a line (section formula), area of triangle, condition
of co-linearity of three points. Trigonometry - Measure of angles in the
sexagesimal. contesimal and circular systems, relation between arc,
radius and central angle. Proof of the trigonometrical ratios of
complementary angles - sin(90

- ) = cos , cos(90

- ) = sin ,

- ) = cot , cot(90

- ) = tan , sec(90

- ) = cosec ,
cosec(90 - ) = sec and related questions. Mensuration - Surface
area and volume of prism, cylinder, cone and sphere. Similar triangles,
circls and geometrical consitructions.
Section 3 - Binary digit system, change in binary number to decimal
number and decimal number to binary number. Algorithm method -
meaning and quality, indefinate, definate, input and output, effectiveness.
Averages - arithmatic, geomatric and harmonic meance, median, mode,
pie-chart. Probability. Vedic Mathematic, additional, subtraction,
multiplication, devision and checking the answer - square, square roots,
cube roots, vinculam and its application, the application of vedic
mathematics methods in algebra. Introduction and contribution of Indian
Mathematition (Aryabhata, Varaha mihira, Brahma gupta,
Bhaskaracharya, Shrinivas Ramanujan).
Section 4 - Data Analysis - Mathematical operation Basic numeracy
(numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.), Data
interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.) and analysis
of data. Applied mathematics - Profit and Loss, Percentage, Interest
and averages. Time, speed, distance, river and boat.
Section 5 - Logical Resonint - Analog Test, Odd word, Odd pair of
words, Coding & Decoding Test, Relation Test, Alphabet Test,
Mathematical Operations, Logical analysis of words, Inserting the
missing number or word, Assertion and Reason, Situation reaction test,
Figure series, Deletion of elements, General Mental ability.
Philosophy and Sociology
(Marks 200, Duration 3 hours)
SECTION-01 - Indian Philosophy and Yog - Nature or Philosophy,
its relation with life, science and culture. Nature and scope of philosophy
and religion. Unity and universality of religions, religious tolerance and
secularism, comprative study of Indian and Western Philosophy. Yoga
Philosophy (Yog Darshan), Ashtang yog - Yam, Niyam, Aasan,
Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi. Effect of aasan
and pranayam on human health.
SECTION-02 - Sociology - Sociology- Meaning, Scope and nature,
Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences. Primary
Concepts - Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group,
Folkways and Mores. Individual and Society - Social interactions,
Status and role, Culture and Personality, Sociolization. Hindu Social
Organization - Religion, Asharm, Varna, Purusharth. Social Stratification
- Caste and Class. Social Processes - Social Interaction, Co-operation,
Struggle, Competition. Social Control and Social Change - Sources
and agencies of Social Control, Processes and factors of Social Change.
Indian Social Problems, Social disorganization-Anomie and Alienation,
Inequality. Social Research and Techniques - Objective of Social
Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena,
Problems of objectivity. Tools and techniques of data collection-
Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule.
SECTION-03 - Tribes of Chhattisgarh - Tribal social organization :
Marriage, Family, Clan, youth dormitories. Tribal Development : History,
Programmes and Policies, The Constitutional Safeguards, Special
Primitive Tribes of Chhattisgarh, Other Tribes, Schedule Cast and Other
Backword Class of Chhattisgarh. Main Ornaments popular in tribes of
Chhattisgarh, Special traditions. Tribal Problems : Isolation Migration
and acculturation.
SECTION-04 - Art of Chhattisgarh - Folk arts of Chhattisgarh, Folk
literature and Prominent Folk Artists of Chhattisgarh, Folk songs of
Chhattisgarh, Folk legend, Folk theater, Idioms and Proverbs, Puzzle/
riddle (+i), Singing (rii), Literary, Music and Art Institutions of
Chhattisgarh, Chhattisgarh State awards and Regards in these fields.
SECTION-05 - Culture of Chhattisgarh - Folk culture, Chief Fares
and Festivals of Chhattisgarh. Major Archaeological Center -
Bhoramdev, Mallhar, Deepadih, Maheshpur, Sirpur, Rajim, Matku
Dwip, Sivrinarayan, Taala, Pachrahi, Barshur, Tourism Centre -
Chitrakot, Amritdhara, Mainpart, Dongarhgarh, Girodhpuri,
Damakheda, Ramjharna, Turri Dham, Damohdehra, Dantewada,
Ratanpur, Madwarani, Chandrapur, Ghatarani, etc., National Park,
Sanctuaries and Water falls and caves of Bastar, Prominent sants of
( 1 )
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Help Desk Number - 9981996587, 9981996597
ii; i lin l| rini l i| n
i li i ni r |
3 ii; i r n n l i i i i-i n i
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i r lln l i | | Pay-
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li ini|
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i ,ii li ni l- ii -i r| rini|
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li -lin l- Links i ri n
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Click here to View/Print Online Admit Card
i ; - - -i- i i - - i| i
i i ni r| i i r Click here to
View/Print Advertisement i l s-n|n i
i iin ,ii ilin lni - | n; --n ii| i
ini i s| nr ; in r| i Click here
to Apply Online i l | ; i i i -|
i- lii; ni| i i i - -in| n; --n
iili i r|r| ii li r |
i i i- | | i - Browse
lii; ni| ; -i- i i i |n-
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u sV c Saf d ax l qf o / kk m i y C/ k u g ha g Sr ks Hkj s x ; s Q ke Z d k l qf o / kk d sUn z
d s e k/ ; e l s Click here to Pay for Unpaid Application f y ad
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L d Sf u ax d h t k, A
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Size- 4.5cm X 3.5cm
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SN Suvidha Kendra/Distt Contact Person Address Contact No.
1 BALODABAZAR krishnabiswas ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhatgaon block bil ai garh 9098426041
2 BALODABAZAR hirabhaskar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sarsiwa bl ock bi laigarh 9993012257
3 BALODABAZAR satishverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post suhela block simga 9826772194
4 BALODABAZAR laxmithakur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dondi block dondi 9425898700
5 BALODABAZAR ashokkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post damakhera block simga 9907611928
6 BALODABAZAR pawandewangan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bortara block gurur 9993378700
7 BALODABAZAR bharatlal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post deori block dondi lohara 9981548718
8 BALODABAZAR priti deshmukh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post balod bl ock balod 9406208255
9 BALODABAZAR jageshwarprasadpatel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post baloda bazar block bal oda bazar 9926480057
10 balrampur vi shal kumargupta madhur courier service bus stand ramanujganj 9630649941
11 BASTAR hurdeshwarijoshi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhanpuri bl ock bastar 9993765932
12 BASTAR vedi kasahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post ki lepal block bastanar 9406104612
13 BASTAR dhi rendraoger ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dharampura block bastar 9753322200
14 BASTAR khal idmeer ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bastar block bastar 9424285087
15 BASTAR ANANDMURTY fi rst floor opposi te sitaram shiwal aya s b i road jagdal pur 9926125022
16 BEMETARA dhaneshwariverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bemetara block bemetara 9425561440
17 BEMETARA shaktidhardiwan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post nawagarh block nawagarh 9753021021
18 BEMETARA toranlalsi nha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post saja block saja 8889407443
19 BEMETARA surendrakumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post nandghat block nawagarh 9993090800
20 bemetara suneelsharma gunjera post maro 9977211231
21 BERLA champeshwardhanker ai sect e gyan centre vill and post hasada block durg 9753586831
22 BIJAPUR mri dulbhoot ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bijapur block bijapur 9424292829
23 bil aspur diharanlal ai sect egyan center vill and post dongari a block lormi 9755798148
24 bil aspur aarti tiwari ai sect egyan center vill and post khamhi block lormi 9981963502
26 bil aspur RajeshGouraha opp hotel mahua bus stand bi laspur 9893406421
27 bil aspur hemechandjaiswal ai sect e gyan center vill and post sal ka block kota 8889729284
28 bil aspur vi jayshankar ai sect e gyan center vill and post bhaneshar bl ock marwahi 8871132253
29 BILASPUR hemantkumartiwari ai sect e gyan centre vill and post lormi block lormi 9981248568
30 bil aspur shaileshkumaragrawal ai sect e gyan center vill and post belghana block kota 9424167313
31 bil aspur deepakkumarthawait ai sect e gyan center vill and post jairamnagar block mastoori 9827192921
32 BILASPUR jagjeetsinghsal uja ai sect e gyan centre vill and post belha block belha 9893480876
33 BILASPUR ravikantsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post nigarband bl ock thakhatpur 9893531132
34 bil aspur krishnaprasadti wari ai sect e gyan center vill and post kotmikala block gaurela 9981638121
35 bil aspur ji tendrakumartiwari ai sect e gyan center vill and post bandha block pathariya 9302776861
36 bil aspur swatigupta ai sect e gyan center vill and post panigaon block kota 9893934551
37 bil aspur dineshprabhakar ai sect e gyan center vill ratanpur bl ock kota 9098152310
38 bil aspur pradeeppandey ai sect e gyan center vill mungeli bl ock mungeli 9826768493
39 bil aspur sharadrai ai sect e gyan center vill and post marwahi block marwahi 9753643966
40 bil aspur bhanupratapsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post kadwa mahant block lormi 9179350881
41 bil aspur jyoti tiwari ai sect e gyan center vill and post koilari bl ock lormi 9893770383
42 BILASPUR rakhisharma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bil aspur block belha 9425219505
43 BILASPUR parvejbharmal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post thakhatpur block thakhatpur 9893770296
45 bil aspur prdeeppandey ai sect e gyan center vill and post patharia bl ock patharia 9826768493
46 bil aspur ashishhi radhar ai sect e gyan center vill and post louda bl ock patharia 9993092295
47 bil aspur gopeshsharma ai sect e gyan center vill and post lingyadih block belha 9977500800
48 bil aspur kapoorchandl askra ai sect e gyan center vill and post sipat block mastsoori 9907490906
49 bil aspur devkantsoni ai sect e gyan center vill an post karamkapa block thakhatpur 9993663786
50 bil aspur pankajkumarpuri ai sect e gyan center vill and post kudri block gaurela 8959811342
51 bil aspur ramkumarmourya ai sect e gyan center vill and post masturi bl ock masturi 9302651300
52 BILASPUR sanjeevgupta ai sect e gyan centre vill and post beltara bl ock belha 9893934551
53 bil aspur sanjeevtri pati ai sect e gyan center vill and post mal har block masturi 9300277694
54 bil aspur vi jaynayak ai sect e gyan centar vill and post dhamani block belha 9754737982
55 bil aspur dineshsinghchouhan ai sect e gyan center vill and post sendari block belha 9039168971
57 BILASPUR santoshsi nghrajput ai sect e gyan centre vill and post yadunandan nagar bl ock belha 9826814562
58 bil aspur ajaykashyap ai sect e gyan center vill and post newsa bl ock belha 9827666041
60 bil aspur hemantgajpal ai sect egyan center vill and post charbhatti block pathariya 9826139218
61 bil aspur mamtadas ai sect e gyan center vill and post rumga bl ock marwahi 9425331147
62 Bil aspur Mani shJain 310 Jain Plaza, CMD Square 9039171745
( 2 )
e ' k%
SN Suvidha Kendra/Distt Contact Person Address Contact No.
63 BILASPUR rameshkumarchaubey ai sect e gyan center viil and post rajkishore nagar block belha 9752319144
64 bil aspur sukdewri shidubey ai sect e gyan centar vill and post dagani a block belha 9977617404
65 bil aspur prabhatmishra ai sect e gyan center vil and post si rgitti block bel ha 9300522388
66 bil aspur kartikramsidar ai sect e gyan center vill and post khai ra block kota 9301836521
68 bil aspur nitinsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post gobri pat block kota 9826969787
69 bil aspur umashankarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post dashrangpur block mungeli 9303397778
71 bil aspur ji tendrakumardatsera ai sect e gyan center vill and post akhrar block l ormi 9981758524
72 BILASPUR sanjayharangaonkar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bil aspur block belha 9827923546
73 bil aspur zaheerahamadzunjani ai sect e gyan center vill and post majhwani block kota 9329593605
74 bil aspur krishnakumartiwari ai sect e gyan center vill and post shardha block lormi 9981171627
75 BILASPUR sadanandthakur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post thakhatpur block thakhatpur 9770406883
76 DANTEWADA suni lkumarsingh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post geedam block geedam 9425258546
77 DHAMTARI chandreshshrivastava ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bathena block dhamtari 9993322865
78 DHAMTARI shailendrakumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rudri block dhamtari 7828194899
79 DHAMTARI vi lassadegaonkar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dhamtari block dhamtari 9424238595
80 DHAMTARI abhinawawasthi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post semra bl ock nagri 9669758847
82 DHAMTARI mili ndkulkarni ai sect e gyan centre vill and post potiyadih block dhamtari 9826198725
83 DHAMTARI sal imaparveen ai sect e gyan centre vill and post nagri block nagri 9424211107
84 DHAMTARI anandmohanawasthi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sihawa bl ock nagri 9754963671
85 DHAMTARI asadkhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dhamtari block dhamtari 9425516208
86 durg baldevprasadverma ai sect e gyan center vill and post darbar mokhali block patan 9630670511
87 durg akhi leshkumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kusmi block berl a 9755190393
88 DURG mahendranirmal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post durg block durg 9827159071
89 DURG mdimrankhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9425234149
90 DURG ri shiverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bahera block bemetara 9424128284
91 durg mukeshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kurdi block gunderdehi 9977684724
92 durg kanshirambanjare ai sect e gyan center vill and post daunadi h block nawagarh 9424135267
93 durg rajeshkumarharmukh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post anjora bl ock durg 9424125628
94 durg snahalatameshram ai sect e gyan centre vill and post durg block durg 9826992402
95 durg arjunsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post putpura block nawagarh 9926775205
96 durg rajkumargandhi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post durg block durg 9329020897
97 durg ashokjain ai sect e gyan center vill and post chunkatta bl ock patan 9993251517
98 durg bharatkumarsevaye ai sect e gyan center vill and post matiya block saja 9407780238
99 DURG dhi renkumardas ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9827158249
100 durg manojkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post gurmi block dondilohara 9993727943
101 DURG lalitkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post karhibhader block bal od 9993010378
102 durg pushplatasenpal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dhanapuri block gurur 9329765134
103 durg satywantamrakar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post barhapur block dhamdha 9301095944
104 DURG suni lsinha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dhamdha block dhamdha 9893949720
105 durg khubl al sahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sikosa block gunderdehi 9753031487
106 durg lacchiramsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post mushwadi h bl ock saja 9406010879
107 durg shashikantyadav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post murmunda block dhamdha 9893791844
108 durg chvbhaskar rao ai sect e gyan center vill and post charoda bl ock patan 9752512299
109 DURG alokshri vastava ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9589842950
110 DURG deeneshwarprasadpatil ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9425556209
111 durg komakchandrakar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post machoud bl ock gunderdehi 9302809089
112 durg soncharansoni ai sect e gyan center vill and post mehna block nawagarh 9752395147
113 durg ashishkhandel wal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post arjunda 9977223400
114 durg omprakashsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post badgaon block dondi lohara 9406091640
115 durg topendrasi ngh ai sect e gyan centre vill post chhirha bl ock bemetra 9425561440
116 durg avinashchandrakar ai sect e gyan center vill and post aondhi block patan 9752606777
117 durg ghanshyampatel ai sect e gyan center vill and post thankhamari a block saja 8109636963
118 durg pushplatasahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post thel ka block saja 9617785970
119 durg rajeshwarisahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post surdung bl ock dhamdh 9098004509
120 durg shivkumarnirmalkar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post lawatara block bemetra 9977109704
121 DURG arvindersingh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9827164761
123 durg komal kumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post lawatara block berla 9669765003
124 durg hiteshdewangan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chandanbirahi block gunderdehi 9303499550
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125 durg rkshri vastav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9406069141
127 durg tribhuwansahu ai sect egyan centre vill and post kaneri bl ock gurur 9977271217
128 DURG jaspreetkaur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi lai block durg 9827164761
129 durg lalluramsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kochwahi block gurur 9961714381
130 DURG manishparakh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post durg block durg 9425235009
131 durg navi nkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pupur block gurur 9424436214
132 durg rameshkumarverma ai sect e gyan center vill post narayanpur block nawagarh 9977883803
133 durg satnamkourgumber ai sect e gyan center vill and post maro block nawagarh 9301530181
134 Durg KamnaSachdeva C/o Sai College, Street 69, Sector 6, Bhil ai , Chhattisgarh 9826116968
135 DURG SomeshJain 131, New Ci vic Centre, Bhilai 9827106561
136 durg jogiramverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post khamtarai block berla 9300902993
137 durg rajeshkumartamrakar ai sect e gyan center vill and post tarrighat block patan 9981366513
138 durg ravisinghrajput ai sect e gyan centre vill and post madesara block dhamdha 9926146743
139 durg ri teshsinha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sankri block gunderdehi 7697159940
140 DURG rupendrasinghchouhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post tivaraya block berla 9981347368
142 durg rakeshkumartikri ha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhi mbhouri block berl a 9827317417
143 durg krishnlalsahu ai sect egyan centre vill and post kodwa block berl a 9424113147
144 durg sultanrizvi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chhi rha block bemetra 9752420264
145 durg tikeshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sarda block berla 9179160695
146 durg pratimasahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post jano block saja 9406348430
147 durg suvernaphadke ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kuntela bhata block durg 9424108568
148 DURG SubodhChauhan Opp Swaroop Talki es Near Bank of Baroda Station Road Durg 9302813000
149 gariyabad balramdevgan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post raji m block fingeshwar 9826526082
150 janghir champa roshnisahare ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pamgarh block pamgarh 9425537986
151 janghir champa anandkumarjain ai sect e gyan centre vill and post akaltara block akaltara 9993797425
152 janghir champa vi kaschoubey ai secy e gyan centre vil l and post balod bl ock janjir champa 9993802068
153 janghir champa ravindrakesarwani ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kharod block pamgarh 8109867886
154 janghir champa vi mal agrawal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post balod bl ock balod 9300256164
155 janghir champa ram nareshsinghyadav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sakti block sakti 9302854597
156 janghir champa ri shabhnathyogi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rahod bl ock pamgarh 9907149782
160 JANJGIR CHAMPA khageshwarprasadchandra ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jaijai pur bl ock jaijaipur 9329205681
161 JANJGIR CHAMPA rathramsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post ki rit bl ock nawagarh 9752474868
162 janjgi r champa ramkantsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post tundri bl ock dhabhara 9993908904
163 janjgi r champa sarawanlalchandra ai sect e gyan center vill and post bhothi dih block jaijaipur 9575474860
164 janjgi r champa bhushanprasadsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post semara block nawagarh 9993300416
165 janjgi r champa devendrakumarnamdeo ai sect e gyan center vill and post birra block bahmanidih 9981642212
167 JANJGIR CHAMPA RahulMPatki C TECH COMPUTER EDUCATION Opp Bhalerai Stadium Main Road Champa 9826121650
168 janjgi r champa santoshkumarjwala ai sect e gyan center vill and post rasouta block pamgarh 9981964805
169 janjgi r champa baldharkumbhakar ai sect e gyan center vill and post sarwani block bahmanidi h 9981632694
170 janjgi r champa khileshwarjaiswal ai sect e gyan center vill and post sendari block sakti 9691816325
171 janjgi r champa rajendraprasadmaitry ai sect e gyan center vill and post purena burha block dhabhara 9300260264
172 janjgi r champa devnarayanjangde ai sect e gyan center vill and post ki kirda block jai jaipur 9993629105
173 JANJGIR CHAMPA rajeevlochan singhthakur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sakti block sakti 9425543270
174 janjgi r champa vi kashkesharwani ai sect e gyan center vill and post kurda block bal oda 9893536609
175 janjgi r champa basantkumarpatel ai sect e gyan center vill and post sapos bl ock dhabhara 7697671965
176 janjgi r champa dadoorammanhar ai sect e gyan center vill and post kachanda bl ock jaijaipur 9993098097
177 janjgi r champa rajgauravgoyal ai sect e gyan center vill and post khoksha block nawagarh 9826819140
178 janjgi r champa laxmichandra ai sect e gyan center vill and post odekera block jai jaipur 9406147912
179 janjgi r champa manojkumarpatle ai sect e gyan center vill and post rasouta block baloda 9755306172
180 janjgi r champa atul si nghgautam ai sect e gyan center vill and post kapan block akaltara 9981830323
181 janjgi r champa chandrashekhar ai sect e gyan center vill and post pamgarh block pamgarh 9425537986
182 janjgi r champa mahendrakumarhansh ai sect e gyan center vill and post seoni naila block nawagarh 9406106099
183 janjgi r champa onkarprasadraysagar ai sect e gyan center vill and post sasaha block pamgarh 9752987449
184 janjgi r champa samarjeetsinghraj ai sect e gyan center vill and post lagra bl ock pamgarh 9981508268
185 janjgi r champa bhupendrakumarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post kotmi sonar block akal tara 9993743512
186 janjgi r champa komal prasadpatel ai sect e gyan center vill and post akol jamora block dhabhara 9755992925
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187 janjgi r champa anki tjai n ai sect e gyan center vill and post nari yana block akal tara 9425230870
188 janjgi r champa rekhasao ai sect e gyan center vill and post sarkhon block nawagarh 9826190315
189 JANJGIR CHAMPA mool chandgupta ai sect e gyan centre vill and post champa block bahmi ndi h 9893629570
190 janjgi r champa vi shnukumarsuryavanshi ai sect e gyan center vill and post sarhar block bahmanidih 9479167310
191 janjgi r champa bhageerathisahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post badesipat block mal kharoda 9755817894
192 janjgi r champa manoharminz ai sect e gyan center vill and post dul dula block duldula 9406124596
193 janjgi r champa anitabhardwaj ai sect e gyan center vill and post bhi loni bl ock pamgarh 9617608049
194 janjgi r champa vi nodmahant ai sect e gyan center vill and post birghani block bal oda 9755919546
195 janjgi r champa anitarathore ai sect e gyan center vill and post sukl i block nawagarh 9926176499
196 janjgi r champa fool wadevi anant ai sect e gyan center vill and post rahod bl ock amgarh 9981005514
197 janjgi r champa makhanl alsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post meu bl ock pamgarh 9098155950
198 janjgi rchampa ramnareshsinghyadav ai sect e gyan cnter vil l and post malkharoda block malkharoda 9691012426
199 janjgi rchampa arvinndkumartiwari ai sect csc center vill and post janjgirchampa block nawagarh 9425227921
200 janjgi rchampa rajeshkatakwar ai sect e gyan center vill and post sheorinarayan bl ock nawagarh 9425521186
202 jashpur navneetkumarsharma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jashpur block jashpur 9425252975
203 jashpur kksinha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kunkuri block kunkuri 9425574117
205 jashpur ravindrakpradhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post ludeg block pathalgaon 9691304050
206 jashpur mahaveerprasad ai sect e gyan center vill and post pathal goan block pathal goan 8103569669
207 kabeerdham balaji gupta ai sect e gyan center vill and post singhanpuri block kabi rdham 9424130721
208 kabeerdham umelalsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post mahgaon bl ock bodla 9179864496
209 kabeerdham lomashkumar ai sect e gyan center vill and post raitapara bl ock pandariya 9009303168
210 kabeerdham rajeshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill post pandatarai block pandari ya 9755911659
211 kabeerdham yuvrajsinghthakur ai sect e gyan center vill and post barpel atol a block kabirdham 9302922300
212 kabeerdham sureshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post kapadah block pandariya 8103982907
213 kabeerdham rakeshkumarchandrakar ai sect e gyan center vill and post kunda block pandariya 9893750760
214 kabeerdham bharatsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post ranveerpur block s.lohara 9993221059
215 kabeerdham sandeepjai swal ai sect e gyan center vill and post bodla bl ock bodla 9755306579
216 kabeerdham ashokkumarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post godwagodan block pandari ya 9630673908
217 kabeerdham narendrasinghthakur ai sect e gyan center vill and post lalpur block kabirdham 9893601234
218 kabeerdham raghavendrasinghsoni ai sect e gyan center vill and post pipariya block kabi rdham 9406208005
219 kabeerdham dhanjayprasadkaushik ai sect e gyan center vill and post birkona bl ock kabirdham 9752504045
220 kabeerdham yugalkishorerajwade ai sect e gyan center vill and post kui bl ock pandariya 9752682487
221 kabeerdham dharampalkaushik ai sect e gyan center vill post oriya khurd bl ock s.lohara 9893632903
222 kabi rdham vi jayjaiswal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pandariya block pandari ya 9893242124
223 kabi rdham jagendrashrivasta ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kawardha bl ock kawardha 9406306725
224 KABIRDHAM abdul ajazkhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kawardha bl ock kawardha 9301144420
225 KABIRDHAM amitkumarl avtare ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kawardha bl ock kawardha 9926126222
226 kanker rajendrami shra ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kanker block kanker 9425590796
227 KANKER manishwalmi ky ai sect e gyan centre vill and post charama block charama 8103518403
228 KANKER rukhmani sahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chawand block narharpur 9827863147
229 kanker MOHAMMADidrishdebhar republic stationery mart main road 9425259038
230 kawardha sourabhshrivastava ai sect e gyan centre vill and post shaspur lohara bl ock s lohara 9098538575
231 khatgorha ravikumarshrivastav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post khatgora block kathgora 9893135200
232 kondagaon komal singhmarkam ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kahalari block baderajpur 9754672806
233 KONDAGAON sanjeevsharma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kondagaon block kondagaon 9425591800
234 kondagaon sanjeevsharma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post baniyagaon bl ock kondagaon 9826561053
235 KONDAGAON jyoti kumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pharasgaon block pharasgaon 9691345338
236 KONDAGAON shashikumarjai n ai sect e gyan centre vill and post keshkal block keshkal 9406105315
238 korba vi dyadharsinghmarawi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sutarra bl ock podiuproda 9617388414
239 korba kanhaiyarathore ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rajgamar block korba 9993247759
240 korba shivdayalrajak ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kartala bl ock kartala 9229435816
241 korba shakuntalarathore ai sect e gyan center vill and post jamni pali block korba 9827233063
242 KORBA shivshankarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sal ora block katghora 9752474748
243 korba adeshkumarsoni ai sect e gyan center vill and post dipka block katghora 9826117741
244 korba nareshsoni ai sect e gyan centre vill and post baikuntpur block baikuntpur 9826561053
245 korba anilkumardhruw ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dodki block pali 8085080279
246 KORBA manishkumaranant ai sect e gyan centre vill and post binjra block katghora 9893210455
247 korba rupeshkumarportey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post silli bl ock pali 9617388414
248 korba shekhshahnawaz ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sohagpur bl ock kartala 9301787762
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249 korba sukhdevprajapati ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jamnipali block katgorha 9827921313
250 KORBA mahendramahto ai sect e gyan centre vill and post barpal i block kartala 9827497768
251 korba manojkumarsoni ai sect e gyan centre vill and post makhanpur block pali 9617388414
252 korba pankajdubey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pondi block pal i 9617388414
253 korba rameshkumarahi r ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rajkamma block korba 9406302201
254 korba narayanjaiswal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pasan bl ock podiuproda 9617388414
255 korba ravikantsharma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jhabar bl ock katghora 9617388414
256 korba guddi si ngh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sonpuri block korba 9617388414
257 korba hargovinddixena ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pali block pali 9617388414
258 korba phoolmati korche ai sect e gyan centre vill and post aml ikunda block podi uproda 9617388414
259 korba priyasahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post korba block korba 9989677986
260 KORBA niveditapandey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post patpura block pal i 9329273418
261 korba manojkumarprajapati ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chaitama block korba 9617388414
262 korba naveensoni ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bil tikeri block katghora 9425545137
263 korba raghvendrapandey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post lafha bl ock pali 9617388414
264 korba rameshwarprasadkai wart ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chhuri kala block katghora 9617388414
265 korba onkarsinghrathore ai sect e gyan centre vill and post gopalpur block katghora 9617388414
266 korba renuaggarwal ai sect e gyan centre vill and post korkomma block korba 9617388414
267 korba deepchanddewangan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post umrel i bl ock kartala 9617388414
269 korba parmeshwaryadav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post korba block korba 9827162885
270 korba rasminayak ai sect e gyan centre vill and post tanikhar block katghora 9617388414
271 korba chatrabhuwansingh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chaitma block pali 9303012550
272 KORBA kunti devi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pali block podi uproda 9826463509
273 korba chavviprakashkeshar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post machadol i bl ock podiuproda 9617388414
274 korea suni takumari ai sect e gyan center vill and post khadigawan block khadigawan 9907939299
275 korea mohammandbarik ai sect e gyan center vill and post jharkhand mahendragarh 9630320512
277 koriya yasrabimrankhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post haldi badi block khadagaon 9425580000
278 koriya sujeetkumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chiermiri bl ock khadgaon 9981551628
279 koriya rameshdubey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post nagpura block mahendragarh 9893764904
280 koriya rajkumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post domanhill block khadgaon 9424259497
281 koriya rajkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sonhat block sonhat 7389842534
282 koriya akbarri zi vi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post mahendragarh bl ock mahendragarh 9826829727
283 kumhari RajkumarBajaj Station chowk G E road 9300200609
284 mahasamund plpatel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bansa bl ock bansa 9893346362
285 mahasamund shyaml al patel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pithora block pithora 9977514102
286 mahasamund AwadheshAgrawal main road 9424202447
288 narayanpur manishrajput ai sect e gyan center vill and post narayanpur bl ock narayanpur 9425518385
289 raigarh meerapurkayastha ai sect e gyan center vill and post dharamjaigarh block dharamjaigarh 9691601545
291 raigarh seemarathore ai sect e gyan center vill and post kharsia bl ock kharsia 9691353753
292 raigarh bishwajitsarkar ai sect e gyan center vill and post raigarh block raigarh 9425252051
293 raigarh hirabhaskar ai sect e gyan center voll and post sarangarh block sarangarh 9329263653
294 raigarh santoshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan center vill and post pussore bl ock pussore 9893112364
296 raigarh mohsharifansari ai sect e gyan center vill and post changorabhata block abhanpur 9993285811
298 raipur bipulbiswas ai sect e gyan centre vill and post matoli bl ock koili beda 9424275887
299 RAIPUR KAPILKUMARGOHIYA Shop No 1 Gudhiyari Road Shrinagar Near Hotel Paridise Khamtarai Rai pur 9329679877
300 raipur saurabhnagwanshi ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pandripani bl ock kanker 9713675128
301 raipur vi nitsaxena ai sect e gyan centre vill and post koilibeda bl ock koili beda 9630670665
302 Raipur ManvendraSi ngh Shop No 44, Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh Parisar, Nagar Ghadi Chowk Raipur 9425213394
304 RAIPUR suni lkumarvaishnaw ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pandari block dharsiwa 9827183012
305 raipur abhaykumarsi ngh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post raipur block dharsawi 9826315613
306 raipur gopalyadav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bewarti block kanker 9754963494
307 raipur surendrapandey ai sect e gyan centre vill and post korar block koi libeda 9406094418
308 raipur Anshul Agrawal Pipe factory road Near hanuman mandir New shanti nagar 9977883933
309 raipur bsiddharthrao DR.PATEL KE GHAR KE SAMNE NEW SHANTI NAGAR RAIPUR CHHATTISGARH 492001 9993855568
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310 raipur kamleshkumargagda ai sect e gyan centre vill and post mudhpar block narharpur 9575170342
311 RAIPUR rameshwarchandrakar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post arang bl ock arang 9826322616
312 Raipur SourabhGhatge Chottapara oppo govt J.N Pandey h.s School 7869785082
315 raipur namitaday ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dadekapsi bl ock kanker 9406001313
317 raipur lokeshsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post charama block charama 9406122149
318 raipur uttamhawaldhar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bandecoloney block koil ibeda 9406094406
319 raipur kubergajendra ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jaisakarra block charama 9424275131
320 RAIPUR rajeshkumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhanpuri bl ock dharsiwa 9300982472
321 raipur sanjayshil ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pakhanjore bl ock koili beda 9406000568
324 RAIPUR jani kramverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post palari bl ock palari 9993829324
325 Raipur AvinashAgrawal House No J 173 Janta Col ony Gudhiyari 9926118255
326 raipur dineshpanda ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sambal pur bl ock bhanupratappur 9406027375
327 raipur RajeshAgrawal Thawai t Bhawan Mai n Road Kankali para Navbharat Chowk Raipiur 9425212773
330 RAIPUR pratapsinghpradhan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post raipur block dharsiwa 9630164516
331 raipur abhishekshrivastava ai sect e gyan centre vill and post antagarh block antagarh 9993526783
332 Raipur Smt Ri taQureshi Block C Moti Bagh Chowk Modern Complex Near Food Zone Raipur 9826120061
333 RAIPUR VINITADEVIKESHARWANI Near Deepak Tent House Ashwani Nagar 9302458951
334 RAIPUR dinbandhusahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post raipur block dharsiwa 9424216157
335 RAIPUR narendrasahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kharora block til da 9424222204
336 Raipur Vai bhavPatel Beside NH 30 Main Road Bastar 9098782790
337 Raipur Anki tAgrawal Shyam Typing Institute, Near Shyam Talkis, Budha Para Raipur 9893162450
341 raipur rameshthakur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kanker block kanker 9425261817
342 raipur lil eshsinghthakur ai sect e gyan centre vill and post lakhanpuri block charama 9300428041
344 raipur chandraprakashvastrakar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bhandardi gi block durgukondal 9425593503
345 raipur dhaneshwari ai sect e gyan centre vill and post aroud bl ock charama 9425593857
346 raipur ganeshsi nghparihar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post mandirhasaud block arang 9926137972
347 raipur heerabhasker ai sect e gyan centre vill and post mowa bl ock dharsiwa 9981673566
348 raipur mithunkumarpatel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post murdongri bl ock kanker 9479283981
349 raipur rakeshsinghrajput ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dhanel ikanhar block kanker 9926122754
350 RAIPUR shashikantverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post raipur block dharsiwa 9826151135
351 RAIPUR NeeleshBansal Agrawal ComputerOpp. Satkar Hotel, Near Dadhich, Stati on Road, Rai pur 9303099022
352 RAJNANDGAON yohanmasih ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bharritoll a block manpur 9424138688
353 rajnandgaon gulabchandni rmalkar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sal he bl ock chhuria 9302236514
354 rajnandgaon phagooramsahoo ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chhuri a block chhuria 9407671960
355 RAJNANDGAON pawankumarsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post bazar ataria bl ock khairagarh 9300483350
356 RAJNANDGAON rajeshroshandewangan ai sect e gyan centre vill and post thel kadi h bl ock khairagarh 9407685566
357 rajnandgaon champatraorewatkar jaistambh chowk 9302467778
358 rajnandgaon domenkumarpatel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kall ubanjari block chhuria 9630672102
359 RAJNANDGAON lalmanisi nha ai sect e gyan centre vill and post khujji block dongargaon 9302397444
360 RAJNANDGAON kl soni ai sect e gyan centre vill and post dongargaon block dongargaon 9893967284
361 RAJNANDGAON noharramsahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post margaon block dongargaon 9669039315
362 rajnandgaon varsatamrkar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pendawani bl ock chhuikhadan 9424105111
363 RAJNANDGAON vi jaykhare ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rajnandgaon block rajnandgaon 9300725550
364 RAJNANDGAON devendrakumarpatel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post tumdibod bl ock dongargaon 9685430539
365 rajnandgaon bhejeshwariganjeer ai sect e gyan centre vill and post attargaon block chhuri a 9752507414
366 RAJNANDGAON moti dasmankpuri ai sect e gyan centre vill and post rengakathera 9479172902
367 Rajnandgaon PrashantDixit Behind Shri Hunaman mindir Shitala Mandi r Road Gandhi Chowk Rajnandgaon 9827185566
368 RAJNANDGAON kamtaprasadbanzare ai sect e gyan centre vill and post jalbandha block khairagarh 9589917743
369 rajnandgaon mahendrasahu ai sect e gyan centre vill and post road atari a block chhuikhadan 9691500657
370 rajnandgaon rohitkumarjanghel ai sect e gyan centre vill and post chkanar block chhui khadan 9098981260
371 RAJNANDGAON tul eshkumar ai sect e gyan centre vill and post murmunda block dongargaon 9589083071
( 7 )
e ' k%
SN Suvidha Kendra/Distt Contact Person Address Contact No.
372 rajnandgaon leenasingh ai sect e gyan centre vill and post udan block chhuikhadan 9691411532
374 RAJNANDGAON indiravai shnav ai sect e gyan centre vill and post kurshttikul block rajnandgaon 9993476824
375 RAJNANDGAON dil ipverma ai sect e gyan centre vill and post pandadah block khai ragarh 9300745242
376 surajpur kusumkhashyap ai sect e gyan center vill and post pratappur bl ock pratppur 9424255074
377 surajpur deepadewangan ai sect e gyan center vill and post surahpur block surajpur 9981642330
378 surajpur aashishkumarcharan ai sect e gyan center vill and post bishrampur bl ock surajpur 9826452127
380 surguja suni lkashyap ai sect e gyan center vill an post ambi kapur block ambi kapur 9424255074
381 SURGUJA mdparwezal am ai sect e gyan centre vill and post sitapur block sitapur 9424261584
382 surguja vi nitadubey ai sect e gyan center vill and post rajpur block rajpur 9977152640
384 SURGUJA JAYASHARMA Sheetal Ins. Of Computer Science School Road, Company Bazar,Beside Mobi le Tower 9009172349
386 surguja ki shorkumarbajrani madhur courier shivram complex deviganj roadway ambikapur 9827496888
387 til da narayanprasadsharma ward no 14 bazarpara 9300678040

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