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One Night Only By Adam Amini

INT. SEANS BEDROOM. MORNING. SEAN is sitting in his bed in the master bedroom of his third-floor London apartment, looking tired and hungover. An awkward silence is thick in the air as the sounds of someone getting dressed can be heard. ANONYMOUS MAN finishes getting dressed and starts to leave. Sean, too preoccupied to give the visitor any attention is looking at his phone, searching for something. The Anonymous Man pauses at the door, glancing back at Sean, but getting no acknowledgment from the preoccupied man he leaves, disgruntled. Reaching into his bedside table Sean takes out a bottle of Vodka. He sips at it while still searching through his phone. He pauses as he reaches texts from somebody called Harry Arthur. The photograph on the phone contact makes it clear this is not the Anonymous Man Opening these, he looks at the last text he had received. SEAN (Takes a deep, shuddering breath and composes himself.) He takes one final mouthful, finishing the Vodka and throws the bottle into the corner where it lands on the carpet, unbroken. SEAN (Laughs bitterly.) He sinks back into his bed, and covers his eyes with his hands, breathing deeply. His arms fall either side of him and he lays there, eyes open. FADE TO BLACK. INT. SEANS BEDROOM. DUSK. Sean wakes up in his bed, in the same place he fell asleep. The sun is almost down, and the only light in the room is an orange glow from a streetlight near the window. He slowly rises in his bed, pain from his dull headache etched into his face. The muffled voices of a man and a woman arguing in the street can be heard. He looks at his alarm clock: 20:56. He cracks his neck at either side and grimaces. He sits for a moment, hunched over, head in his hands.


CUT TO. INT. SEANS BATHROOM. DUSK. Empty toiletry bottles clutter the steamy bathroom. Sean stands in his shower, leaning against the tiles with one hand, rubbing his eyes with the other. Trying and failing to crack his neck, he shakes slightly, suppressing tears and composing himself. He leans his head back in the running water, closing his eyes. CUT TO. INT. SEANS BEDROOM. NIGHT. Clothes are scattered across Seans bedroom floor. The orange streetlight glows through his still-open blinds. He picks among the clothes and picks out a pair of dark Grey jeans. Pulling them on, he stumbles slightly, only just regaining his balance. He smirks to himself, picks up a half-consumed beer can from atop the his chest of drawers and takes two generous mouthfuls. Throwing the can down, he picks up a t-shirt which he smells and casts aside. Spotting a vest on the floor he pulls it over his head, almost putting it on wrongly, before looking at himself in the mirror and smoothing out the creased top. CUT TO. INT. SEANS LIVING AREA. NIGHT. Like the bedroom, the living/dining area is also untidy. Empty bottles and cans are littered around, as well as empty plates covered with leftover food. The white walls and black and chrome furniture emphasise the mess around the room. Sean is in front of a rectangular mirror mounted above the black marble fireplace. There is an open bottle of wine and a can of hairspray on the mantelpiece. He artfully messes up his hair and fixes it with the spray. Lifting up the bottle of wine he toasts his reflection. SEAN (Slurred.) Heres to a great night.




Sean has a few large gulps of wine and grimaces as he puts the bottle back on the mantel. He checks his pockets and with a last glance at the mirror, picks his keys up from the dining table and exits his apartment, switching off the lights as he closes the door. FADE TO BLACK. INT. SEANS LIVING AREA. NIGHT. Drunken laughing and talking can be heard from beyond the door of Seans pitch-black apartment. As the talking gets louder, Sean enters the apartment with JONAH, turning on the lights as they walk in. Jonah looks around the apartment appreciatively, though his eyes linger on the numerous empty bottles and dirty plates around the room. Sean stumbles towards the mantelpiece and starts to drink from the previously abandoned wine bottle. JONAH (Strong Australian accent, laughing.) Jesus, youre going for it! Sean takes a last gulp of wine and hands Jonah the bottle. SEAN (Also laughing.) Shit... if an Aussie says that, then I must need help! Jonah coughs after drinking a mouthful of wine, pushing it towards Sean, his eyes watering slightly. JONAH Oh fuck, that tastes like pissy vinegar! They both laugh, as Jonah retches slightly and Sean takes another sip of wine. JONAH (CONTD) (In mock relish.) Get me an ice cold beer any day. Sean hits his forehead with the heel of his hand in fake anguish. SEAN Shit... if I knew you were a stereotype Id have (Mock Australian accent.) Put another shrimp on the barbie!




Sean laughs drunkenly, placing the wine bottle precariously on the mantelpiece. He sways on the spot as Jonah pretends to advance threateningly, squaring up to him. JONAH (Grinning.) Thats racism that is. SEAN (Also grinning.) Yeah? JONAH (Whispering.) Yeah. Jonah leans in for a kiss as Sean pulls back slightly, his grin widening. Jonah pauses, raising his eyebrow, when Sean kisses him passionately. They break apart for a second, smiling, before continuing. Jonah starts to move down and kiss Seans neck as they nudge the wine bottle, which falls and shatters on the fireplace. Breaking apart they look at the pieces of glass on the floor, before laughing drunkenly and continuing to kiss. CUT TO. INT. SEANS BEDROOM. NIGHT. The bedroom door bursts open as Sean and Jonah stumble into the room. Sean pulls off his vest as Jonah starts to unbutton his shirt. The two men carry on kissing passionately and fall down onto the bed as Sean rolls over onto Jonah. FADE TO BLACK. INT. SEANS BEDROOM. EARLY MORNING. Sean lays awake, staring at the ceiling, next to a sleeping Jonah. The orange streetlight filters through the blinds casting shadows across the bedroom. The alarm clock on the bedside table reads 04:13. He turns to his right and looks at Jonah, who is sleeping away from him, his back illuminated by the streetlight. Sean slowly gets up from his bed, finding some tracksuit bottoms and the vest he wore out. He dresses and leaves the room.

5. INT. SEANS LIVING AREA. EARLY MORNING. Picking up a beer can from the dining table, Sean sits on one of the sofas, opening the can as he walks. He faces the window, looking into the street. There is a pale glow of light across one side of the sky. He takes a drink. He stares out of the window, his face slack and expressionless, before his eyes fill with tears. He tries to blink them away, and takes a mouthful of beer. Burying his face in his free hand, however, he starts to sob. Lifting his head up, he drinks several mouthfuls before throwing the can against the wall, where it bounces onto the floor, spilling as it falls. Sighing, he buries his face into both hands, pulling on his hair and sobbing. Jonah enters unnoticed, unsure of what to do. For a moment he moves back towards the bedroom, but Sean notices him and sits up suddenly, forcing a smile which falters, as he lets out an involuntary sob. Jonah slowly walks towards Sean and sits down on the other sofa, facing him and staring with a mixture of pity and bewilderment. JONAH (Unsure.) W...whats... I mean... are you alright? Dyou want me to... yknow, leave? SEAN (Slurring.) N-no, its not you, its j-just, nows not been a great month or so for me. Sean lets out a drunken laugh which quickly becomes another sob. Jonah raises a hand to Seans shoulder, but drops it back down, looking perplexed. JONAH It does seem like... I meanSEAN (Bluntly.) Seem like what? Jonah looks taken aback for a second, before Sean speaks again. SEAN (CONTD) (Speaking more softly.) S-sorry... what does it seem like?




JONAH (Carefully.) It seems like (pause) like theres something wrong... I mean, a place like this on your own salary, you dont seem the type to... wellJonah looks at some dirty plates on the floor and the remains of the broken wine bottle. JONAH (CONTD) -it doesnt seem to suit you, this mess. Sean lets out a bitter laugh and nods. SEAN (Slurred.) You- (pause) you know those days, where you dont give a fuck about anything, and all you wanna do is lay there. Jonah looks unsure, but nods and stares at Sean. SEAN (CONTD) Lay there in your own shit, because you dont have the energy to even care about anything other than you? And even then, you dont feel like you deserve half a chance anyway? (Pause.) Well, live like that for a month or so and see if the mess suits you. JONAH Im sorry, I- (Pause.) I mean... are you getting help, orSEAN (Still slurring.) I dont need help man, Im not a nutcase. I just- (pause) I just cant keep it up, yknow? Im sick of giving it my all. Im sick of opening up to people for them to just fuck me over. Sean places his head in his hands as Jonah looks on speechless, suddenly Sean straightens up. SEAN (CONTD) Jesus, look at me. I met you tonight and Im talking all this shit. Bet you dont know what the hell to say... fuck, Im sorry (MORE) (CONTINUED)



SEAN (CONTD) (contd) mate, I just get drunk and think its okay toJONAH Woah-woah, wait. Clearly youve been keeping this... this breakdown bottled up and I mean, I aint exactly sober right now, so no hard feelings. You (pause). Jonah looks unsure for a second before getting up off the sofa and sitting next to Sean. Placing a hand on his arm, he carries on talking. JONAH (CONTD) (Slurred.) You vent away, it might do you good. Both men laugh awkwardly, a smile lingering on their faces. SEAN There isnt even much to it... His smile fades. SEAN (CONTD) Its just... two times in the past few months, Ive fucked up a relationship you know? Two times Ive ended up hurt. I mean, I ruined things with Will. I just, didnt realise what we had until Id already fucked around. And before that, the one time I get serious with someone, I end up hurt still. I just cant win. Sean stares down and sighs. JONAH Look... if you dont wanna talk its ok, I mean, we did onlySEAN The worst thing about Harry was how I felt after. How he made me feel. He said I clung to much. That after a month or so I was expecting too much. I was thinking, maybe Id read the signals wrong. But then there you go. There were signals and theres only so much you can get wrong. I know. I know it wasnt (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: SEAN (contd) all me, that he mustve been a dick to do what he did. But still, it fucking hurt. JONAH But there, you said it. Theres only so much a person can misinterpret, he must have wanted something at some point for you to get that from him. You shouldnt feel bad, hes the one who hurt you, you just wanted more after hed set the ball rolling.


Sean looks up at Jonah, Jonah smiles, but Sean does not return it. SEAN I suppose Im just scared, you know. Im either gonna go to deep into things and scare the fuck out of people, or just be too scared to tell them how I feel til its too late. Sean stares down at his hands which are shaking slightly, as Jonah takes him by the chin, and turns Sean towards him. JONAH Maybe for now, you just need to take your mind off it. Maybe you need to, I dont know, find a middle ground or something? SEAN I... I dont know what you... Jonah moves in for a kiss. For a second, Sean hesitates, before kissing back. SEAN Are you sure you wanna do this, I mean... Im justJONAH Shhh. I want you to know. If things were different. If I was staying here in England, maybe we couldve had something. Maybe its the drink talking, or maybe I feel bad for you, I dont know. But... right now, Im sure that I wanna make sure you dont forget me, especially if you do this every night. (CONTINUED)



Jonah grins as he moves forwards and kisses Sean again, reaching under his vest and pushing him back onto the sofa. FADE TO BLACK. INT. SEANS BEDROOM. MORNING. The sun shines softly through the closed blinds, reflecting off the numerous bottles and cans onto the bare walls. Sean and Jonah are asleep in eachothers arms. INT. SEANS LIVING AREA. DAY. Sean is standing next to the open front door as Jonah puts on his shoes. Theyre both visibly hungover; Jonahs hair is messy and they have dark circles under their eyes, moreso Sean. As Jonah stands and begins to walk out of the door, he stops and turns towards Sean. They stare at eachother for a moment, both opening their mouths as if to speak, but both men remain silent. Sean leans in and hugs Jonah, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he does. The hug is one-armed and stiff. After breaking apart, Jonah takes a last glimpse at the apartment before awkwardly smiling, and leaving. As his footsteps fade down the corridor Sean closes the front door and turns, surveying his apartment. Expressionless, he walks to the main window. Pausing once he reaches it, he slowly opens the blind, letting in the sunlight which shines off the white walls and chrome furniture. His face breaks into a small smile, as he lets out a small laugh and shakes his head. Walking into the kitchen, he takes a white bin bag out of a drawer, and begins clearing away some of the bottles and cans from the kitchen counters.

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