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Question No.

1. Which is an appropriate health teaching about angina pectoris? a. Take sublingual nitroglycerin every 3 min for a maximum of 5 doses b. If the pain lasts for 5 minutes, seek medical attention c. Take nitroglycerin and seek medical attention if short of breath. d. All of the above

2. You are administering health teaching to a client with type 2 diabetes. Which should you not include in your instruction? a. Advise client to wear socks. b. Soak foot in warm water. c. Clean and dry foot thoroughly. d. Assess skin integrity of the foot.

3. A diabetic female is asking a caregiver to describe her medical condition. What should be the response of the caregiver?
a. It is contagious. b. It is reversible. c. It is metabolic. d. It is infectious.

4. A 30 y/0 factory worker states that before he had a seizure, he got an episode of a familiar feeling but he cannot remember walking around senselessly as his friends, who saw everything, were saying. What kind of seizure did he most likely have?
a. tonic clonic b. complex partial c. simple focal d. tonic

5. After warning signs have been shown, an epileptic client is now about to undergo a tonic-clonic seizure attack. What should a caregiver initially do?
a. Dial the emergency number. b. Do not put anything in his mouth. c. Protect the head. d. Turn to recovery position.

6. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding an absence seizure?

a. It is formerly known as petit mal. b. It is characterized by staring spells. c. It affects a localized part of the brain. d. It is characterized by an abnormal electrical brain activity.

7. Mrs. Robinson, 70 y/0, was diagnosed with stage 3 Alzheimer's Disease. Which of the following will she LEAST likely have?
a. seizure attacks b. wandering c. incontinence d. incomprehensible sounds

8. An open-minded caregiver _________.

a. responds to needs of a client on time b. carefully addresses client's health concern c. listens to the suggestions of others d. performs her duties according to standards

9. Which of these devices offer the greatest amount of stability?

a. single-tip cane b. pair of axillary crutches c. pair of Lofstrand crutches d. quadruped cane

10. Caregiver Annie is taking care of a client with moderate Alzheimer's Disease. Of the following interventions, which should she not do?
a. Simplify client's environment. b. Reduce noise level in the area. c. Perform exercises on alternate days. d. Validate client's feelings.

11. A client with Parkinson's Disease often manifests which of these initially?
a. rigidity of muscles b. postural instability c. resting tremor d. absence of movement

12. Margie, 50 y/0, is currently having a hypoglycemic attack. Which of these would you not expect to see from her?
a. dry skin b. increased heart rate c. weakness d. shaking

13. Which of these is least likely to increase the risk of diabetes mellitus?
a. Age 50 y/0. b. Giving birth to a 6-lb baby. c. HDL less than 45 mg/dL. d. Obesity

14. Which of the following does not involve Right to Left shunting blood?
a. tetralogy of Fallot b. patent foramen ovale c. truncus arteriosus d. overriding of the aorta

15. After a series of examination, a doctor confirmed the diagnosis of a child as TOF. Which of these does not correctly describe the child's condition?
a. pulmonary stenosis b. left ventricular hypertrophy c. overriding of the aorta d. ventricular septal defect

16. A 55 y/0 businessman learned that he has a right-sided heart failure. Which of these will least likely be assessed in him?
a. hepatomegaly b. crackles c. jugular vein distention d. ankle edema

17. The gradual decrease in body temperature after death is correctly termed as ______.
a. livor mortis b. rigor mortis c. algor mortis d. edgar mortis

18. What should be done immediately in case a client suffers from a hypoglycemic attack?
a. Monitor ABC's. b. Perfom CPR. c. Administer 5 oz orange juice. d. Give an insulin shot.

19. An autistic child has which of these?

a. extra chromosome number 21 b. intelligence delayed for his age c. impaired social interaction d. all of the above

20. A 60 y/0 social worker had her blood sugar level tested after not eating for eight to ten hours and had a result of 100 mg/dL. What does this number indicate?
a. normal blood sugar level b. pre-diabetic case c. diabetic case d. none of the above

21. A caregiver teaching a client with COPD pulmonary exercises should do which of the following? a. Incorporate pursed lip breathing. b. Limit exercises based on respiratory acidosis c. Take breaks every 10-20 minutes with exercises. d. Encourage repetitive heavy lifting exercises that will increase strength.

22. Which is not an appropriate caregiver intervention to help a COPD client maintain an effective breathing pattern? a. Encourage pursed-lip breathing. b. Administer high flow oxygen. c. Teach diaphragmatic breathing. d. None of the above

23. When should you call the doctor when handling a client with known tonic-clonic seizures?
a. Victim is diabetic b. Seizure lasted for one minute c. Victim had loss of consciousness d. All of the above

24. A random glucose level of 190 mg/dL indicates which of the following? a. normal b. pre-diabetes c. diabetes d. none of the above

25. A child who has an IQ of 55 has

a. borderline retardation b. moderate retardation c. profound retardation d. normal IQ level

26. Which of the following shall least likely alert you that your client is having a heart attack?
a. profuse sweating b. stabbing chest pain c. numbness in the legs d. restlessness

27. This correctly describes chronic bronchitis. a. Productive cough for 3 consecutive years, for at least 2 months b. Productive cough for 2 consecutive years, for at least 2 months c. Productive cough for 2 years, for at least 3 months d. Productive cough for 3 years, for at least 3 months

28. Client: I couldn't manage to eat any dinner last night not even the dessert. CG: You had difficulty eating yesterday. a. Seeking clarification b. Summarizing c. Restating d. Changing topics

29. CG: Let us discuss other areas of interest to you rather than the two problems you keep mentioning. a. Reassurance b. Probing c. Rejecting d. Giving common advice

30. A client wants to know more about Parkinson's Disease. Which of these phrase is the most appropriate response? a. Low levels of acetylcholine in the brain b. Degeneration of the substantia nigra c. Dysfunction of the cerebellum d. All of the above

31. Emphysema is characterized by which of the following? a. Inflammed bronchial linings b. Enlarged air sacs c. Hypersensitive bronchi d. Increased mucus production

32. A patient who is terminally ill with cancer is in tears, unable to cope with the changes in her life and current hospitalization. The caregiver's best approach is to: a. ask the patient questions in order to obtain detailed history b. ignore the tears and focus on client care c. encourage denial so she can cope better with challenges d. take time now to allow patient to express her fears and frustrations

33. After mastectomy, a patient receiving home care cannot accept the loss of her breast. She reports being weepy all the time with loss of sleep. She is constantly tired and has no energy to do anything. The best action the caregiver can take is: a. contact her primary physician and request a psychological consult b. tell the nurse to monitor the patient closely c. tell her depression is common at first, but will resolve with time d. have her spouse observe her closely for possible suicidal tendencies

34.. Correct procedure for 2-point crutch gait. a. R crutch, L foot, L crutch, R foot b. R crutch and L foot, L crutch and R foot c. R crutch and R foot, L crutch and L foot d. R and L crutches, affected foot

35. You client was scheduled to have a bypass one week from now. He asks you abut the consequences and risks of the procedure. What should you do? a. Explain how bypass graft is done. b. Assure him that everything will be fine. c. Refer the client to his surgeon. d. Do not answer at all.

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