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I am extremely thankful for the support given to me during the completion of my dissertation. I want to thank my tutor, who gave me the opportunity to accomplish this project and guided me at each point of the dissertation. Additionally I also want to thank my team members who helped me in the compilation and evaluation of data, for research in order to have relevant results for the research report.

Training and development is one of the essential parts of in any of the organization. Training is an important tool for development of employees and has assumed great significance due to unprecedented rate of change in the internal and external environment of company. The main purpose of these programs is to assess the effect of change in the behavior of employees so as to enable them to meet the present and future requirements of their tasks and roles. Training is used as an instrument of behavior change that must be carried out in a systematic manner, a careful designed training program must undertake all the phases that is beginning from the analysis of organization to evaluation of training program in order to notice the effect of training sessions on the individual and on the job performance and the overall efficiency of the various departments and organization on a whole. The effectiveness in planning of a career in any of the firm largely depends on the extent to which training and development opportunities are made available to workforce to enable them to recognize their own growth potential and to make contributions towards achievement of the organizational aims and objectives. Training and development activities are the main mechanisms through which any individuals goals and aspirations can be integrated with the firms goals and requirements. The report is mainly intended to study the impact of training and development programs in the hospitality industry and the significance of these programs on raising the level of motivation among the employees. Primary data has been collected through questionnaire and response of employees of the Taj, hotel are accumulated through survey method. Secondary data is accumulated through books, journals and articles. . Study has been done to accomplish the conclusion and recommendations and is evaluated in the research that training of employees plays a very significant part in the service industry and makes the employees fell motivated.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Literature Review................................................................................................................................ 1 Company Background ........................................................................................................................ 2 Research Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 2 Research Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 2 - Literature Review................................................................................................................. 3 Training and Development ................................................................................................................. 3 Need for training and development ..................................................................................................... 4 Training methods and techniques ....................................................................................................... 7 Significance of training and development in the Hospitality Industry................................................ 8 Training and Development Programs in Taj Palace, Dubai .............................................................. 10 Chapter 3 -Research Methodology ....................................................................................................... 13 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Research Aims and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 13 Research Approach and Philosophy ................................................................................................. 14 Sample Selection ............................................................................................................................... 15 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 16 Validity and Reliability ..................................................................................................................... 16 Ethical Considerations ...................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 4- Findings and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 18 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Thematic Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 18 Chapter 5 -Conclusion and Recommendation ...................................................................................... 23

Chapter 1- Introduction
Introduction Training and development programs are an ongoing process and very essential for the success of organizations Employees are considered as assets who are responsible for success of any organization. In a workplace, people from various social groups come and work under one umbrella as a team. Organizations are facing tough competition today globally, so it has become essential that the workforce should be made capable enough to meet the challenges and goals of the organization. For this reason, proper training and development programs are required for employees. in order to guide them to achieve the business goals and to perform in a better way (Rae, 2000). Literature Review Training and development aim towards optimum utilization of the available human resource in the management, and it also helps an individual to achieve organizational as well as their own personal goals. It aids to present an opportunity and a wide structure for the growth of the workforce. The skills imparted could be about the technical knowledge of the work or the behavioral skills that are required in every individual to work in a team, with harmony in the organization. Training and development programs help in the development of productivity of the workforce and improve the culture of the firm. Such programs build a positive environment among the workforce and strong team spirit. Hence all this factors help motivate employees to perform their job effectively, and a sense of belongingness is also developed for the organization (Kozlowski and Salas, 2009).

Company Background This research project focuses on the training and development processes and policies that are followed in Hotel Taj Palace at Dubai UAE. Taj Palace Dubai is a five deluxe star hotel and is known all around the world for the world class hospitality offered to its guests. It caters its guests luxurious facilities and well serviced apartments Situated in the heart of the city, the hotel has 147 luxury rooms, 10 executive suites 90 deluxe apartments and 2 royal suites equipped with modern facilities. Taj promises to cater excellent services and offers immaculate facilities for an unforgettable stay. Research Aims and Objectives The main aim of the study is to find out the benefits of training and development programs for employees working in Taj hotel, Dubai. The objectives have been summarized below: To analyze the benefits of the training programs imparted to the employees in Taj hotel. To assess the methods of training and development programs being carried out in Taj for the employees. To suggest recommendations to the management of the hotel that might aid in the improvement of the human resource practices. Research Methodology Appropriate research methodology selection helps to assess the research problem in an effective manner. In this research, questionnaire method will be used for the collection of the primary data and other secondary information would be collected through various journals and articles will be reviewed to know about the entire hospitality industry. The survey would be conducted among the managers of the human resources working in Taj and as well as among the employees of the hotel to get a proper response. The size of the sample would be in a total of 30 respondents that will include 10 managers and 20 employees of the hotel. The researcher will be using both the close and open ended questions in the questionnaire. The researcher will try to finish the survey within the set time period and all the constraints for ethics will be sustained in the research and information that would be collected from the survey would be kept confidential. (Bryman and Bell, 2007).

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Chapter 2 - Literature Review

Training and Development Training and development is crucial in every organization that enables the workforce to enlarge the skills and capabilities that are required to augment the bottom line results for an organization. An organization is made of the people and by the people who are working with it and drives for the excellence of the company The success of any organization depends upon the behavior and performance of the people comprising the firm. In the earlier days people were considered as a liability for a company because during the past days the labours were not permitted to put in any additional input to the organization and were expected to perform only the assigned work whereas, today they are mostly considered as a resource and an asset for the organization and are allowed to actively take part in every part of the organization. In order to attain the best from the employees, organizations need to perform various activities with the help of which they could be motivated enough to accomplish their tasks. One of the key factors in this respect is the training and development programs designed for the employees which help them to acquire knowledge about new tools and technologies and also encourages the employees to develop interpersonal skills amongst each other (Cartwright, 2003). The success of career planning in an organization solely depends on the amount to which opportunities for training and developments are made available for the people of that organization. This facilitates them to comprehend their potential for growth and to contribute in the achievement of the organizational aims and objectives. Today organizations have become large and versatile in nature, with the advent of new technologies and advancement of industrialization. It is a known fact that human resource planning constitutes an essential part of corporate planning and serves any organization in varied ways. Every organization is basically an organization of humans and they require people to achieve the vision, missions and aims of that particular organization. It requires people to get the tasks completed and proper training is essential for the introduction of people in the company. Human resource includes many dimensions within it and one of the significant areas is that of training and development programs (Schneier, 1994).
Comment [M2]: Why were they considered differently before? What has changed? Comment [M1]: A decade is 10 years. Whats changed since 2002?

Comment [M3]: Sure the organisation is only concerned with the growth of those potentialities that serve the organization and is completely indifferent to those that dont/

The main aim of training is to develop precise and functional skills, knowledge and practices; it is anticipated to train people to perform determined work in a well defined manner. Training is basically a job oriented activity aimed towards improving the performance of the employees in the present job. Whereas, development includes the whole complex process through which employees learn, grow, and progress their abilities to perform a wide range of activities within and outside the organization (Pike, 2003). Development programs help people to attain socially desirable attitudes and values and also aim to improve an individuals

abilities to accomplish a professional task. Training and development involves learning various tasks on the job and experiencing self-development. These types of programs are an essential part for the overall development of the employees at workplace and are useful in the development and spread of knowledge. Training and development is a core ingredient in order to improve the performance of the workforce and could be provided on the job or off the job, and helps the strategic objective of an organization. It could be said that training plays a vital part in offering learning opportunities to the employees of any organization and permits them to optimally contribute in attaining the short and long term organizational objectives (Kirkpatrick, 1975). Need for training and development The need for training and development among the employees in an organization has been recognized as a very essential activity and is an ongoing process in any organization. A well designed training programs aims at providing learning opportunities in all areas, though the importance may differ on the basis of specific requirements of people and work. All the activities related to training and

development must be in line with the precise needs of both the individual employee and the organization as training augments the level of skill of a worker and provides a sense of satisfaction that motivates them to perform efficiently and attain the organizational objectives, this results into increased customer satisfaction that augments the business of the organization. . Need for training in a company could arise due to various factors it may be due to changes in the technology or need to enhance the productivity of the workforce or could be to develop strong interpersonal skills among the employees. The reason could be varied but the benefits are enormous and are intangible in nature that could be experienced by the organization and the

employee after a longer duration. One of the significant benefits that these programs provide is that it offers specific skills to the employees within the organization that minimizes the overall cost of operations of the company. (Janes, 2002). Many of the organizations depend upon the specific development of the workforce at various levels and tend to allocate priority to each other for the purpose of training. Some of the conditions that have increased the importance of training and development sessions in an organization are: Increased gap between the planning and implementation of any project. Changing technologies that necessitate acquisition of new skills. Qualitative changes in the form of specialization of the managerial personnels and the labor force. High degree of uncertainties and complexities in the external environment that makes it very important to be flexible and adaptive towards the responses. Requirements for every individuals and firm to grow at a rapid pace. To manage the global challenges.
Comment [M4]: What does this mean?

As, discussed above training is an important tool for the overall development of an employee and has assumed great significance because of the unique rate of changes in the internal and external atmosphere of the organizations (Noe, 2000).The main purpose of these programs is to achieve changes in the behavior of employees so as to allow them to manage the present and future requirements of their tasks and role. The first and the foremost requirement are to identify the specific need for training and development in the organization which involves the following: Organizational analysis- it involves the study of the entire organization in terms of its aims, objectives, distribution and utilization of available resources in order to achieve the aims and objectives. The principle for training in any organization is developed through a process that involves sequential following up of sub-processes to acquire the desired results. Firstly, objectives are being analyzed that provides us a vivid understanding of both short and long term goals. Review of the objectives and their consequent amendment in the context of the changing environment need to be done at regular periods (Hunt and Michael, 1983). Secondly, evaluation of the available resources should be taken into account and it should be checked that proper utilization of the resources are done in order to meet the precise operational targets across the organization. After this the third step is to scan the external environment, it involves

an analysis of the socio, political and economic factors that will enable an organization to assess the environment in which it is operating. Lastly, the firms need to manage the organizational climate that reflects the attitude of the members towards various aspects of supervising, work, procedures of the company and aims and objectives of the organization. An assessment of the organization will enable both the employer and the employee to be precise with the requirements of the work and how the performance could be enhanced which would help in attaing the strategic objectives of the company. Training is crucial for the development and success of organization and will aid in attaining higher productivity from the workforce (Chan, 2009).

Task Analysis- it entails a careful analysis of the tasks within any organization and is an effort to define the specific content of training .It requires a proper and systematic collection of data about the task and its main purpose is to gather information about the task in as much detail as possible. Particular attention is required to be paid for the purpose of formulating training programs at the time of collection of information about the job. This enables to perform the training sessions in an organization as an assessment of the task will help to understand the present working structure and the required training programs in the organization. Manpower Analysis it focuses on the individual rather than on the job itself, there are basically three issues involved in this analysis for the training purpose. Firstly, a thorough appropriate observation, evaluation and analytical testing to determine whether the performance is up to the desired and set standard and training is required or not (Laird, Holton and Naquin, 2003). Secondly, analysis needs to be done to analyze whether the present employees are capable of being trained in the specific areas in which training is required. Thirdly, it needs to be analyzed whether the present employees performance is substandard or could be improved through appropriate training programs (Cartwright, 2003). An evaluation of the capabilities of the workforce will help the trainer to implement the kind and level of training program in the organization. The training programs conducted will enhance the morale of the employees and also less supervision would be required as the productivity of employees would be enhanced.

Training methods and techniques In order to attain the best results from the training objectives, it is vital that a careful choice is made from a variety of academic tools, methods and different ways available for facilitating learning programs. Methods of training can be used interchangeably as a tool that can enable learners to acquire the preferred wisdom, sharpen the behavioral and performance skills and develop appropriate methods of action. There are a number of training techniques that have been developed and made use of in achieving various objectives of training (Wilson, 2004). Some of the widely used training objectives are as follows: Job Instructions Training it is a form of individual instruction by the superiors and is very much identical to coaching method. It mainly prepares the trainee in terms of the existing skills and in securing his interest and attention. Job Instructions Training presents the job operations in terms of what the trainee is required to perform and apply the instructions and then follow up the training programs. Coaching it is provided on the job by the supervisors in the area of precisely defined tasks. Coaching is more appropriate for the orientation of any new employee in the organization and also for helping the disadvantaged employees to learn specific jobs. The trainer in this case must have interpersonal competence and be able to establish a cooperative relationship with the team members. Programmed Learning it is a form of individual study, the programmed learning is more suited to meet the behavioral objectives and when non motor skills or knowledge are to be learned by a large number of employees (Saleh and Ryan, 1991). Throughout this program the trainer monitors the independent progress of the trainees and it basically allows the trainees to learn with the help of small series of steps and in phases that have their own speed. Job Rotation this method is also known as job enlargement/ enrichment, it is a form of on the job training method that gives emphasis on providing experience to the trainees in various types of jobs, locations and different departments. This method is generally more applicable for developing multiple skills, operational flexibility and giving a break from the mundane daily routine jobs as well as broadening of their overall perspective.

Lectures it is generally the most widely used technique of providing training that involves speaking to large number of trainees mainly from previously prepared notes. This method is more applicable in situations where similar information is required to be shared with a large number of audiences and where there is not enough time for implementing more participative methods. Lecture method also involves discussions sometimes and it encourages trainees to put up questions thus maintaining interest in the topic (Hoffman and Bateson, 2010). During the discussion various knowledge, ideas and thoughts are being freely exchanged between the trainer and the trainees. Role Plays this method helps the trainer to analyze the human relations problems, to develop insight through comprehensively assessing the problems that are related to interaction amongst humans and to attain skills in interpersonal communication with particularly laying emphasis on empathy and listening. During role plays a simulated situation is created in which the trainees act out the thoughts and behavior of persons in a particular role in the organization and are often played spontaneously and without any rehearsal (Schneier, 1994). Case Study this technique involves a diagnostic and problem solving study of usually a written description of some event or set of circumstances pertaining to organizational issues and providing relevant details about the same. Case study method is suitable for developing analytical and problem solving orientation and skills, providing practice in applying the management concepts and processes. This method is relevant in developing organizational, conceptual and various functional skills among the top members and senior executives of the organization. Significance of training and development in the Hospitality Industry The world is changing rapidly and enhancements in technology have facilitated increased global competition and collaboration, and people of an organization are the competitive advantage so, making the best use of an individuals ability has a tremendous significance and impact on the organization. Therefore, the human resource practices of an organization need to be cautiously considered and while implementing the training practices, the department should be able to deal with the consequences of the changing working culture of the world .This means that the people who are working in the human resource department need to be alert about the impact of globalization and the changing technology, diversity in the workforce,

shortage of labor, changes in the required skills and involvement of employees in a different manner. The changing global environment could positively or adversely impact the entire business operations therefore it is important that the human resource department should take adequate measures to overcome unfavorable situations (Sparrowe, 1994). One of the most crucial aspects in the human resource department is the training and development programs. Training of staff is a vital and indispensable part of any organization and helps the labor force to acquire the desired results. By scrutinizing the present climate of business and the swift growth of technology which is having a massive impact on the economy and society of a nation, the necessity for training programs in an organization has become pronounced than ever. In the present modern business of the hospitality industry where it is all about proficiency and expertise among people and where special focus is given on the quality of service that is being offered by the employees, it is vital that the staff needs to be trained according the climate and surroundings of the hotel in order to attain the organizational objectives. The level of service in any hotel depends upon the qualities of its employees; here the word quality means the wisdom, skills and ideas possessed by them that lead towards a hotels survival and development (Noe, 2000). Training of employees in the hospitality industry is imperative in many ways like it helps the people to enhance their productivity and employees are also fortified with different professional skills while attaining more knowledge and skills.. Training sessions also inspire and encourage the workforce to acquire all the required information related to work as it will help them to identify how important their tasks are within the context of the organisation. Training programs will also aid in developing enhanced interpersonal skills among the employees. In the case of any hotel, when guests arrive, they having a desired mindset regarding the service offered within the hotel and hence, they expect the same level of service provided by the hotel .Thus it becomes crucial for the hotel to meet those expectations in order to satisfy the guests (Chapman, 1995). Hospitality industry requires well trained employees as daily situations are always diverse in nature since every customer has a different level of desired expected service, and in order to live up to these, the workforce should be highly trained about the various situations that might arise on the job. In the hospitality industry training and development has a major role and and the first and foremost goal of this industry is to satisfy the guests by inculcating multi

tasking skills among the employees. The workforce of hotel industry needs to be well equipped with varied skills and should possess multi task performance ability because at any moment any of the staff members need to perform a job that may not be of his or her area of expertise. So, this multi tasking ability could be generated only with the help of training programs and other developmental skills could be imparted through diverse on the job training programs. To keep the customers content, the employees need to be motivated from time to time and should be provided training about the new technologies and trends that could help them to perform a job in an easier , more efficient and rapid manner. Employees in the hotel industry are especially trained to satisfy the guests and pay their full attention on the expectations of the customers. To attain this a consistency in behaviour is required among the employees as every customer perceives the service in a different so, to have a consistent workforce the employees need be well skilled, competent enough and knowledgeable about all the services offered by the hotel. This type of labor force can be acquired with the help of training and development programs (Training of Employees - Need and Importance of Training, 2008). Training and Development Programs in Taj Palace, Dubai The hotel Taj Palace, Dubai is five star deluxe hotel and is known worldwide for its excellent service and the scenic beauty which surrounds it. It is a group of IHCL i.e. Indian Hotel Company Limited and is founded by the Tata group which is present in more than 55 locations all around the world. The vision with which the Taj group is formulated is to offer luxurious service, the apex of Indian hospitality with all the modern amenities and facilities for business as well leisure clientele. Taj, Dubai offers a fine dining and living experience with all the luxurious amenities and is situated in the heart of the city. The hotel comprises of around 150 luxury rooms, 10 executive suites and more than 90 deluxe apartments and some royal suites that provide exclusive service for a memorable experience (Taj Company Information, n.d). The management of Taj, Dubai focuses a lot on the development and growth of the employees of the hotel. The hotel believes that employees are the key features who can offer tremendous service to its customers and can keep them satisfied. The hotel focuses a lot to satisfy its guests to their fullest and offer them a lifetime experience, to attain this a capable workforce is required who will ultimately offering
Comment [M5]: Much of this appears to be a general intro to Taj Palace training and not really part of the lit review.

the services to them so, it becomes crucial for the organization to train them efficiently that could boost their morale and enhance their productivity will offering services to their guests. For all this, the hotel pays a lot of attention on various training and development programs that can foster the efficiency of the workforce. The Taj management believes that employees are the real assets for their organization and hence it also provides them all the required facilities in order to perform their respective tasks effectively. Many of the training programs are organized in the hotel from time to time for the employees it includes both on and off the job trainings, employees are given the general training sessions like coaching, mentoring, role plays etc. Apart from the general training programs the hotel also implements unique programs to motivate its employees. One of the programs in this respect is the STARS that stands for Special Thanks and Recognition System . It is basically an initiative that has been aimed to motivate the employees to go beyond their usual duties and task and also have fun on the job. This program also aims to acknowledge and reward the employees who have performed tremendously and outstandingly and proven their hard working nature (Roggers, 2012). The hotel also believes that their business endurance is mainly due to the employees and consider them to be the real assets for the organization and in this respect, the hotel introduced one more training program TPP that is Taj People Philosophy. The TPP approach covers all the aspects of the people practices in the hotel and it focuses on every employees career from his or her joining in the organization to the time of retirement. This concept aims towards three major areas i.e. work processes and systems, training and development of people and welfare of the employees. By implementing the TPP program a change has been marked in the hotel as every employee of the Taj group were from then onwards considered as an important member of the Taj family. Further the hotel always endeavors to retain and reward the best talent of the organization and the hotel implemented formal channels of communication that would promote transparency in the organization (Laird, Holton and Naquin, 2003).These measures helped the hotel to offer world class service to its guests and make a mark in the service sector industry. Taj, Palace also implemented diverse training programs for its staff members like training them about the 360 appraisal system in which feedback of an employee is taken from all the different areas and departments and based on that, they are provided rewards and remuneration respectively. This motivates them to inculcate cross-departmental skills. Therefore,

from all the above discussions it could be said that the hotel is focusing a lot on varied training programs in order to effectively utilize its valuable resource that is employees (Chapman, 1995). Training and development is an important tool for the development of the employees and has presumed great significance due to the extraordinary rate of change in the internal and external environment of the organization. The main purpose of training in the hospitality industry is to mark changes in the employees behavior in such a way so as to enable then to meet the current and prospect requirements of their tasks, roles and responsibilities. A carefully designed training program must take into consideration all the phases beginning from organizational study through design and organization of various training programs to evaluating the influence of these sessions on the individual performance and the overall performance of the employees.


Chapter 3 -Research Methodology

Introduction The main purpose of the research chapter is to present the theoretical statements that are underpinning the survey of the project and to introduce the strategy and the various techniques that are applied during the research process. This section of the report defines and explains the method that is being set up in the study and presents the practical project of the study. The way in which the research is being conducted should be convinced of in terms of the philosophy, strategy and the various research instruments that are being developed in the achievement of a particular aim and the pursuit of solution for a problem (Remenyi, 2010). Research methodology defines the diverse possibility and limitations of the study and positions the research between existing research and traditions in information system. This chapter focuses on accumulation of a data with a precise reason. The data collected could be for a theoretical or practical project reports (Gibaldi, 2010). The definitive aim of this section is to find out the fact which is hidden and has not been revealed till date, and discover the appropriate solutions for the issue with the help of systematic process and applications. Research methodology in any of the survey could be known as the backbone of the report and that is based on all the systematic outcomes and helps in assessing information about the present trends of the market, competitive analysis and about the target customers. Here, in this report this chapter will give a detailed and adequate awareness about the study conducted to assess the importance of training and development programs for the employees of Taj, palace Dubai. The researcher will explicate and rationalize the selection of research approaches which have been used in the survey to assess the results. The research has been accomplished in the Taj, palace Dubai which is one of the biggest hotels of world and is a group of the the IHCL (Indian Hotel Company Limited) that was founded by the major group of TATA. Taj, palace situated in the heart of Dubai is a five star hotel and is recognized for offering admirable service to its guests all around the world (Augnis and Kraiger, 2009). Research Aims and Objectives The main aim of the study is to evaluate the various benefits of training and development programs for employees working in Taj, palace Dubai. In context of the study the objectives of the research are as follows:

To study the benefits of the training programs imparted to the employees in Taj hotel. To assess the methods of training and development programs being carried out in Taj for the employees. To suggest recommendations to the management of the hotel that might assist in the improvement of the human resource practices.

Research Approach and Philosophy Research philosophy is an idea regarding the method, in which the data in respect of an event should be assembled, scrutinized and taken in use, the philosophical assumption underlying in any of the project comes from the interpretive practice. In order to maintain the process of methodology it is very much significant to precede the pattern of research with an appropriate research philosophy. Research philosophy is mainly of two types that are positivism and interpretivism (Gill and Johnson, 2002). Two of the methods are beneficial in the selection of an appropriate approach for the survey. Positivism philosophy generally focuses on facts, develops hypothesis and then evaluates them, this method is mainly suitable for large samples in the survey. Interpretivism pays attention on the meaning and develops idea through induction from data and investigates smaller samples over a period of specified time period. Research approach helps in increasing the effectiveness of the report, in any report the approach could be quantitative or qualitative (Miles and Huberman, 1994). In this report the researcher will be using the interpretivism philosophy that will help in understanding what is actually happening in the survey and will look at the totality of every section of the report. Further, the researcher will be using a qualitative approach to analyze the outcomes of the survey conducted. Qualitative approach will assist in accumulating, analyzing and extracting out the hidden meaning and importance of training and development programs in the hospitality industry, it will also enable the researcher to experience and understand the existing training programs of the Taj, hotel and in attaining information that could be widespread in other larger groups. Qualitative data will be collected for this report by accomplishing an interview among the managers and the other employees of the hotel and would try to evaluate the existing training and development programs of the hotel and the

advantages that the employees are attaining from these types of programs (Perry, 1998). After the collection of the data analysis would be done with the help of the thematic analysis, for the interview the researcher would distribute a questionnaire among the respondents that will include both open and closed ended questions as both the method will be useful in assessing the data. Since the survey includes some of the core strategies of the organization, so the sample of the respondents will also include some of the managers of the Taj, palace Dubai. The ultimate aim of the survey is to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and development programs among the employees of the hotel so, it becomes crucial to include personnels from the managerial level also to accumulate their views and ideas on the training methods (Walliman and Baiche, 2001). Sample Selection Sampling is convenient in nature and saves the time of the researcher to process the research. It is one of crucial factor in any of the survey and presents a range of methods that reduces the amount of required data to be collected by taking into contemplation only data from a sub-group other than all the probable fundamentals. During the collection of the data it should be kept in focus that the sample is large enough to present a valid data and should not be too much time taking to gather the data. The sampling approach is mainly used in the collection of a appropriate sample for collection of a primary data and diverse strategies are available in this context that mainly divides it into two main parts that is probabilistic sampling and non probabilistic sampling methods (Goddard and Melville, 2004). In this research report the researcher will be using the random sampling method as it is one of the purest forms of sampling and helps in the selection of a sample in a reasonable manner. This method has been selected because in it each member has an equal chance of being selection in the population and also assures the management that the research is being carried out in an ethical manner without violating any of the individuals value or interest. In this report the size of the sample would be of 30 respondents and will include the managers and employees of the organization. In the questionnaire the researcher framed both open and closed ended question in order to analyze the influence of training and development on an individual employees performance and the various support that are being provided by


the management to its staff member to attain the organizational goals (Jackson, 2008). Data Analysis Data analysis is a defined set of methods that is used to understand the accumulated data and transform it into required information. It basically helps in composition of the outcomes from various sources and attains meaningful insights of the gathered data. The first and the foremost prerequisite is to ensure the quality of the data and helps in keeping the biasness of human being away and concludes the survey with the help of a appropriate statistical statement. This section is one of the significant parts of research and presents a proper meaning base to the evolved critical decisions. It carries importance for both the research and the researcher to identify the problem and helps to complete a survey (Johnson, 2012). In this research report data collected data would be analyzed using the qualitative approach, for this thematic analysis is proposed to be done. Qualitative research will help in identifying the individual themes for analyzing the data, firstly proto themes would be identified and then names of the finalized themes would be given followed by a detailed description of the meaningful approaches with some extracts from the actual questions that will assist in communicating a proper message (Strohmenger, 2011). Validity and Reliability Validity helps in assessment of the exactness of the derived results and focuses that valid data is being collected to assess the results. In it multiple methods of evidence are being derived and form a sequence of evidence for the research report. It helps in estimating the accuracy of the survey and the conclusion replicates the objective of the study. Reliability aims towards the uniformity and standardization of the derived results from the survey and the probability that parallel results could have been derived if the activities used in the report were fundamental. It pays attention on the accuracy and certainty of a specific finding. In this section focus is been given to avoid the critical situations that might arise at the time of survey (Merriam, 2009). The crisis that might occur and could influence the outcomes of the study is lack of wisdom of the respondents or having a negative approach towards the interview conducted in the study. During the process of research the researcher has put various efforts to determine the most suitable respondents who are having proper

understanding of the research area. The interview for the respondents was being scheduled by matching the comfortable time zone of the respondents in order to reduce the pressure on the population that may be possible due to any of the factors. In order to make the interview session simple and easy, a handbook guide was also being designed that reflects the model of the questions, and the survey was organized in a manner that the researcher can retrieve any of the matter. To analyze all these results maintaining reliability would help in elimination of variations in the final results (Roberts, 2010). Ethical Considerations Ethics defines that what is honorably and officially right while conducting a research. Conducting a research itself involves several issues and problems that the researcher should keep in mind, there should be ethical concern on every walk of the research. It requires that the researcher should possess ample of knowledge regarding the research what is to be done and should provide proper logical reasoning while making decisions and should be intellectual and honest in the reporting approach (Babbie, 2010). In this research the researcher will be focusing on few of the ethical points like the survey should not harm any of the individuals thoughts and sentiments, other than this proper privacy concern for the data should be maintained i.e. in no case anyones personal identity should be revealed among others and the respondents should not be forced to take part in the survey rather it should be voluntary participation. Furthermore the respondents ought to be informed about the ultimate aim and objective of the research and why they have been selected for the study and any of the respondents could withdraw from the survey at any point of time. In this report all the ethical factors should be given focus and need to follow the common that is correct for individual, group and society.


Chapter 4- Findings and Analysis

Introduction Data analysis is a broad summary of all the results that has been derived from the research; it lists the main end result drawn from the ultimate tests which were carried out with certain aims and objectives. There are numerous methods of data collection for a research project which depends on the methodology that will provide the most applicable results. The researcher has to find out the methods that will be utilized to attain the information; data analysis provides an apparent image of the research project as being performed basically in two methods i.e. quantitative and qualitative analysis (Miles and Huberman, 1994). Data analysis is the most composite and mysterious part of the report that explains the ultimate results of the research. In this report the questionnaire was designed after evaluating all the information that was acquired from the literature study and the various approaches on training and development. The researcher used both open and close ended questions in the questionnaire to get a clear image of the study and acquire the response of the respondents. The questionnaire begins with thorough information about the respondents and further questions were surrounded related to the issue. The total population in this project was strangely large and hence could not be enfolded in the study totally; this compelled the researcher to take a sample from the population that would represent the desired results. In this report the size of the sample would be of 30 respondents and will include the managers and employees of the organization (Silverman, 2006). Analysis The prepared questionnaire was distributed among the employees and some of the managers of the hotel; the survey was conducted among 30 respondents out of which response was collected from 25 respondents making it a response rate of 83%. In this research report the propose analysis is qualitative and in this context thematic analysis would be done, the assessment of the response collected is as below; Thematic Analysis Thematic analysis is a usual practice performed in a qualitative research that involves exploring through data to assess any persistent pattern (Pope, 2010). It is a cluster of associated category assigning similar meanings and generally appears


through the inductive analytic process that illustrates the qualitative pattern. Thematic analysis of the data is done through below mentioned steps1. Prepare the data for analysis 2. Analyzing the text and prepare memo of items of interest 3. Separating items of concern into proto themes 4. Construction of the ultimate form for each theme 5. Reporting of every theme (Stirling, 2001). Theme 1- Satisfied with current position When the respondents were asked that whether they are satisfied with their present job and the responsibilities or not, all the employees agreed on this. They said that they are very much pleased with their ongoing roles and responsibilities of their work. Respondents were also clear with their job aims and objectives (Bryman and Hardy, 2004). Findings High level of satisfaction among the employees of the hotel with their work and are very much clear with their job duties, response was positive about job satisfaction and employees do understand their position and duty in the organization. Theme 2 Adequate importance is given to training and development programs in the organization When the employees were asked that does sufficient amount of significance is given to training programs or not, on this the response accumulated was positive as near about all of them replied that the organization pays lot of attention on the training programs and timely arranges the sessions of developmental programs. Findings The hotel is conducting ample training programs and the employees are also contented with these programs (Govaert, 2010). These type of meetings are helps the employees to develop technical and interpersonal skills so, the management is focusing towards it and arranges timely training programs. Theme 3 Appropriate induction programs are offered to the newly joined When the respondents were inquired that did the management of hotel gives enough induction plans to the newly joined employees, on this majority of respondents have the same opinion and were pleased with the induction sessions organized by the management. Were having the opinions that these programs helped


any new employee to understand the work culture and their roles and responsibilities in the organization. Findings The acquired responses represent that management of Taj, hotel is conducting appropriate induction training sessions that helps the any of the new member in the organization to get acquainted with the working atmosphere. Induction programs help the management and the employees to define the roles and duties of any individual and ultimately achieve organizational aims (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Theme 4- Need for training sessions to attain a rounded and holistic approach towards work The respondents replied that they need time to time training programs to acquire a smooth and an all round development in their work, the response represents that the employees need these type of meetings so that they can develop strong interpersonal and holistic approach in their work. Findings The accumulated data represents that majority of employees want to widen their particular job skills and therefore require proper developmental assemblies, it defines that the employees as well as the managers both are very much interested in the organizational training and development programs. Theme 5 Helps in acquiring technical and behavioral skills When the respondents were asked that whether they gain any additional benefits from the training programs conducted, at this the response were in favor i.e. most of them be of the same opinion that it helped them to gain additional technical and behavioral skills. It aided the respondents to develop strong interpersonal and behavioral knowledge among each other. Findings Results gathered from this question reflects that majority of employees and management personnels knows the advantage of training assemblies and finds it very much helpful and interesting in acquiring more wisdom in their job (Harbecke, 2012). Theme 6 Actively participates in determining the training needed The population was asked that whether they actively participate in determining their own self the type of training required for them, on this most of the respondents agreed and accepted that many of the times they themselves tries to create the attention of management to start up the training sessions for them.


Findings From the analysis of this data it was accumulated that staff members are keen and actively participate in the training programs of hotel; this reflects that employees are also interested in developing strong analytical and technical skills about in all the areas of job. Theme 7 Training provides overall growth and development When the respondents were asked that did they find any type of benefit with these programs on this majority of response accumulated was positive and most of the respondents replied they find these sessions beneficial because it helps them to build in an overall growth and development in their work area. It also aids them towards attaining the desired organizational aims and objectives (Klein, Dansereau and Hall, 1994). Findings The response collected represents that these programs help them to acquire a all round and holistic approach towards their work and it becomes easy for the employees to attain the organizational goals as employees become familiar with their own respective roles and duties. Theme 8 Willing to participate in the training programs Respondents feedback was positive on asking whether they would like to participate in the training programs in future, nearly all of the employees responded that they would actively take part in the training sessions and would also like to accomplish more knowledge about their organizational objectives and how to achieve them. Findings From the assessment of this data it is clear that the respondents are very much keen in participating in the training programs that may be organized in future. It represents that the managers and employees are satisfied with the current developmental sessions and wants to acquire more interpersonal and behavioral skills through these programs (Patton, 2001). Theme 9 Positive impact of these programs When the managers and employees were inquired that what type of impact does training provides in their job, on this replied that they find it very much beneficial and these programs also helps them to gain more knowledge about the working culture and aids them in redefining the work in a easy manner.


Findings After studying the feedback and the response rate the collected feedback gives a optimistic approach that the employees of the Taj, hotel are satisfied with the present development meetings and wants to discover more of these type of programs in order to aid the management in acquiring their aims and objectives. Theme 10 Management should practice some off the job training programs When the respondents of Taj, were asked that would they like to recommend any personal suggestions in order to enhance the performance of the running training programs, on this most of the respondents have similar opinion that they very much contented with the ongoing programs only want some additional activities in the form of off the job training programs. The respondents have a belief that would like to have some fun activities off the job through which they can develop good relations with each other and a break from the regular hectic schedule could also be acquired (Bryman, 2006). Findings The result of the collected data imitates that the employees of the Taj, hotel wants few off the job training sessions from the management as the working hours in a hotel industry are very strong and tough. So, these types of programs would help them to get a off from the regular schedule and could also develop good interpersonal skills with each other. Conclusion The above retrieved data and its analysis represents that the employees and managers of the Taj, hotel are very much satisfied with the present training and development programs organized by the time and the respondents find these programs very much beneficial for them and regularly participate in these sessions (Ott and Longnecker, 2010).


Chapter 5 -Conclusion and Recommendation The main objective of training and development is to develop specific and useful knowledge, techniques and skills. It is intended to prepare people in order to carry out pre-determined tasks in the context of a well defined job. Training in general is a task oriented activity aimed towards enhancing performance of any individual in present or future jobs. Whereas, development possess the whole complex process through which the employees can learn, grow, progress their abilities to achieve a varied variety of roles within and outside the organization and attain socially pleasing approaches and values. Training and development is a vital input in offering learning opportunities to the employees of an organization and allows them to optimally contribute in attaining the short and long term objectives of the company (Sloman, 1999). The main effectiveness of a training program could be determined only with the specificity with which training need has been raised, it will firstly help in assessing the extent to which the required skills for a particular task have been obtained and used in enhancing an individuals level of productivity, secondly these programs will assist in determining the extent to which the individual interests, objective and potential have been met and appreciated for providing job satisfaction and growth of employee. Training and development involves learning various tasks on the job and experiencing self-development. These types of programs are an essential part for the overall development of the employees at workplace and are useful in the development and spread of knowledge (Philips and Jacobs, 2002). Training and development is a core ingredient in order to improve the performance of the workforce and could be provided on the job or off the job, and helps the strategic objective of an organization. It could be said that training plays a vital part in offering learning opportunities to the employees of any organization and permits them to optimally contribute in attaining the short and long term organizational objectives. This research report was accomplished to evaluate the significance of training and development programs in the Taj, hotel Dubai. In this context the report has explored the importance of training and development programs in organizations and how it motivates the workforce to perform in an effective manner (Mager, 1999). There are many other factors as well on which attention have been given while performing the research, reasons have been evaluated that these type of programs


helps the employees to understand the aims and objectives of the firm and develop strong interpersonal skills. The survey was carried out in one of the leading hotels i.e. Taj, palace Dubai; it is a five star deluxe hotel and is renowned all around for its world class service that it offers to its guests. As hotel is a service based industry so it becomes crucial for the management of the hotel to meet the expectations of its customers as it will help in brand building and for a positive word of mouth. Therefore, the organization need provide timely training and development programs to its employees as they are the ultimate people who meet the customers and fulfill their demands. In this respect an analysis was done to assess the performance and method of training programs that is being carried out by the Taj, hotel (Saks, Haccoun and Haccoun, 2011). In the hospitality industry training and development has a major role and the first and primary goal of this industry is to please the guests by inculcating multi tasking skills among the employees. The workforce of hotel industry needs to be well equipped with varied skills and should possess multi task performance and to keep the customers satisfied, the employees need to be motivated from time to time and should be provided appropriate training about the new technologies and trends that could help them to perform a job in an easier, more efficient and swift manner.. The management of Taj, Dubai focuses a lot on the development and growth of the employees of the hotel (Leberman, McDonald and Doyle, 2006). The hotel believes that employees are the key features who can offer tremendous service to its customers and can keep them satisfied. In this perspective the management of the hotel performs on the job training programs to its employees like coaching, mentoring and job rotation, the human resource department of hotel also carries out some of f the jib training modules in the organization. One of the unique programs in this respect the hotel performs is the STARS Special Thanks ad Recognition System in this the employees who have performed extremely well in their work are recognized, acknowledged and rewarded for their efficient work. It was observed that the hotel focuses a lot on the well being of its staff members and after the research conducted some of the factors was highlighted that the hotel gives due attention on the well being of its employees (Wexley and Latham, 1981). After the survey the result accumulated was analyzed thoroughly and it was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied with the current training and development programs that Taj, accomplishes for its workforce. The employees of the

hotel responded that most of the training sessions that are being performed in the organization are very much up to date and they find very much beneficial for their overall growth and development in the organization. The collected result also represents that the employees find these programs as an all round holistic approach towards work that also assists them in the development of their respective carrier (Swart, Mann, Brown, and Price, 2005). To conclude it can be said that the staff members are very much satisfied with the present training sessions of the organization and are contented with the quality of programs. Overall this research report has provided an extensive knowledge and wisdom about training and development programs in the hospitality industry. The researcher has carried out the survey among the employees of the Taj hotel and has come to a conclusion that the respondents are pleased with the services only on some of the issues they want some changes in the training programs (Bohlander, and Snell, 2009). Some respondents have agreed that as their schedule of working is very hard and hectic and sometimes requires a break from the regular sessions so, the management should try to practice some of the training modules that would help them to learn new methods and could also get some free time like more of off the job training methods. In this respect the researcher would like to recommend some of the factors to the management, from the analysis it was reflected that overall the employees are very much contented with all the motivational programs performed by the hotel, only on few of the factors they want some alteration like off the job training programs. There are numerous ways through which off the job development sessions could be carried out, off the job training helps the employees to get away from their regular working schedule to a place where their disappointment and bustle of work could be eliminate, these type of training programs provides more relaxed environment that can help an individual to acquire more information as they feel calm and comfortable without any pressure of performance (Hoffman, Kelley and Rotalsky, 1995). Off the job development sessions are mostly used away from actual work place and employees are not working like the lecture or classroom training method. This type of meetings can be precisely used for developing transferable skills that can be used in varied parts of business and it also helps the employees to understand each other and develop strong interpersonal skills (Kennedy and White, 1997).


Some of the off the job training methods that Taj, hotel could accomplish are simulation game theory, role plays, self study, sensitivity training etc. The management of the hotel could accomplish any of the above mentioned methods, as it would allow the staff members to focus on the objectives of learning without any pressure of work and will provide an opportunity to the busy employees to get away from the daily tasks and develop effective relationship with other team members. Attending these meetings would enable an individual to develop those skills that could be needed in future careers and these programs will also help the workforce to feel more attached and loyal towards the organization. (Butcher, Sparks and Callaghan, 2001). Therefore, it could be said that in total the research gave an immense understanding and wisdom about the various methods of training and development and how it motivates the workforce to accomplish the organizational aims and objectives. This research report also reflected the various programs being carried out by the Taj, hotel Dubai for the well being of its staff members and the survey also highlighted the areas where management of the hotel needs to bring in some of the changes and how these methods will assist both the employer and the employees to attain the ultimate goals of the organization (Kelley, 1992).


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