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Complete Sentences vs.

Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences

1) R: Piled or scattered waste materials caused the spread of bacteria and the disease-bearing bugs and rodents multiply and perils to health. Piled or scattered waste materials caused the spread of bacteria. The disease-bearing bugs and rodents multiply and perils to health. 2) S: National policy poses the environmental challenge as a vital and urgent concern of society as a whole. 3) F: Water supply a major problem in many parts of Manila. 4) S: Pollution is a serious problem that should concern everyone. 5) F: Participating in a fund raising campaign for the restoration of the forest. 6) R: The island ecology is inherently fragile, the depletion of forest lands, destruction of marine life, pollution of water resources, our diminished wilderness, dwindling flora and fauna constitute an unfolding crisis in our midst. The island ecology is inherently fragile; the depletion of forest lands, destruction of marine life, pollution of water resources, our diminished wilderness, dwindling flora and fauna constitute an unfolding crisis in our midst. 7) F: The clean, fresh air of countryside. 8) S: Our class had an excellent discussion about the environment at protection of the government. 9) R: Our supply of drinking water is dwindling and if we continue to pollute our stream as we are now. Our supply of drinking water is dwindling. If we continue to pollute our stream as we are now. 10) R: That night, the river overflowed its banks and spread over the lowlands thousands of people were left homeless by the time waters receded. That night, the river overflowed its banks and spread over the lowlands. Thousands of people were left homeless by the time waters receded.

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