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Code: 1996/008/117/325

POSTER # 96-12

Industry: Logging

Age: 24

Experience: A Few Years

Area: E. Kootenays

Drive defensively

Expect the unexpected on logging roads

A worker was killed when his crew truck collided with the tracks of a log loader. The log loader was being carried sideways on a low-bed truck. The log loader tracks extended about two feet over each side of the flatbed. The collision happened on a narrow stretch of icy logging road. Prevention alert: Do not create a wide-load situation on logging roads without informing all potential users of your movements. Use radio communication to chart your movements with other road users. Make sure all vehicles drive within the accepted speed limits and that driving speeds are reduced in poor road conditions.

This poster is part of an archival collection of WCB health and safety posters, dating from 1969 until the present time. At the time this poster was originally produced, it reflected the current WCB requirements. In all cases, today WCB regulation and requirements must be applied to the situation shown in each poster. s

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