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College: Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology26, Chandigarh Abstract for Robotics event AUTONOMIA:

A line follower is an autonomous bots which is capable of following a pre defined path. The path can be a black line or a white line or there should be that colours which reflects IR radiation at different intensity. Robot should read for identifying his position in some time, after that, the control system will create for robot some orders to respect components in purposes of making correct movements of the robot. The robot uses 6 IR LEDs (Tx) and 6 IR sensors (Rx) with distance between the two sensors is 1.25- 25mm. The first Rx receives an analog signal that depends on the intensity of light reflected by the black line of emitted beam by the TX. These signals are sent to the MCP comparator which creates digital signals (0 or 1) that are sent to Microcontroller AVR. The created signals by comparator are digital, with each set of formed digital signals by MCP, and activities of microcontroller robot knows how follow correct drawn line. Features of our prototype: It consists of 6 IR sensors. It is capable of taking 90 degree and other small turns. It contains two motors of 300 rpm each.

Line Follower robot is a versatile platform that allows developments of various applications. The modern structure, we can easily modify the possibility of functions and add some our new functions. The price, the machine is a good choice for inventions and new applications in human life.
PARTICIPANTS DETAILS: Name Manish Goyal Hitesh Walia Himanshu College name CCET-26, Chandigarh CCET-26, Chandigarh CCET-26, Chandigarh Contact details +91-9417777303 +91-9501292940 +91-9915848496

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