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)Add Data to ArcMap

This data is the National Hydro Network from (stored in a Personal Geodatabase) so that the length field is automatically populated) if using Shapefiles, a length field will need to be created to run Calculate Geometry

2.) Create a grid (I used Hawths tools in ArcGIS 9.3.1, I dont have Spatial Analyst right now)

3.) Extract from grid the polygons that overlay your area of interest

4.) Export the selection to a feature class or shapefile

5.) Populate a Unique Identifier in the Polygon Grid using Field Calculator (make a new text field, called UID) You can use the Add Field Tool or do it through the attribute table, make it Text

Deleting redundant fields

Use the following Expression in field calculator on the new field: abc_ & [ObjectID] + 1
The portion in Italics/Underlined is optional if your ObjectID starts at zero and not 1.

6.) Intersect the poly grid with the river lines

7.) Summarize the [UID] field in the new waterline_intersect feature which includes a sum of the waterlines that fall within that specific grid

8.) Join the summarized field back to the Grid using the UID field that is common in both of them (this has 1 to 1 cardinality)

9.) Export data to make join permanent

10.) Replace Null values with 0 using Field Calculator on the ShapeLength field that has the Line Length, not the Grid shape length (this field should have been removed earlier)

Selecting all features in Sum_Shape_Length that are null

Field calculator expression, just a single integer 0 without quotes or brackets of any kind

11.) Symbolize data using quantities in the symbolize tab, and change classes and distribution of values

Click classify

Break values have been adjusted, and Sampling is increased to include ALL records in the shapefile for the distribution (example, if records in shapefile are 14000, make sampling 15000)


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